Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
Listen while reading speechless

Jinette POV

I sit in Doctor Myers office waiting on Brian to arrive. She calls us in and I rush over quickly calling Brian on my way.

I pat my feet on the floor as my nerve get the best of me. I am anxious and afraid to know the results. If I'm pregnant will this be the end of our marriage? Will he not want this with me. I've asked myself these questions a thousand times from last night to now only to frustrate myself because I'm prepared to choose my unborn child.

After ten minutes of waiting Dr Myers and Brian walk through the door with Dr Myres leading the way. He takes his seat next to me and Dr Myres takes hers across from us.

"Good morning Mrs Chestney," She greets me.

"Good morning," I greet and she nods.

"I have good news, I've received your labs and your calcium and iron levels are a little low and that's to be expected in carrying women. Just a little adjustment to your diet and we can fix that without medication," I nod.

"Carrying women?" Brian asks not understanding what she means.

"Congratulations your wife is expecting."

"Expecting what?" He asks again and he's beginning to piss me off. Can one man annoy me like this?

"Your wife is pregnant, she is with child." Dr Myers say cheerfully at him.

He didn't say another word and I can see his temple moving and his brain probably going off like clockwork. Why though, he should be happy. We should be happy is this all a part of marriage and an heir is what he should want to take his name and succeed him.

"Ok so to know how far along you are Mrs Chestney we will have to do an ultrasound. But if you know your last menstrual date we can determine an estimated time now, while we wait for your ultrasound. But if it's unclear we will wait. I will write you up and recommend an obstetrician," Doctor Myers say to me.

"Thank you, I will wait on the ultrasound," I told her.

"If there are any questions, any at all I'm willing to answer them for you both."

She hands me a piece of paper, "that's the information for the OB. And this" she hands me a brochure "will help you with your diet."

She talks for a few more minutes and I listen to every word coming out of her mouth but Brian is quiet he didn't say a word to me or Dr Myers. I look over at him, pure worries are written over his face.

We bid farewell to Dr Myers and walk out of her office.

"Brian can we talk now," I ask the minute we are out of hearing shot of anyone.

"Not now Jinette." his dismissive tone made me stop, looking at him.

I touch his hand, holding his fingers stopping his movement. He turns around but didn't meet my eyes. "Please can we talk about this?"

He places his hand gently on my cheeks and I lean into his touch "not now Jinette" he turns and walks away. I stand here not know what else to say to him. I am even more confuse and don't have a clue as to what is happening to him or what will happen between us. I don't understand we should be so happy right now, we have been for the longest time. Is it all about to change between us?

He walks up to the car waiting on me to reach him, then he opens the door for me. I walk to the car and get in. He closes the door and tells Keith to take me home. I wine down the window "Brian aren't you coming home."

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