𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍: Love Language & Picnics

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(weeee 200+ reads!)

(A/N: (121421) look where we ended up. This many reads 😭)

"We are here to finally announce you that the setups for this project has been a success and to celebrate that, instead of having a whole banquet, we have decided to make this celebration a memorable one." There goes the confetti popping off and making a mess that will be hard to pick up, "Us, the team, will be having a picnic!"

The strangers gathered inside Izanami's office cheered and clapped their hands, Nanami doesn't want to involve himself in this so-called 'celebration' of theirs. He was just glad that this is finally dealt with and hopefully he can return to-

Nanami halts his thoughts when that particular person appears in his mind, he didn't intentionally thought of that person, it just...appeared.

"Kento-kun!" Izanami walked over to him with a 'smile'. "Congratulations to both of us for making this project successful. You're a special asset in this project and I expect you to attend, got it?" Her eyes looked at him in a very terrifying way, what did Nanami do? Nothing. He remained unbothered by this extra.

"Hmph! You haven't warmed up to me at all. You're mean!" She pouted and frowned, crossing her arms. "We've spent months together, but why are you treating me like a stranger?!" She raises her voice, catching the attention of the people present in the room.

She looks down and smirks, raises her head and lets out the fake tears. "How could you do this to me?! Wasn't I good enough of a woman for you?" Those people started whispering at each other and some exited the room, probably to stay away from the drama or to gossip about this with the others. Exactly what she wanted.

'If you're not gonna make a move to deal with this, it'll surely reach that outsider, Daigo. Before you know it, she's gonna cut you off forever and you'll finally be mine to take!' She giggles, only a few were left in the room.

She comes closer to him and whispers, "You're the man I want, but if you won't notice my feelings for you, then I just have to do things my way." Nanami kept quiet and just looked at her with the most uninterested look that he could ever have.

Izanami's blood just boiled even more when she didn't get the reaction that she wanted from the man, causing her to throw the wine glass that she held with her hand to the window. "You're making me look pathetic here! Give me a reaction, damn it!!" She stresses as she kicked and stomped on whatever she could.

"It's because you are. You're pathetic." He finally says to the riled up woman who widens her eyes at his response. "Ha..ha...What are you saying, Kento-" "Nanami. We're not acquaintances." He interrupts her.

"Shut up!" She shouts. "You'll regret hurting my feelings, Kento. I'll hurt you where it will absolutely leave you traumatized." She laughs before marching out of the room.

Nanami thought to himself, 'Going to that celebration will be...dangerous.'


Workers entered Daigo's floor and they were talking about something that she just overheard at her desk as theirs were not that far off from hers. "Kento and Izanami-san fought?" "I heard something along the lines that heavily implies that they must be in a relationship!"

𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 -𝗄.𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗂Where stories live. Discover now