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My eyes fluttered open from the annoying sunlight that hit my face. I lazily got out of bed and to the kitchen.

I jump in surprise to see this baby cute guy in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Morning Soojung" he smiled and waved at me.

"How do you know Soojung??" I said warily walking towards the table.

"You pointed a knife at me last night" he said waving the spatula around while he was talking. I scratched my head not knowing anything.

"Soojung want some breakfast?" He said scraping off the last of the scrambled eggs.

"Call me Bea never call me Soojung" i mumbled and took some eggs.

"Okay???" He said confused.

"Im Bambam if you dont remember" he said his back turned to me.

"Bam what?" I said swallowing my food.

"Bambam" he slowly said. I ahhed and nodded.


"Morning" i waved at Jackson and Mark.

"Guys its almost noon why did you guys just wake up?" Bambam said his hands on his hip.

"Sorry Mom" Jackson said with his arms up in defeat.

"I need to sleep more" Mark said in bablish words i tilted my head not knowing what he said.

"Mark she cant understand english" Bambam nudged Mark. I look down and focused on the show i was watching.

"What?" I said pretending i wasnt paying attention.



When Bea was sleeping i woke up and got ready. I put on a random sweater and ran towards the forest the cold sharp air cutting through my hair and hitting my pale face.

'A demon? What the fuck?!' I thought running to the forest and arrived at a familiar cabin.

"Krystal nice to meet you again" he said opening the door.

"Suho there's no time i have to ask you something" pushing him away and letting myself in his house.

"What is it?" He smiled closing the door behind him.

"I met a demon." I said clenching my fists.

"What?" He said bringing the usual tea.

"It tried to kill me but light came from my hands and it somehow killed the demon" i said sitting down staring at my palms.

"So you are the demon hunter" he said i looked up not knowing what it was.

"A what?" I asked running my hair through my hair.

"Demon hunter. Some people train all their lives to be one but there are people who are gifted to kill demons" he explained i furrowed my brows being so confused and new at everything.

"Take your sweater off" he commanded i hesitated but took my sweater off being left in my shirt in the freezing cold cabin. Suho held my shoulders and turned me around.


I turned Krystal around to meet silver lines popping out of her shoulders. I lifted the back of her shirt exposing an old clock engine silver marking forming in her back.

I've seen this happen before. It was a sign of power and great one. And its dangerous.

"What?" Krystal noticing my inconvenience. I cleared my throat.

"Its nothing i just had to check if you had any bruises from the demon it might be poisonous it'll kill you" no it wont. Someone like her with that marking she's practically invincible.

"Go back its almost sunrise" i said she nods putting her sweater on again and runs out of the door.

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