Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
The shape of things to come.

Jinette POV

Today is my wedding day, I'm sitting here a nervous wreck, fiddling with my fingers as I wait for my makeup artist. I'm about to marry Brian Amito Chesney. The grandson of Jorden Chesney, Of Chesney Smith Incorporated a well-known business mogul in the business industry for its architectural dominance in the business world.

Jorden Chesney and my grandfather Agustus Smith started the company when they were just twenty-five and twenty-four years of age, leaving college with their master's degree and US bachelor's in engineering and architecture. They worked assiduously building their company from the ground up with the little resources and capital they pool together from doing odd jobs around and saving every penny. I can never overlook how grandpa toiled and laboured to start this company, Chesney Smith Incorporated.

Mr Chesney and my grandpa made a written contract, this contract proposed a marriage between the two families, Chestney and Smith. Building relations and keeping the business between the two founders' families. But since my grandfather and Mr Chesney only had one son each in their marriages, they decided to redrew the contract making their grandchildren wed, to keep the company in their names.

As a result, I had to study architecture which I'm passionate about, in light of joining the company after I graduated, which was two months ago. I study extremely hard to gain my MA in Architecture degree, specializing in design, art focus. I was overly excited waiting on my turn to enlist in the company when I was hit with the biggest bomb of my entire existence.

On the day of my graduation, at my celebration dinner, I was so happy, excitement filled me as I waited patiently for the announcement of a lifetime, what I worked arduously for. It never came and I was told of my marriage to the Chesney family and all the details surrounding the contract. Which I was bound to at my birth and didn't have a choice in the matter. But grandpa played it off as if I could refuse to marry into the Chesney family. When the contract clearly states, the consequences and profits, of agreeing to the terms of the contract. I was left with my mouth wide open and dumbfounded at the news.

I couldn't believe grandpa wanted to marry me off in this way, to a man I didn't know.

I cried my eyes out and begged grandpa not to do this to me. I didn't want to marry a man I didn't know nor love. I knew Mr Chesney ever since I was a child and his grandson too. We were young and I didn't even look at him in that way, because we were children in my eyes, he was six years older than I and I didn't take any interest in him.

I haven't seen him in years, hadn't a clue what he looked like until I met him two days after being told of our marriage. I didn't know what to anticipate, what would this marriage be like?. Would he like me?. Would I like him?. Could we live together?. Could we grow to love each other as husband and wife?. Would it work out between us? Will he find me attractive?, was I good enough to become a wife? Would he be a good husband? Would he treat me well?. My mind was going crazy with swarms of questions and self-doubt.

But when I first saw Brian two months ago. Oh, boy was I blown away he's the most handsome man I've ever seen. He was well-groomed with his low cut dark brown/black hair that had a sheen to it, strong jawline, well line up to perfection, brown eyes that pierce deep into my soul. I shiver at the thought. His straight nose and the sexiest ravishing pink lips I've ever seen. He's well built in all the right places, strong masculine shoulders like he works out every day of his life. I assume a full six-pack and boy oh boy is he tall. This man could literally eat on my head, big feet look to be about 12/13 in size.

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