Chapter 50

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Chapter 50
The shape of things to come

Jinette POV

3 weeks later

It's been three weeks since granddad's cremation and things are finally getting back to normal. We are still here in France because my obstetrician is not clearing me to fly. Brian is working from here he hasn't left my side because of the little pains I'm having here and there.

He bands me from working, even if I ask about it he says nothing. We had a long talk about his father and I understand his actions towards him, maybe it's just me but I thought we could continue the money the same way since granddad was giving it to him without reservations. But Brian is not having it. He has made it clear and there's nothing I can do or say about it.

Grandpa has retired leaving his half of the company to me. He went to England bought a house and plan on living there until further notice. He however plans on coming back when I give birth to his grandchild.

I'm currently sitting in the living room thinking about our anniversary, it is coming up, two months away and it has been quite a journey. They say the first year of marriage is the hardest. But I wouldn't necessarily say it was the hardest year, it had its challenges and struggles. But I learned a lot, gained a lot of experience sexually and intellectually. Travelled a little even though I'm in France and didn't get to visit Paris. I'm becoming a mother. I have a caring husband, good health, and a healthy baby coming in a week according to my due date. Things are shaping up nicely. I smile satisfyingly.

"It's bests be me that's putting that smile on your face."

I look up to see my husband looking at me. "Are you jealous? Mr Chesney."

"You know, making you smile is one of my favourite things, so if it's not me I'm jealous Mrs Chesney."

"In that case, you have nothing to worry about. I was thinking about our anniversary."

"It's almost a year of putting up with you woman."

"Shut up you know you love it." He sits down beside me.

"I love every moment of it and I love you more" he leans in kissing me, his hand cups my cheeks. I hold onto him deepening the kiss.

He halts the kiss picking me up walking to the bedroom when I feel water running out of me.

"Woman did you just pee on me." I roll my eyes at him. He put me down as a gush of water runs down my legs. "What's that," he asks looking at me with pure worries on his face. "My water break" I laugh at how uncomfortable he looks. "Did I do that," he asks worriedly.

"No silly I'm going into labour."

"How do you know," he asks looking at me as if I've grown two heads.

"Brian!" I shout at him. "Please get the bag while I freshen up and change. He hurries past me jogging to the bedroom. I call Dr Aubert telling her my water broke and we're on our way.

After freshening up and changing, Keith drives us to the hospital. We are in a private room as I'm being monitor.

Brian is so worried it's like he's not even breathing.

A contraction hit me and I grip onto the bed. Dr Aubert is in the room and encourages me to breathe. She also encourages Brian to do the same as well.

"Ok mummy you're 5 cm dilated I'm going to let your husband walk you along the corridor. If it becomes too much for you, let him know and he can bring you back to bed."

"Daddy I will task you with breathing and helping mummy to breathe also." She pats him on his shoulder." we are going to take good care of her don't worry."

As doctor Aubert left the room Brian help me change rubbing my back soothingly as another contraction hit. This one is much stronger and I close my eyes breathing heavily as I grip onto him until it subsides.

Brian help me off the bed as we walk around. After walking for 20 minutes I was tired and the contractions kept getting closer and closer. My back is killing me. Brian help me back to bed as I was so tired and uncomfortable to continue.

"Baby you're doing great, you're so strong." He coos.

He moves my hair from my face kissing my forehead. I lean onto him gripping his hand as another wave of contraction hits. It was getting too much and I am exhausted. Brian was right there encouraging and whispering sweet nothingness in my ears. It still didn't help the pain of the contractions.

Just as Brian is about to call the doctor she walks into the room. "Ok mummy let's have a look-see who's ready to make their entrance." At this point, I just open my feet wider than a skyscraper for her to check. The pain wasn't manageable and I didn't want our bean in me any longer.

Brian is rubbing my back encouraging me but I was just getting upset with him. "Ok mummy I'm ready" two other nurses were in the room assisting Dr Aubert.

"When you feel the next contraction, I want you to push and stop when I tell you to."

I nod as a contraction is coming on stronger with each new one. "Push mummy push," encourage Dr Aubert. "You're doing great baby." Whisper Brian.

"I hate you. I hate you, Brian, ahhhhh." I scream as I push. "I know, I know I love you too princess, you're so strong."

I lay back, I am exhausted as the contraction ease a little." why did I agree to do this naturally." I'm tired, wet and frustrated with this pain. I'm never doing it again, my lady parts can't handle it.

"You doing great baby just a few more, you're so strong." He kiss my forehead. "My strong, beautiful wife."

"Ahhhhhh," I scream as doctor Aubert couch and encourage me along. I hold onto his hand squeezing hard.

"Ok mummy big push this time," I push with all my might, all that I had left in me. When the cutest cries I've ever heard fill the room, our bean is here. She places my baby on my tummy. "Congratulations mummy and daddy it's a boy." Say, Dr Aubert. I couldn't be happier as I watch my son cry and squirm on my tummy. Tears fill my eyes as watch his little arms and legs move on my tummy.

The doctor calls Brian to cut the umbilical cord as she wraps our son in a blanket. She hands him to Brian who had tears in his eyes.

One of the nurses looks after me while Dr Aubert and the other take my son away.
I was all clean and laid back feeling tired when the nurse walks in with my son, she hands him to me. Tears fill my eyes as I look at my baby he is the image of Brian and smells so good. "What do we name him," I ask Brian.

Brian looks at him "Jorden Alexander Amito Chesney." I smile "I love it. Hello Jorden Alexander it's lovely to finally meet you, baby boy." I kiss his little cheeks hugging him to me. Brian hugs me kissing my lips he looks me in the eyes. "My forever love, I waited my whole life for this moment right here." I smile then peck his lips "I love you too."

"I'm building my whole world around you and my son. My love is yours signed and sealed. Now there is never a cause or reason for you to doubt me." As those words left his lips I tear up I couldn't ask for anything else in this world.

I hand Jorden over to Brian. I let him hold his son as I video call grandpa first then Anna so she can know she has a nephew, not a niece. She curst Brian out for not recording me screaming. I try calling Cindy twice but it went to voice mail.

After my call, I close my eyes going to sleep feeling happy with the shape of things to come.
The end of another character

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