Chapter 33

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Chapter 33
The shape of things to come

Jinette POV

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since I started working alongside Brian. He set up my own office, after many arguments about sharing the same office with him. He wanted me to share his office and I wanted my own space to work. He is over protective over me being pregnant and want to keep a close eye on me. No matter how I try to tell him I'm fine he's still a little paranoid about what he went through with his parents.

Today is Saturday and we are at home. I'm currently putting the finishing touches to Trent bar and then show my designs to Brian. I've been working on them for a week and half now after settling in my office. I hope Brian is impress with my ideas and will aprove of them. Apart from the sketches I did for our bean room and the ones I did for Trent he hasn't seen me in my element.

"Brian! Brian!" I shout as I walk down the steps to the living room where Brian is sitting reading or working from his laptop with his earbuds plugged into his ears.

"Babe I was calling you, I touch his shoulder, he jumps taking out his earbuds, he looks up at me, "I was so lost in this. Sorry I didn't hear you."
he say.

"It's ok, are you alright." He nod his head.

"What are you reading," I ask.

"An email from granddad."

"Is something wrong?" he ask.

"Nothings wrong I just finished the design on Trent's bar."

"You just have to check them over."

"Ok, I will look them over later."

"Grandpa is back, he's coming over for dinner, is Mr Chesney back as well."

He didn't answer.

"You mind calling him to see if he can come over for dinner too."

Still no answer, "Brian, baby I'm talking to you."

He has this gloom look on his face.

Something is very wrong here and he never responds to me this way.

His phone vibrates next to him and he opens it reading. Maybe it's a text message because he read and his whole demeanour change. Something is wrong, I can see from his reaction. I take the laptop off his lap and sit on him placing my arms around his neck, leaning my forehead against his.

"Whatever it is you can tell me I'm a good listener you know." He closes his eyes taking off his glasses, leaning his head back on the sofa. A lone tear fell from his eyes"

I've never seen my husband this way and I know it must be something serious. I take my thumb finger wiping his tears away. I kiss his cheeks snuggling up to him the best I can with my protruding belly.

"Brian if you tell me I promise to help whatever way I can."

He raise me off his lap getting up, he walks up the stairs without a word. He slams a door shut and glasses are being shatter.

This must be serious he never behaves this way no matter what goes wrong. He especially doesn't behave this way with me.

I walk upstairs to our room and notice he's in his study. I pick my cellphone off the bed calling Sean. Maybe he can help since they are more like brothers than friends.

"Hello?" he answer on the second ring. "Who is this" he questions.

"Sean it's Jinette."

"Jinette? is everything alright," he asks right away. I've never called him before even though I had his number since marring Brian.

"I don't know but something's wrong with Brian, can you come over."

"Did he meet with an accident?"

"No, no nothing like that. Not physically, he's breaking stuff in his office. I don't know what happened. He didn't say anything to me."

"Ok I'm on my way," he hang up.

I went to his study door listening for him. It was pin-drop silent. I press my ears to the door trying to hear anything at all and wanting to know if he hurt himself. I call out to him.

"Brian can I get you anything". I don't know how long I waited there for an answer but it never came. I decide to go back down stairs to wait on grandpa and Sean.

Grandpa and Sean arrived almost the same time I told them what happen, and the look on grandpa's face say he knows something.

Sean went up to Brian's study while I talk with grandpa.

"Grandpa, I miss you. When are you coming back to the states," I hug him.

"My angel, I'm sorry it's no time soon Jorden has stage 4 Adenocarcinoma."

"What that........"

"It is a type of cancer of the lungs this type of cancer usually starts outside the mucus glands but by the time Jorden starts to develop symptoms, it had already spread. That's why we went to France to seek medical treatment but it was too late. We talk to a lot of specialists but seem like there isn't much they can do. All they can do is to make him comfortable at this point. His heart gives out a few days ago and they had to resuscitate him. That's when he decided to email Brian he received the message a few hours ago."

"Oh my God grandpa......." A sob left my lips.

I place my hands over my mouth, shaking my head as I keep from crying.

"Why didn't both of you tell us? Brian adores Mr Chesney, he will not make this easy."

Sean walks into the kitchen he looks defeated and shock by my reaction and asks "what's wrong." I repeat everything grandpa told me to him. "You know how he love his grandfather," say Sean. "I had no luck with Brian, he didn't answer nor open the door. No answer, nothing." He shakes his head.

Sean is just as shock as I am and didn't know what to say. "I will give it a few more tries and if he doesn't open the door or answer we will give him some space to think and calm down."

After a few more tries Sean couldn't get Brian to open up or say anything at all. He eventually left saying he will call to check up on Brian.

Grandpa and I talked for a while he helped me prepared my favourite pasta and grilled chicken with a garden salad.

We eat and talk some more but my mind was preoccupied with Brian and how he will be able to handle all of this.

When grandpa left I went up with a plate of food for Brian but he didn't answer. I call out to him but eventually I left the plate at his door and went to bed.
The end...

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