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I spit out the blood that rushed on my mouth from the deep cut from the impact of the devil thats keeping me here.

"You asshole let me go!" Krystal spat i put against the metal chains that embedded itself to my skin.

"I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU!" I yell to him finally letting my anger out my nose flare a rush of energy seeped through every inch of my body. I break the chains on my wrists and ankles and marched to him grabbing his neck i hold him up watching him strained.

"There you are," he said flinging my arm away from his neck.

"Dont you remember me?" He said cuffing his neck with his hand from the pain. I turn and felt my palms burn as light cam from them banishing the shadows thats guarded the way.

"Its me Joo Hyuk," he said pointing his finger on his chest.

"I dont know you bastard," i said and ran for it not looking back. The familiar adrenalin coursed through my body making run faster. Shooting the shadows that chased me with the light that came from my hands.

I pushed through metal doors my eyes blinded my sun light, i shut my eyes and ran not knowing where i was. As my eyes adjusted to the light i look back at the house not expecting it to be the one i grew up in. The orphanage.

Joo Hyuk marched out of the house with a smug look on his fave i look around to ask for help seeing no one there i try running.

The woods covered me my lungs giving in from the short breaths i took as i stressed my body to run faster.

My foot catching a rock on the ground i fall hitting my head on the ground, the whole world getting blurry i squint and tried getting up.

"Bea you can stop now im here," someone said bending to me and cleared my face of my hair.

"S-suho?" I said he turned and i saw Joo Hyuk's frame looking directly at Suho. Everything being blurry i couldnt hear their conversation. Soon enough i see both of them at each other

"Bea!" I hear Marks voice my pupils go wild looking for him, i see his frame standing over my body i smile and tears starts falling.

"Will these stain your clothes?" He said wiping my tears away.

"I miss you," he breathed out loud i hug him feeling the familiar sensation of his warm hug. My eyes goes heavy as i havent slept at all for a whole 3 weeks from Joo Hyuk's tortures. Finally my arms lost its power and i turn to a limp.


"Is she awake yet?" I heard a voice say my eyes flutter open to see 4 guys in the room.

"Guys too noisy!" I said throwing a pillow and pulling a blanket over my head.

"Bea you're awake!" Jackson said skipping to me.

"Leave me alone," i groan kicking the blankets off of me.

"Bea grow up we need to talk to you about something," Suho said i rub my eyes and stretched my arms and yawned.

"What happened?" I said trying to fix my bed hair.

Mark, Jackson, and Suho look at each other and faced me. "Eat first we'll tell you later."


"Someone explain please!" I said after swallowing my last bite of my burger.

"We were all looking for you they didnt know that i was too but i eventually found you and told the guys since its their job to protect you," Suho said

"We were on our way to go save you when you fell in the woods all bloody. We faced Joo Hyuk he was too strong for us all we could do was slow him down enough for us to escape we barely got away alive and strong enough to take you with us, Bea.... BamBam's dead," Mark continued with a grim expression.

"You guys look fine to me," i said my eyes tearing up. "You've been out for almost a month whatever he did to you almost killed you. Your heart stopped three times you were out." Jackson said

"Who's Joo Hyuk how does he know about me and Krystal?" I said trying to clear my mind.

"He's your brother," Suho said my eyes widen. He's not actually my brother right. Impossible.

'He is.' Krystal said.

"You knew about this?!" I said my head burning with questions.

"Yeah every time i took over I would usually try to look for information of who we are," Krystal said in my head i sighed a deep pain started in my chest.

"How is he even my brother? This is so confusing how do you even know all of this Suho," i said standing up from my seat.

"Krystal you're the daughter of Lucifer. And the true born Heir of his kingdom. Joo Hyuk your older brother was found guilty of plotting against your father to gain power thus shunning him from the under world. Every demon and all the supernatural has set their agenda to kill you and Lucifer for the throne of the underworld. Your mother Eve and Lucifer has sent your to earth to be safe and will soon grow up old enough to claim your throne," Suho said proudly.

"Eve? As in Adam and Eve?" I said mind blown.

"When Adam and Eve was sent to the underworld Lucifer and Eve fell in love. As humans dont know Eve was an Angel, Adam was sent to the fiery pits of the underworld to burn his soul while Lucifer and Eve got married and have Joo Hyuk and You. Joo Hyuk's a demon and his royal blood making him more powerful. But you Bea you're something else you're half angel and half fallen. You're the most powerful being there is and the only one to defeat Joo Hyuk. Your birthmark that i thought was a clock work but i still dont know hoe to describe in your back. Its a sign of royalty and power. Not even Joo Hyuk has that," Suho continued i stood there in awe and full of questions.

"This is so much to take in i dont even know where to start asking questions," i said sitting back down.

"Bea and Krystal. We're your knights sent by your mother well our parents but still counts. We will protect you with our lives and never let you out of our sight," Mark said crossing his arms and had passion and determination in his eyes.

"How did BamBam die?" I stuttered we werent that close but he still died protecting me.

"We were losing against Joo Hyuk one of Joo Hyuk's servants were going after you BamBam took the hit and died. Bea he died protecting you." Jackson said almost tearing up, i flick away the black tears and sucked up all the air.

Joo Hyuk im going to kill you.

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