𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎: Different Friday

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The day of a friday started by waking up at seven in the morning, yawning and doing stretches for a good five minutes before making the bed properly. Walking out of her bedroom and going to the bathroom, she shut the door and she began to take a ten minute shower.

After showering, she wrapped her body with a towel and ran back to her bedroom to wear her work clothes that consisted of a white buttoned down shirt topped with a black blazer and on her bottom part was a skirt that is just slightly above the knee, she also wore black stockings and then combed her hair.

Now that she was all dressed up for work, she headed for the kitchen to cook breakfast for her and her father who wakes up a little later. She also made her own lunch for the day: omelette, fried pork slices, a little bit of vegetables that were stir fried, fried rice, and a mango.

This was her routine every single day she wakes up to prepare for work and she got used to it, doing everything in order just like she did for the first time she started working. It was considered as her habit and it'll be difficult to get over this when the time comes that she has to resign or maybe, if possible, get married.

Everything was all set and she was ready to grab all the things that she prepared in one go, but before that, she ate her breakfast first. "Thank you for the meal." She said and then began to eat her breakfast in an average speed as she was concerned for her stomach to be bloated while in work. It was a struggle for her to maintain a balanced weight especially in the time that she's in, stress and breakdowns are unavoidable even for someone like her who gets her work done and has a fairly normal lifestyle.

As she finished off her breakfast and washed the plate that she used, placing it on the drying rack, there was a thud sound that came from upstairs and her father letting out a pained shout. "Geez, that's why I told him not to spring out of bed every single morning forehead first." She sighed and dried her hands with a cloth then she took her shoulder bag and a small bag for her lunchbox.

"Ah, wait! Heading off to work already?" Her father ran to her who was a step outside of the house, "Yeah. Boss instructed me to arrive early today. He said something along the lines of guiding a newbie in the job, something like that." Her father blinked and then gave a pat on his daughter's shoulder, smiling, he said, "I know how you hate having talks like what I'm about to say right now but, I'm glad that you turned out a responsible daughter of mine."

She smiled back at his father and patted his back, "I know. Thanks, father. I'll go now, your breakfast is on the table. Eat the vegetables this time or I won't add in your portion to my cooking next time!" She strictly pointed out with a stern look while her father only chuckled which she knew that he won't be following her instructions at all.


Daigo took the bus to work since she didn't feel like battling with different types of people going to their destination, mainly office workers, so she decided to take it easy today as it is a friday which meant a lot to her.

"Hey hey, did you see that man earlier? He was so handsome." She overheard a couple of girls in university uniforms that entered the bus and walked to the back. "Of course I saw him, but he looks like he has a wife or maybe a fiance."

She won't admit it wholeheartedly but, those university students were talking about something interesting and Daigo was enjoying every single bit of what they were talking about, making herself get even more curious.

A certain build of someone's physique and energy caught Daigo's attention, her eyes might be fooling her but he looked exactly the same as the man that she met on a tuesday. She was confident with her sense of identifying the people that she interacted with. "Get a grip." Daigo said to herself before pinching her own cheek and then enjoyed the air from the bus window.

𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 -𝗄.𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗂Where stories live. Discover now