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"Mark" i said walking down the stairs.

"Oh Jackson had to go get something" he said pointing at the door.

"Ahh" i said and walked over to his side, he was watching tv.

"Mark arent you scared?" I asked sitting down beside me and stared at his masculine figure.

"Of what?" He faced me.

"Me" i mumbled he looked at me in disbelief and shook his head.

"I was. But i got to know you and there's nothing to be scared about" he said i smiled and tried not tearing up.

"I am" i said he stared at me confused.

"I dont want to wake up one day knowing i killed someone innocent" i said staring at my hands.

"Its not your fault" he said holding my two hands to reassure me.

"What am i?" I said to myself, he let go of my hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"You're not dangerous, you're not a monster, you're not fearsome, you're..." He trailed of. "You're unique" he said smiling. i couldnt help but chuckle at his remark.

"Thanks Tuan" i said and hugged him.

"Why my last name?" He said pulling away.

"Its the nickname i gave you" i said proudly.

"And what you're going to start calling Jackson. Wang now?" He questioned i smirked and nodded.

"You're one interesting girl Bea" he said patting my back.

I dont know what came to me but i stopped Mark's hand and held it, bringing it to my lap and started tracing the deep lines that shows his future of his palm. My two fingers suddenly checked his pulse, the quick pulse he has that i can hear from a mile, i smiled he's nervous.

"What?" He said bringing his body closer to mine, i turned his hand and traced the veins on his hand, he twitched on my action.

"Whoa" he said i smiled feeling my power going through his arm.

"How did you?" He said awe-struck, power flowed through my fingers while i traced the veins on his arm, i could feel his hand tingle.

"Thats cool!" He said inching in, my fingers dance on his skin giving him a taste of my power. I stopped and smiled.

"I didnt know you can do that" he said cheerfully. I laughed and caught my breath.

"Rest" he said leaning on the couch and resting his arm on the head of the couch, showing me that he wants me to sit beside him. I sat beside him digging my body in his comforting arms, inhaling his masculine scent, leaning my head on his chest i can hear his fast heartbeat, he tapped my shoulder and widened his hand. I reached for it and held his hands, now im the one feeling a tingly feeling on my arm, no not my arm but my whole body. I closed my eyes, feeling pressure on my head knowing that he's resting his head on mine. I turned to face him and so did he, i stared at his brown penetrating orbs, making me so weak that i started leaning in, closer and closer.

"Mark" i whispered when our lips where inches apart.

"Yeah" he said in his husky voice.

"How long is Jackson going to be gone?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Who cares" he said smiling, he pulled me making me jump and sit on his lap, i kneeled and leaned in for a kis-

"HI GUYS IM BACK!" Jackson yelled opening the door, i jumped off of Mark's lap and sat down far from Mark and acted like i was focusing on watching tv.

"Jackson!!" I said acting normal, i turned to Mark who looked uncomfortable and annoyed, i winked at his direction.

'I wonder what he'll think of her now' i thought.

'Her hair is turning even more blonde she going to find out that i took over again' i thought searching for her.

"Time for you to come back" i mumbled and left.

"Did you say something Bea?" Jackson asked.

"What???" I said rubbing my temples.

"My head hurts" i said trying to gain balance.

"Bea!" Jackson exclaimed catching me before i fell to the ground, he started panicking and ran to the living room.

"MARK!!!" He yelled and thats all i remember before i blacked out.

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