Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
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Jinette POV

I ran away from Brian a moment ago, he had me so hot and flustered there is no denying the attraction and sexual tension between us. The simplest of glimpses or his touch does things to my body and mind. Things I don't know how to put into words, my swarming thoughts are flooding my mind, like fear, desire nervousness, pleasure, and contentment. My every thought is consumed by him and the things he does and says to me. Two months is not enough to wholeheartedly trust him even though until now he hasn't acted questionably but I don't want to throw my heart on a platter only to have it wreck and smash in the end. Does he really mean all he says, does he feel the way I feel?. I don't even know what I'm feeling how to word it out all I know for sure is the fire he ignites in me and the way my heart throbs when he's around. 

I sigh, now I'm sitting here studying how to get my dress unbuttoned. I was able to get the first few but I'm stuck here a few buttons past my shoulders. I twisted and turn, stretching my arms as far as I can trying to unbutton the rest at my mid-back. If I try prying it off, I risk damaging my beautiful expensive wedding gown. I sigh again, I don't know how to call Brian, to ask for his assistants after I ran away.

Sitting here studying my next move, when there is a knock on the door. I didn't answer I know it's Brian but I'm going to let him sweat it a little.


I didn't answer.


"Yeah come in," I answer quietly.

I took a deep breath standing up walking to the door before opening it, he entered."Is everything alright," he looks me up and down, turning me around, inspecting me thoroughly from head to feet.

"Calm down everything ok," I said.

"Why aren't you changed? and why didn't you answer me" he asked.

"Sorry I need help with my dress"
He raises his eyebrow at me, I see amusement in his orbs as he looks at me.

"Why are you sorry?. Why didn't you call me?" turn around, "I like helping my wife" he whispers the last part.

I held my breath turning my back to him, he always smells so good as his scent fills my nostrils. His suit jacket was off while his shirt sleeves are rolled up to his elbow. Gradually I exhale the breath I was holding in small whiffs.

slowly he starts losing my buttons one by one taking his precious time, when he was midway through my back, his finger touch my bare skin, I visually shudder and goosebumps spread on my arms and shoulders. He swings me around pressing me against the door. I gasp at the abruptness, my breath heightens and my heart is ready to jump out of my chest.

I lowered my eyes, I couldn't hold his heated gaze. His eyes are filled with desire, lust, amusement, and some things I couldn't quite pick up on. He leans in close to my ears, his lips lightly brush my lobes whispering, "I love the effects I have on you, it only proves you've never been touch, and now you're mine." He said with assurances and certainty in his voice.

My mind went blank, I search my mind desperately for the correct words to say at this moment, but nothing appeared. I just stood there empty. He steps back to look at my reaction, I close my eyes, opening them quickly, stepping to the side, I dashed for the bathroom. I close the door bracing it, trying to calm my racing heart. When I heard the sexiest chuckle I've ever heard. I swear this man is doing this on purpose. He will surely be the death of me if he keeps it up. I freshen up and change into a blue floral print figure-hugging knee-length dress. I remove my crown and all the pins in my hair allowing my curls to flow on my shoulders. I use my wet wipes removing all traces of makeup on my face. I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, my eyes are twinkling, my cheeks are bright red and my lips still remember his kiss. Our first kiss.

I was standing in the bathroom not knowing how to come out and face Brian, I was filled with embarrassment and excitement, this fluttery nervous feeling is taking over my stomach. I'm a mess of myself right now and I can't help, at how nervous he makes me.

when he realized I wasn't coming out he called out."Jinette do I have to come in there for you."

"" I stutter, I took a deep breath before opening the door. I facepalm myself for stuttering. At this point, I knew my senses are not my own. I groan inwardly opening the bathroom door, I place my now fold dress and accessories into the extra hand luggage I brought with me.

When I came out of the bathroom he'd already changed and stretched across the bed with his hands behind his head facing me. I wonder what he's thinking about as he looks at me, the way he's looking at me right now.

"Come," he jester to the bed. I was looking everywhere but at him. I was so scared and nervous about being so close to him. I know he wouldn't hurt me but it's the anticipation at this moment that has my nerves in a bundle.

My wedding night was terrifying me, I was being so body-conscious, how did his past lovers look, where they supermodels, will I live up to that expectation. Will I be able to please my husband sexually? Would he like that I'm inexperienced? I was a nervous wreck with all these thoughts galloping around in my mind.

"If you don't come here, I will brace you up against that door." He pointed to the bathroom door."There's no telling what else I will do to you right here, right now."

Quickly I climbed into the bed, laying away from him. He chuckled then smile at me, shaking his head.

Childish, I know. Spending so much time with Brian, the past two months, I should be more comfortable around him but the sexual tension between us is so high, that my nerves are no fire about what is going to happen and when it will happen. If I'm good enough, will I be able to, I don't know what he likes it's all sending me into this crazy person right now?

The way my body is heating up and I'm getting all bothered when he wink, smile, or tease me with his sexual remarks is driving me crazy.

"Did you enjoy the wedding?" he asks

"Yes," I answer.

"What did you enjoy?" he inquires.

"Come closer your going to fall off the bed woman." I scoot a little closer, but not enough to touch him.

"Can I hold you," he asks.
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