Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
The shape of things to come

Brian POV

I reach home at about 7:30 pm Jinette is watching Netflix and eating pasta. With designs and scrapbooks all around her.

When she heard me entered the house, she gets up walking to me placing her lips to mine kissing me.

"How was your day, my sexy chocolate husband?"

I chuckle at her boldness. She's getting extremely comfortable around me.
"It was good, better now that I'm seeing my wife." I kiss her again.

"What have you and my little bean, been up to."

We have been calling the baby bean after Jinette first ultrasound. I kiss her bump listening to her as she speaks.

"I made some sketches and designs for our bean room, it turns out our bean likes pasta too. I'm on my third plate."

"Hope he doesn't come out looking like pasta."

"Ouch....." she smacks my arm. "Let me go up quickly, take a shower and we can talk after ok...." she smooches my lips again. "Ok, husband." I jog up the stairs, hurriedly going into the shower.
I walk back downstairs pulling my t-shirt over my head when she asks. "What's that you have there." Referring to the rolls of sketches I borough home with me.

"A client came in with some sketches say you drew them back at school."

"Who's the client."

"Trent Harrison"

"Seriously Trent was at your office," she asks shock as if it wasn't possible.

"Yes, why you don't believe."

"Does he know I'm your wife?"

"Why. He's not just a friend," I air quote waiting for her response.

"I know we never really talk about my past relationship but Trent and I dated. We were one year strong but he broke up with me because............."

"Because what?" I'm curious to hear this. We hadn't talked about our past relations well I never asked because she's all mine and whoever in her past is irrelevant. "Tell me I want to know."

She sighs."Because I wouldn't sleep with him. He was my first kiss though."

"You're incredible and beautiful it's his loss," I say quickly wanting to put her at ease and let her know she is beautiful.

"Even though I'm a prune as he calls me."

"You're my prune, baby..." I smile at her. I lean in kissing her lips then her forehead.

"To tell you the truth I'm glad he broke up with you. Now I have you all to myself." She laughs putting her hands on my chest.

I kiss her cheeks then kiss her baby bump. I hold her hands leading her to the kitchen. We sit at the island to eat dinner. I discuss with Jinette about coming to work with me. I didn't know she was so passionate about this career path. She went on and on and I can see the fire in her eyes that drive her as I listen to every word she said.

Because she is pregnant, we will take things slowly at first. I don't want to put her under any pressure.

"What do you think about dinner with Trent," I ask.

"Trent and I had a good relationship and I know how passionate he was about this and it would be good business for the company."

I feel a bit strange to hear her talk about her ex. But I listen anyway.

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