Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Listen while reading boo'd up

Jinette POV

I am sitting on the sofa in the living room crying my eyes out at how low I'm feeling. I was deep in my feelings all day. I miss him and the loneliness is getting to me. We haven't had much time to ourselves since our honeymoon. From one thing to the next and it playing with my emotions.

After giving Brian my sad eyes he didn't even ask what's wrong or if I'm ok. He went his merry way without a care in the world.

I am feeling so low at this point, all I want to do is cry my heart out. This is what I'm currently doing, sitting here feeling useless with myself.

I didn't hear the door open until I look up and see Brian standing there staring back at me like he's studying me or he doesn't know what to do with me altogether. I must look like a mess. Since I was crying on and off since this morning. My head and eyes hurt and I can't keep up with this.

"Baby," he says. Taking big strides toward me.

I instantly get up stepping away from him. He just stands there looking at me.

"Jinette" he blurts out. "Tell me what's the matter." But I didn't answer. He frowns, eyeing me carefully.

"What's wrong baby? Why didn't you eat? Why are you crying? Is it that bad of a headache,? should I call the doctor?"

He hit me with a series of questions but I didn't budge nor did I answer. I look down saying nothing folding my arms in front of me.

He steps toward me again, I move backwards getting away from him.

He put his hands on his waist staring at me, at this point he doesn't know what to do with me by the look on my face.

He keeps looking at me intently then he calls out my name, "Jinette." I didn't answer.


I burst into another round of tears. My emotions get the best of me and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I'm a sobbing mess of myself in front of him. I've never felt these strong emotions before and it's making me emotional.

He walks toward me. He holds onto me as I bald my eyes out trying to fight him off.

I fight him to let go, but this stubborn man didn't lose his hold on me. The more I fight, the more he clasps onto me, Not saying a word. He holds on to me until I calm myself down.

I don't know how long that lasted but I was exhausted and hiccuped when I was finished. He holds me to his chest rubbing smooth circles on my back calming me down. His heart is drumming through his chest as I lay there trying to stop my sobs.

"Wife....." He says gently.

"Wife," he says again. "look at me."

I buried my face in his chest not saying or doing anything but crying my eyes out. My heart is beating out of my chest, we never had a fight before and I don't know how he will react to me or any of this.

When I calm down to his satisfaction, he holds my hand walking us to the kitchen.

He put me to sit and went to the refrigerator he pour a glass of water giving it to me. "Drink," is all he said.

When I finish drinking he asks if I need more. I nod my head. He pours me another glass and watches as I drink the chill water that soothes my scorching throat after a day filled with crying.

About five minutes of staring at me
he asks. "Woman what in the world is going on in that pretty little head of yours."

I broke down again sobbing, I tell him about him cheating on me because he's not attracted to me anymore. That is why he has been avoiding me, Coming home late and leaving early in the morning and not calling me. I pour out my emotions to him, ridding my heart of the burden that squeezed it.

He listens intently then frowns his brows at me. He places his hands on his waist. It's like he couldn't believe what he is hearing but he listens paying attention to my every word.

"Wife, I explained to you about the contract we are working on, didn't I?
It is very demanding and it took up most of my time. I thought you understood that." He keeps looking at me studying me intently.

I didn't reply because he did talk to me, "if you didn't understand or you had your doubts why didn't you talk to me woman. I can't just assume something is wrong with you if you don't talk to me. I can't read your mind and I can't fix what I don't know about."

I shake my head still hiccuping.

"Now tell me why would you say I'm not attracted to you."

"You're never here, you don't even look at me anymore." I hiccup through my tears.

"Do you see how beautiful and sexy you are?" I look down at the glass in my hand on the counter.

"I will let you see yourself through my eyes then. I'm sorry for making you feel this way. Baby, I was just working. It was never my intention to hurt you."

He walks towards me, turning me around to face him, placing both hands on either side of the counter caging me in. I look down I couldn't hold his gaze. He takes his finger and lifts my chin to look at him. He removes my hair from my face and places his big hand on my jawline and his fingers lace my neck. He caresses my cheek with his thumb as I lean into his touch.

He takes my right hand placing it on his manhood. He is as hard as a rock and throbs in my hand to my touch.

"This is what you do to me every day since I've met you. Every time I am around you. Every time you smile at me. Every time you look at me like how you are right now. No other woman does that to me. Only you Jinette Claudia Chesney. Do you hear me?" seriousness laces his voice.

He leans in, to kiss me. I close my eyes waiting for his lips to capture mine. But it didn't come. When I didn't feel his lips on mine, I open my eyes only to see him looking at me keenly.

"You're beautiful baby, never doubt yourself. you're my gorgeous sexy wife and you're my woman. I have no other, always remember that." I nod fidgeting with my fingers.

"Jinette always remember my love is ever-present even when I'm not, wife. You and I took those vows forsaking all others keeping only onto you. I meant every single word of it."

He crashes his lips to mine, kissing me roughly, passionately. plunging his tongue into my mouth devouring every inch of my mouth. Our tongue entwined. My hands immediately went around his neck. I moan into the kiss. As I feel my body absorb into his. My entire body melts into his as our body becomes one floating on clouds of ecstasy. My entire body became submissive surrendering to his touch as his hands roam about my body. He grunts and pulls away when we needed air.

He keeps looking at me, breathing heavily "you're too perfect Mrs Chesney. You know that." I blush heating my neck and face. I take in a deep breath trying to calm my racing heart.

"Come eat, I will feed you. Then I will eat you........" He winks at me.

The end of another chapter

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