Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
Listen while reading because you love me

Jinette POV

Today is my appointment with my OB.
Brian and I decided to not know the gender of our child. We didn't want to eliminate the element of surprise in knowing. Since we are both only children for our parents, whatever the gender is we will be happy.

I designed a dinosaurs theme room for our bean. But due to us travelling, I will have to call and reschedule for when we are back home. Construction we're to begin this week but circumstances change everything.

I'm currently packing our bags. After my appointment, once the doctor clears me to travel, we are leaving for France.

I don't know what we are going there to meet but I'm prepared to help my husband through this. Because I love him and I will stand by his side.

Brain didn't sleep well last night, he tossed and turn all night. He wakes early this morning with bags under his eyes and went to the gym to get his workout done. I know he had to blow off some steam. Then to his office to wrap up some work before we head to my appointment.

Now that I'm finished packing, I will take a shower and get some breakfast.
Brian had to leave while I was in the shower for a last-minute work appointment but he will meet me at the hospital.

I finished my breakfast and I'm about to get dress, to leave the house. While heading upstairs, I hear my phone ringing. I hurry up the steps as fast as I could or more like waddled up the stairs to my room. It is Cindy calling.

"Where were you?" she shouts as soon as I answer.

"Yes, mother, do you know how hard it is to walk up steps when you're pregnant?"

She laughs at my silliness.

"How are you and my baby," she asks.

"We are good, how are you? How are you and Sean? Are things much better between the both of you?"

"I got a job in Italy," she says ignoring my previous questions.

"Did you hear me, Cindy?"

"I don't want to talk about Sean, I call to share my good news."

"Cindy you're seriously going to break up your family for a job you can get here too. possibly in a greater position."

"Jinette are you taking Sean's side I thought we were better than that."

"Cindy you're one of my best friends more like a sister to me. I just don't want you to make a decision base on anger don't let it blindside you."

"Really, you believe I'm doing this because of anger."

"I'm on my Godson side, he the one getting hurt in all this."

"What about me Jinette, I devoted my entire life to our family while Sean gets to pursue his dream and mine gets pushed to the side because women are supposed to stay home and look, babies."

"I never say that. I never said that is your role. A lot of women are having it all, dream job, family, and husband why can't you have it all here with your husband and son. Isn't that the ultimate goal in the end?"

"Jinette Sean wants me to rot in this house and just pop out babies."

"I'm sure that's not, what that man wants. you just stuck in your ways and want what you want."

"That is not it Jinette, you're not seeing the hidden picture."

"I wish Brian and I didn't have to leave so I could have come over. We could  talk about this better than over the phone."

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