Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
Listen while reading lighter.

Jinette POV

I groan as I open my eyes. I close them back quickly from the brightness in the room. Brian wasn't in bed. What time is it? I groan again as my head throbs.

I get up Whoaa" I sit back down, my head feels light and it's spinning on its axle. It hurts everywhere, my eyes, my stomach, my head. "What happened?" My stomach doesn't feel good especially, since it did a complete backflip and I rush out to the bathroom throwing up. I sit on the bathroom floor feeling like a mess. I am sweating and throwing up as fast as my stomach brings it up.

Brian walks in "how are you feeling," he asks. "Not so good," I groan. I start throwing up again. He holds my hair and rubs my back soothingly.

I groan.....this is not the way I want my husband to see me. When the contents of my stomach were empty. I get up from kneeling on the floor and hanging over the toilet. I went to the sink washing my mouth and face. Brian hands me a glass of water and two aspirin.

"Drink," he says. "Take a shower and you will feel much better."

"I'm never drinking again."

"Good. I'm never letting you drink either," he says looking at me straight in the face.

I groan. "Why, what happened?"

"What's the last thing you remember."

"Oh no, Cindy was trying to get me down from a table."

"What was I doing on a table."

He chuckles.

"You were telling everyone, I'm a sexy guy and I'm your husband."

I groan putting my hand over my face.

"Why did you let me."

"woman, I didn't let you do anything."
He chuckles again.

"Did I do any other thing?"

"Trust me you don't want to know.
But I'm happy even in a drunken state, you find me sexy." He puts his arms around my waist kissing my neck, "even though you didn't remember, this sexy guy is your husband." He laughs.

"I'm glad I can amuse you. Mr. Chestney."

I groan heading into the shower, leaving him laughing in the bathroom.
I walk out to the terrace to find Sean, Cindy, and my husband. With a whole spread of food. Flapjack, waffles, hamlet, fruit salad, orange juice, and iced tea.

"There she is," says Sean." you are officially banned from alcohol."

"You're never drinking again young lady," Cindy says in her stern motherly tone.

"Was I that bad?" I ask.

"I like the part when you wanted the sexy guy to catch you," Cindy whispers. We all laugh at that.

We were eating while Brian and Sean were having their conversation. Cindy, and I were having ours.

"So what are you doing for your birthday," asks Cindy.

"I'm not sure but after throwing up the way I did a while ago. I want something quiet and no alcohol."

"I think Brian plans a spa day for today but my stomach doesn't feel nice right now."

"Eat something, however little will help." I nod and take a few sips of my iced tea. My stomach turned down the idea of any other food.

It's my 24th birthday tomorrow and I'm excited. My first birthday with my husband. He planned a spa day today for Cindy and me.

As I'm getting ready for my spa treatment, I realize my period is late. I check the calendar on my phone, I was four days late. No big deal I've been late before. Right?

Cindy and I walk down to the main entrance of the hotel and locate the massage parlour. The hostess greets and directs us to the changing area. We change into our bathrobe. Im so ready for this after the morning I've had. I change into my fluffy robe, flip flop, and bonnet. As soon as I walk out of the room the massage therapist introduces herself and walks us around to the massage table. Cindy when to hers while I went to mine in the same room. I take off my bathrobe and hook my towel tightly around me, climbing onto the bed laying face down.

The massage therapist pours a fragrant warm oil onto my back and begins to work it in my shoulders and neck. I groan at how smooth and relaxing this feels right now. I needed this right now.
After my massage and facial, I am feeling great again. I even got a pedicure and felt like a princess. Cindy and I grab a quick lunch in the restaurant right in the hotel. Then we meet up with our husbands.

When  I reach up to my room, Brian wasn't there but soon return and went into the shower.

I am sitting on the couch responding to my messages and checking out some business news. when Brian walks in, without a shirt walking to the refrigerator. I watch his back muscles flex moving up and down. His abdomen contracts and his shoulders and arms contour.

He takes out a bottle of water putting it in his mouth. His shoulder, arms and abdomen contract. I swear I wet myself. I moan biting my finger. While I admire my sexy husband. He makes me feel so good inside, I feel so alive. My husband makes me feel all girly and giggly inside, butterflies dance in my stomach. My mind is so preoccupied with my husband that I didn't realize he walks up to me, sitting next to me. He leans over whispering in my ears. "My wife, don't stop looking at me, it turns me on. Whatever you do, don't stop."

My heart starts beating so fast I get up saddling his leg. I kiss him with the burning heat I was feeling. "Oh, baby what you did to me." I moan grinding my centre onto his manhood. I can feel how hard he is already. My core throbs with anticipation and excitement. I bite his neck, licking his Adam's apple. I went back up to his lips kissing him passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me.

He holds onto my hip guiding me as I gyrate onto his hardness. He caresses my back. from the small of my waist up to my shoulders. He sucks my chin going to my neck. I'm wet and ready for him to pleasure me hard. I press my core onto his length feeling his length throne wanting to get free. His hold on my waist tighten.

"I swear you two are like bunnies"

I jump trying to get off Brian quickly but he holds me in place. I plant my face in the crook of Brian's neck. "Damn it" I whisper.

"What do you want sean," Brian said dishearten with frustration in his voice.

"I'm never going to make love to my wife this weekend with you keep disturbing me." He growls at him.

"You were the one who told me, to come over to make plans for tomorrow."

I'm so frustrated, not once did we get some alone time. Not once did we get to make love. I love our friends, but right now not so much.

I get up from Brian scowling at Sean as I walk to my room.

End of another chapter.

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