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"Bea!" Mark yelled running to me. Jb looked behind him smirking and vanished into thin air.
I look down seeing the familiar scarlet shade like my hair in my hands.

"Are you okay?!" Jackson said running behind him, i draw the knife out of my stomach and dropped it down the ground. I fall to my knees but was supported by Mark, i tremble under his arms from the amount of blood oozing out of my stomach.

"She's bleeding BAM BAM CALL AN AMBULANCE!" Jackson yelled at Bam bam who stood there in shock.

"He's still out there" i said in a whisper. Every Time i blink the longer i close my eyes, the darkness overcame me.



"We shouldn't have left her!" Jackson yelled pacing back and forth between the small hospital room Bea was in.

"I know! Dont you think i havent realized that!" I said out of rage. We're suppose to be there for her we never should've let her walk away.

I stare at her lifeless body while i hear the heartbeat monitor the monitor went flat. I start panicking and ran to the nearest doctor i saw.

"HER HEART RATS STOPPED!" I yelled a load of doctors and nurses ran towards Bea's room and performed CPR.

"We're fucked if she dies!" BamBam said tugging his hair.

"SERIOUSLY YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT YOURSELF NOT HER!" I said charging at him out of rage Jackson stops me but when Bea shot up and the monitor started beeping again i calmed down knowing she was okay for now.

"You're awake" BamBam said i let out a relieved sigh. I walk towards her and hug her.

"Dont scare me like that" i whispered to her. I pulled away looking at her red face and smiled.

"Mark you know we're not....." Jackson said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I know" i said bowing my head down.

"What?" Bea wondered.



"We're here to protect you" Mark said

"Because we're friends?" I said shyly.

"No we're here to protect you with our lives its out duty to" Jackson explained.

"What? Why?" I said my heart rate picking up.

"We made an oath to protect you with our lives and to bring you back after we terminate your assassin" BamBam said stepping forward

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

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