Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
Listen while reading sexual healing

Brian POV

Sean and I wrap up everything with the Blacks industry, they approve the final design and now the work begins, the contractor has to get this all completed in eight months, a bit of a strenuous deadline. But the contractor assured us, they can handle it, and everything will be ready according to the schedule.

It's 9:30 pm I send Jill home early tonight after weeks of pulling these late nights. Sitting back in my chair, I lose my tie and the first three bottoms on my shirt reminiscing about my wife. I have so much on my plate and so much demands my attention that I'm neglecting the person that needs my attention the most. I don't know why she keeps doubting me though. Me working late isn't reason enough, I haven't given her any reasons to cause such doubts. I'm guessing her ex. Whoever he is, planted those seeds of doubt. Now I have to do damage control to erase every bit of them. I don't have a problem building my wife actually I love the idea of it, being home to her. I want to be her haven, night or day as long as she comes to me, whenever there is a problem. I can't automatically fix what I don't know about. Communication is what makes this work.

I don't like the way I made my wife feel because of my absence. I will do better and make sure I give her the attention she needs.

My door suddenly pushes open, pulling me out of my thoughts. There stood my beautiful, glamorous wife in a white trench coat with red stilettos.

"Hmmm." My entire day becomes bright as day with this goddess standing in my doorway.

I lick my lips, zeroing on her. Her hair is up in a high bun, her lips painted red, and makeup was done just right. Not too much or over the top just enough to keep my attention. Trust me I ain't looking no place else.

My eyes widen, my shy wife. If I'm guessing right she has nothing under that trench coat. She's never done something like this before. I'm intrigued and excited all at once. I'm like a kid in a candy mart right now. I didn't move, I keep my position while all the blood in my body run down south. I waited patiently to see her next move. I bit my lips scanning her from head to toe. She steps through the doorway closing the door behind her.

Slow, slowly she loosen the knot on her waistband. Nothing could have prepared me for what she has on under that coat. I groan as my manhood twitch in my pants, this woman will be the death of me. She wore black leather straps undergarments and a bra. I never knew a bra can exhilarate me this way.

I instantly get up taking long strides to meet her.

I brace her to the door, turning the lock, closing the door.

"Oh fuck, the things you're doing to me, you sexy woman." She giggles.

I remove her trench coat from her shoulders letting it fall to the floor.

I brace my length against her stomach and kiss her neck. Nibbling her ear lobes to her jawline. I want her to feel the reaction she stirs in me. "See what you do to me pretty girl, I will put all this on you." I brace myself fully onto her.

I attack her lips starting gently savouring it, little pecks and nibbles.  I deepen the kiss as she moans into my mouth.

"You smell so ravishing, beautiful."

She giggles again, I inhale her scent. "All this for me baby," she nod looking up at me seductively.

"Hmm," I groan "do you know how sexy you are beautiful."

She blushes.

"Now you're going to play shy, after all this." I hold her hand twirling her around to get a complete look. "You're so sexy wife," I bite my lips seeing her rump in this underwear. I brace her back onto the door. I lean in kissing her collar bone between her breast, then pull away.

"Desk now," I say sternly.

"Yes, daddy."

That turns me on even more. I've never been rough with her, never spanked her, but since she's being bold tonight I will be a little bold with her.

She sat on my desk crossing her legs, leaning back on the palm of her hands so fucking beautiful. Sexy as hell my wife. This woman is pulling out all the stops tonight. I've been taking it easy with her from day one but now it's time to step it up.

I walk to her and undid her bra and ponytail.

"Perfect," I say. She shakes her head making her curls loose around her face.

She gives me that innocent smile she does, which turns me on even more. My length is straining to get out my pants. But patients are the key here.

I trail my hand slowly along her collar bone.

I pick her up, setting her on her feet, I went down on my knees, trailing my hand from the valley of her breast to her underwear. Pulling down her waist-high see-through leather underwear all the while looking up at her.

I bite down on her essence through her underwear continuing to take it off. She shudders as my mouth makes contact with her underwear.

Removing one leg then the other taking my time. I lick my lips. I want to build anticipation in her. Let her guess my next move but doing the complete opposite.

Tonight my aim is to please and pleasure my gorgeous wife.

End of another chapter

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