Chapter 46

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Chapter 46
Listen while reading I miss you.

Brian POV

I had to fly back to New York to handle an emergency with a client, that didn't want to cooperate with Sean. I didn't want to leave my wife and granddad but duty called and I had to answer.

I wanted to bring Jinette with me but the doctor didn't clear her to fly. I'm currently sitting in my office arranging everything to meet with Mr Bradford the client I came back for.

Sean came barging into my office looking terrible, dark circles around his eye, his suit is rumpled and unkempt. Just plain stress and tiredness are written all over him. I've never seen him this way in all our years as friends. I admit I didn't check on him as often as I should but he understands what I'm dealing with back in France.

"Damn man you look terrible, if I had known the job would have you this way I would have handed over the responsibilities to someone else."

"Man, shit has me messed up."

"What's wrong, what has gone so wrong?"

"Cindy is packed and leaving next week. I tried all I know it's like damn she doesn't want me and our family anymore."

"What the hell! When? How?"

"I don't even know B."

"I didn't know things had gotten this bad between you two, she's leaving you."

"Somehow I have become excess baggage to her. I can't even say when and how all this started. I thought we were in a good place. Now she's coming up with all these excuses from here to Northbrook about how I didn't support her career and how I want to hold her down here. My heartbeats for her the moment I saw her. Now she's saying all this bullshit and I just don't get it."

"Sean It's unfortunate to hear this man. I'm sorry, take some time off. I don't know how you're going to handle it but I wish Cindy would rethink her decision and keep her family together"

"Brian I need help here man, what would you have done if Jinette had just up and quit the relationship."

"Honestly I would fight for her. Have you consider going with her."

"So you're saying leave the country, leave my career, everything I've built here. I didn't let her make that sacrifice. She got pregnant we didn't plan it but I stepped up and took care of my responsibility. Doesn't that count for something."

"Sean I honestly don't know what advice to give here. I should say I'm lucky Jinette and I are in the same field of work. If one day she wakes up and decides this entirely new life without me. I wouldn't know what to do and how to take it."

"Her heart isn't with me anymore and I can see that but it just hit me out of nowhere. I didn't see it coming and I don't know how to accept it. One thing for sure she's not taking my child out of the country."

"Did you guys talk about it? I'm sorry this is about to go down. I will put Joseph to manage things around here until I return. That's until Jinette and the baby are allowed to fly home.

"Thanks, man, this whole situation have me screwed in all the wrong places."

"I can understand, this is a tough one."

"Did you guys talk about Steph."

"I told her already, Steph is not up for discussion."

I hug him. "Take this time to heal and forget about the what if, it will only drive you insane."

Sean left and I felt bad for him. I know this cannot be easy on him. I don't want to get in between him and Cindy's feud but in the end, Steph is the one going to pay for it all. Maybe she will go and see it's not all that it's cracked up to be and make her way back to him. I just hope by then it's not going to be too late.

I walk back to my desk calling Jinette.

"Hi babe," she answers.

I told her I arranged with Mr Smith to accompany her to her appointment, she told me Dr Hamilton wants to talk to her important cutting my call to rush over. I just hope it's nothing too serious with granddad. Even though I know anymore news about granddad wouldn't be good news I know he still trying to hold on and pass on as much wisdom as he could. He never fails to advise me even on his dying bed.

I tried making contact with Dr Hamilton but didn't get true. I continue with my preparations for the client while waiting to hear from Jinette.

I kept thinking about Sean. I don't know how to help him and Cindy, I don't even know how this all started. I always thought they were good together. All through school they were good together. I didn't see anything wrong with the two of them on the last trip we took together. I am pulled out of my thought by my phone vibrating.

I pick the call putting the phone to my ears.

"You don't know how I wish you were here this moment, in my arms or on my desk."



No answer.

I stand up, moving the phone from my ears to make sure it's her I saw calling.

When I place it back to my ears there is a light sob.

"Jinette is everything, alright baby."

"Brian please don't be mad at me," She say and my heartbeat starts to pick up at a rapid pace.

"Why would I be mad at you."

Silence, I can hear light sobs.

"What's going on, tell me Jinette."

"It's granddad."

"What's about him."


"Jinette, what about him."

"Oh Brian," she cries. And a part of me already knew. He died.

"How long ago did it happen."

"I wanted to call you as soon as I talked with doctor Hamilton, I didn't know how to break the news to you. I'm so sorry baby."

I sit down for a few minutes I went blank. I knew the time will come but he waited until I left.

"Brian are you there."

"Yes I'm here, I will wrap this up and be there late tonight maybe early morning."

"Brian you know he loves you very much, and I love you more."

" I know, I love you too baby."

"Brian, one more thing."

"What is it."

"Your father is here."
The end of another chapter.

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