𝐎𝐕𝐓. 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘-𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄: 'Please be alright.'

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Waking up with a painfully throbbing head is not the best way to wake up the next day after drinking way too much. Though, most people prefers to drink a lot to forget about their problems and worries even if it's just for a while.

'Gosh...my head hurts so bad...' Groggily waking up from her drunk slumber, the pain instantly hits her like a truck. She held her head as she slowly got up from her bed.

Her vision came back to normal in time when she entered the bathroom and leaned on the bathroom wall. "Ugh..I feel sick." Her eyes widened when the rising feeling came to her throat. Quickly dropping to the floor, she opened the cover of the toilet and let it all out.

'I hate liquors so much' She stands up, flushing all the vomit and goes to wash her face. "Ah- I'll just take a shower instead."

In the dining room, he prepared food for her and waited until she awakens.

"Whew, that was an effective way to sober up." She walked downstairs with a towel hanging over her neck. Her clothes yesterday was on the laundry and she's now wearing a fresh set of clothes, just in case you're wondering.

"Hm? Nanami!" Her face brightens when she saw the male and she immediately runs to him with open arms. He was confused and surprised at her approach to him, causing him to be caught off guard when she jumps and hugs him.

"Did something happen, Hiroko?" He asked. He was actually concerned from how she was so energetically happy when she just woke up from a drunk state. 'Is she still drunk?'

Giggling, she looks up at him and gives a peck on his cheek. "Nothing at all! I just feel more relieved. Like, all the heavy feeling in my heart just disappeared." She sets her hands on his shoulders, "I don't know what happened last night, but something must've happened that removed the uneasiness in my heart."

Looking away, she adds, "I'm also sure that you heard everything that I was keeping from you." "I did." He said. "And I listened well. You don't have to hide things away from me or push me away. We started off as friends and as a friend, I will listen to whatever you're holding in."

He holds her hand, "So, Hiroko, there's no need for you to be acting all awkward with me." Smiling, he gently pulls her in a hug. "It doesn't suit you at all."

She laughs and snuggles in his embrace, "Whatever, I just found something that made me realize and decide on something." Curious, he asks what it is. "Not gonna tell you! Now's not a good time." She shakes her head.

"Alright then. You're hungry, right? I made food for you." "But what about you?" He just took her hand and led her to the dining table, "I'm taking care of you so I'll have to keep watch."

"Eh? What are you, my bodyguard?" She said with a complaining tone in her voice while she sat down and started to eat.

'Speaking of "bodyguard", I wonder if that guy is still around somewhere.'

"Is something on your mind, Hiroko?" She snaps back to reality and she laughs, shaking her head. "No, nothing at all! I was just thinking how long has it been since I first ate your cooking."

"Is that so." He's gone soft for her and everything that she says was so believable. Wrapped around her finger, he is. Even if that was the case, he'd still be with her. No matter what happens, he'll stay by her side.

Halfway through her meal, she suddenly felt nauseous once again. "Huh? But I thought I let everything out earlier." She covers her mouth and looks at Nanami who stood up and went to her side. "I'll take you to the bathroom, here, hold on to me." She lets Nanami guide her back to the bathroom and carefully takes her to the toilet.

𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 -𝗄.𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗂Where stories live. Discover now