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"Bea you have to stop!" Jackson said in worry, I ignore him and kept on hitting the bag punching and kicking.

"You cant beat him if you have a broken body," Mark buts in.

"Im fine just let me do this!" I exhaled my body all worn out my muscles screaming for me to stop i continue feeling the ache in every muscle i moved.

"Stop!" Suho comes and wraps him arms around me to stop me, I try to shake him off i feel my whole body shake from anger and the non stop movement for almost hours of training.

"We wanted to help you get stronger not die!" Mark says walking over to me and putting his hand on my shoulders.

I run to my room and break down, feeling the deep pain in my chest that i can't breathe i clutch on my shirt and starts inhaling and exhaling rapidly.

"Bea its me," Mark knocked I cry for him to go away and i burry my body in my blankets and pillows.

"Im coming in," he said I hold my hand out and the doors lock I dont mind my new found power and Mark seems to know what to do.

He walks in my room and wrapped his arms around my shaking body, i grab his shirt and sob into his arms.

"Im here," he exhaled petting my hair, after hours of crying I fall asleep in Mark's arms full of despair.

"Bea," Krystal says standing in my view.

"I've never seen you like this...." I said Krystal chuckles and i see her smile for once.

"Why are you smiling... This is weird., " I said and backed away from her.

"I haven't been so free for so long," she said i tilt my head and furrow my brows.

"......... What do you mean? You're seriously scaring me," i said putting my arms up my head in fighting span ready to strike.

"I've been searching through our thoughts, I'm not part of you, I was imprisoned in your head to defend you," she said i inhale trying to make sense of what she said. I try to speak but I don't really think there are words made for this conversation.

"Im a trapped human soul in your head twisted and turned to help you become a warrior to keep you from dying," she said i stare at her and i look away not wanting to look at how happy she is.

"Survive Soo Jung survive," she said and disappeared, i wake up in my pool of tears with Mark still holding me. I inhale his sweet scent and burry my head in his broad chest.

I hear him groan that sent chills around my body, he opens his eyes and smile. My heart beats louder in my ears and i look at his bed hair and his hot ass face. Yeah. I said it.

"Morning," he said in his husky voice I keep quiet as i can barely hear a thing from the loud thumps in my ears. I smile at him and held his white shirt and get intoxicated from scent. He tries to get up but I pull him down and he chuckles.

"No don't go," I said in a groan and grabbed his shirt and slung my leg above him to lock him in place.

"Okay but let me brush my teeth," he says and gets up i whine and punch the bed with a pout.

"Marky poo," I pout and he walks and kisses me.

"What are we?" I said stuck in the moment and somewhat regretted it. He sits down beside me on the bed and stare at my eyes.

"What do you want us to be?" He said placing a hand on my hand i look down and he draws circles on my hand with his thumb.

"Be my boyfriend?" I said smiling he smiles and nods I put cross my arms around his neck and he kisses me.

"Ew morning breath!" He said and I laugh in his arms and push him off, I get up from bed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I stare at myself in the mirror noticing my blonde hair is gone I hold my hair and thing of Krystal. She was a bitch but she was still part of me, it's not that she's gone I still feel her but she's distant.


I go back to training putting my fists up to my face to block as Jackson kicks me, we've been sparring for quite sometime now, I pant as I try to regain from the hard blow looking at his well built body and probably years of training I think about what to do next. I kick his shin and he doesn't budge I put my arms down seeing his opportunity he shifts his weight on his left leg and tilts his body trying to land a kick, I grab his leg and kick the back of his knee bringing him to the ground. I stand there and kick the side of his face trying to.knock him down, he regains from my blow and stands up smirking.

"That was good!" Mark says his arms crossed going in circles in the ring observing our sparring.

I swing hard to Jackson's gut he scrunched his face and closed his eyes I took this as an opportunity to kick him down to the grabbing his arm and drop to the floor with him putting my legs between his arm across his chest I gripped to his arm hard twisted it while I pulled Jackson cried out in pain and Mark yelled hold it. I hear Jackson tapping on the floor and I release him.

"Good need more practice," Mark says while he tosses me and Jackson towels to wipe off the sweat. I managed to limp to the bench and started stretching, I notice my barcode tattoo permanently there in my skin it didn't look too bad, but it reminded me of the pain I went through alone.

I put my elbows to my knees as I sat there thinking about how this is all going to end for us, I know there is going to be blood I have no idea if we'll win or even have the chance to beat the enemy. Mark come over and sits beside me and sighs.

"Hey you did good," Mark says I run my hands through my hair and let out a deep sigh.

"Not good enough," I groan chugging the last remaining water in the bottle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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