Chapter 38

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Chapter 38
Listen while reading A new day has come.

Jinette POV

As we sit in the vehicle heading to the hospital. The more on edge Brian became, I don't blame him. His emotions are running high and he's hurt.

I wanted to reach for his hands to help calm him but after he walked away from me on the plane I realized he needed his space, to get through what he's feeling.

I know I would have been a mess. I'm a bundle of nerves for him. He was just bombarded with this, he didn't have a chance to process any of this nor did he had time to accept it. I understand completely.

What I don't understand, is he somehow blaming me. I didn't know about this grandpa never said a word of it to me. I can hear it in his tone and every time he snaps at me. I'm only staying quiet because I don't want to add more stress to him nor do I want to make a scene, because I know he's already hurting and he doesn't know how to handle it.

I was practically the same way, when my parents died I locked myself away from everyone and I wanted my world to end, so I can be with them. Thank God that didn't happen. I would have never met the love of my life married him and now we are expecting our miracle, our bean. All thanks to grandpa, he never left my side and made sure to make me a priority in his life.

I'm just hoping Brian knows we are here and despite the hurt, he feels now theirs a greater love waiting on him. Isn't it better to love and lost than never to love at all? I hope he knows that. He may be losing one life but he's gaining another. One that will open his entire heart in regions unknown to him.

I have learned that. yes, I will never lose the love I had from my parents but I gained more love and memories to last a lifetime, added to those I already created with them. I gained love from grandpa, Brian, my baby, Anna even Cindy in the short while I've come to know her. I gained so much more from the two I've lost. And who knows how much more to come.

Isn't this the shape of things to come, we lost and we love? We fight and then makeup, We hurt then we heal. We cry then we laugh. We fall but then we get up. We live and then we die. We sow then we reap. We give then we received. A time to be born and then to die. A time to hold on and a time to let go, it's all the space of things to come in this life and the next chapter of it.

Keith park the car, we get out walking into the hospital. Brian talked to the receptionist giving her the necessary information and we were directed to Mr. Chesney's room.

As we approached the room Brian becomes a bit hesitant but I held his hand kissing it.

I turned the lock.

There was a doctor in the room, she greeted us Brian introduced us. The doctor introduces herself as Dr. Hamilton she greeted us in French and English.

Brian reply in French whispering.


"Je Suis le petit-fils de M. Chesney at Voici ma femme."
(I'm the grandson of Mr. Chesney and this is my wife)

I didn't know he knew french more things am learning about my husband, I wonder what other languages he knows.

The doctor saw I was clueless to their conversation and spoke in English.

She explained his condition and all that had been happening so far. She told us how sorry she was, that she couldn't do more and the medications she is giving to him are to make him comfortable.

When I look over at Mr. Chesney he was a ghost of himself. My heart broke at how lifeless he looked. His hair was shaved off and he was practically skin and bones. He was asleep he looked so weary and tired. Tears fell from my eyes.

I stood there as tears silently flow out of my eyes running down my cheeks. I looked over to Brian he just stood there rooted to his spot. I was about to walk to his bed when Brian broke down and walk out of the room.

I silently thank God Mr. Chesney was asleep and didn't witness it. Just then he opens his eyes. I quickly wiped my tears away.

He smiled at me "don't cry my daughter I'm an old man" he said.

"I'm still here, come closer," he said.

I walked up to the bed turning the chair to face, the bed then sitting down.

"Where Brian," he asked.

"He left to get me something to eat since you were asleep when we arrived."

I lied I couldn't tell him the truth.

"You look beautiful my daughter."

"Thank you, granddad."

"Granddad why didn't you tell us. We would have been here for you."

"My child if you had been here, I wouldn't be having a great-grandchild."

I couldn't believe he was so humble and accepting of his condition.

"What would you or Brian have done differently the cancer has won it had already eaten me. The doctors try but it was too late for me."

"How do you feel granddad.

"Listen to me Jinette. Brian is not going to take this well he might try to push you away. Just give him some time and he will come around. He's knows too many losses in his life as well as you. But you will help him to get through it. Would you do that for this old man?"

He touches my cheeks where tears silently run down my face. I gain so much respect for him at this moment.

"I'm happy he has you and my great-grandson after I'm gone so he wouldn't be alone."

I smiled as tears run down my cheeks, "we don't know the gender granddad."

"You will see my child."

I smiled at him and wipe my eyes, we talked for a while but granddad was tired he dose off while I sit there staring at him trying to comprehend his words.

Grandpa enters the room.

"My angel what time did you get in where Brian."

I stood up hugging him crying my heart out.

"Oh, my angel takes it easy, I don't want anything to happen to you and my grandchild."

I smile through my tears.

"I thought I was your grandchild."

He chuckles, "you're my daughter."

"Sit, sit," he said.

"I went into the office this morning, I like the improvement, your co-CEO. I also saw some of your work. Impressive."

"Why do you look so surprised? You taught me well." I said wiping my eyes.

"That I did. So where's Brian."

"He was here but he stepped out for a bit to catch his breath."

"I know this is hard on him, I encouraged Jorden to tell him but he wanted to wait."

"I understand his reasons, but it would have been nice to know before now."

"Did you eat? grandpa asked.

"I will call Keith to take me to our apartment and I will pick up something along the way."

After my call to Keith grandpa and I talk for a while until Keith came to get me. we said our goodbyes and I left.
The end

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