Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
The shape of things to come.

Brian POV

As I pull into my parking lot there Sean stands leaning against his Audi 8 waiting for me. I'm late and we have our presentation today so I can finally put this client, my self and finally my wife at ease. I have a lot of making up to do, for making her feel used, neglected and unattractive. It wasn't my intention to hurt her. I can't believe I made my wife feel this way. Work doesn't come first she does and maybe I didn't do a good enough job of explaining things to her and making her feel how important she is to me.

"You're late," he says. Looking unimpressed with my tardiness.

"Don't remind me, Jinette was having one of those moments. I can't wait for this to be over, she thought, I was cheating on her, with all the long hours."

"Is that why you look so on edge." He inquires.

"For the first time, I didn't use protection I'm worried, man. I'm not ready to deal with this."

"What do you mean the first time you didn't use protection," asks Sean.

"I've been using protection I don't want her to get pregnant. You know all my fears when it comes to my mother. How she died in child's birth. I refuse to be responsible for Jinette's death too. I just can't lose her not now not ever."

"Do you know how paranoid you sound right now?"

"I'm not paranoid you know how this messed with me in high school and I still carry this with me."

"So you're going to punish Jinette for it."

"That's not my intention and you know it."

"Man up, you know she going to need children eventually and so will you."

"Damn it. She was so venerable last night I had to calm her down and made her feel secure, not once but most of last night. I can't be responsible for her death, I couldn't live with myself." In a way, I understand my father's fears but I couldn't neglect my child regardless of the circumstances.

"So you made up for the past weeks," he says putting his hand on my shoulder.

I nod.

"Brian you know you're being paranoid right now. Nothing will happen to Jinette, there is so much technology and advanced care that if anything was to go wrong the doctors will be able to deal with it beforehand. Every month the doctors will care for both mother and child, until her due date. Use the doctors Cindy had, they were great with us, we were never worried during her pregnancy."

"I don't know, sometimes it's too much. The hurt, anger and fear are eating at me."

"Brian, you can't live like this man with all this fear and guilt it will eat you alive. With this, fear you wouldn't father a child. Is that how you plan to live your life. The guilt that was thrown on you by your father isn't your fault, you don't deserve it."

"It's not my fault Sean I know this. But my brain is on repeat mode with this shit."

"Dude for all we know you could be shooting straight blanks right now. So don't worry."

I glare at him, "fuck off."

He burst out laughing.

"Brian, you're a brave man, you were using protection all this time with that fine, fine woman. How did you do it?"

I glared at him again.

"You, my friend, have a lot of restraints. To see all that ass and still rap it."

"Don't talk about my wife's ass"
I push his hand away from me.

He steps back laughing at me.

"Look Brian all seriousness everything will be alright. Let's go present this resort. You will be alright man." He pats my shoulder looking at me seriously, "you need to talk to her. This wouldn't go away if you bottle it up."

"You don't think I know that but how, how do I bring this up."

We walk into the building in full work mode ready to make our presentation.

Jinette POV

Brian wore me out last night and this morning, for the first time we didn't use protection it felt great to feel him that way. The rush that flows through my veins. There's something about the way he looks at me that makes me feel like an incredible woman. The way he touches me. The way we connect physically and emotionally. The way he breathes me in and holds me. I shudder laying here.

He said he would let me see myself true his eyes, I did. I feel great this morning. I'm just laying here smiling to my self feeling so good inside. He's the key to my peace of mind. Brian makes me feel like a woman, a woman in love.

I get up around 11:00 am run a bath, brush my teeth, get dress, and went downstairs to have breakfast.

As I was eating my breakfast oatmeal with dates and strawberries. my phone buzz.

"Hello," I answer.

"Hey girl I miss you, I'm seriously missing some adult time."

"I miss you too, how's my munchkin doing."

"He's good, have his grams and pa' busy plenty mouth as usual."

"Ha, leave my godson alone. When do you want to hang out?"

"How about Friday night I'm coming home on Thursday. Hopefully, Sean finishes with his contract he says the client is stressed."

"Yeah, Brian said the same thing lots of late nights and early mornings. I never see him anymore."

"How about you go to his office naked and show him what he has to come home to. Always do the trick."

I chuckled "girl I can't do that."

"I'm not telling you to go their butt naked. Put on a trench coat some sexy lingerie and some heels. When you get there lock the door he will do the rest."

"Sounds good to me, I will use the set you bought me for my honeymoon."

"You didn't use that already." She shouted

"We had to cut our honeymoon short remember. This will be the perfect opportunity to use it."

"Hi, Jinette can we talk later? mom's calling me. I want to hear how it goes, call me."

"Ok, I will, we'll talk later bye."

After my conversation with Cindy, I thought about what she said and decided to get my makeup done to look even hotter for my husband. I want my husband to desire me so much he rushes home to me. I clean up after myself and clear the dishwasher.

I watch a few movies eat a light lunch then I went in search of my favourite red heels.

The end of another great chapter

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