[1K 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋]: "Teach me", Pretty Boy, Pretty Eyes

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Welcome, all! I wanted to thank you for the support for this fic and I wanted to give you all something special. This special has no connection to the storyline of my fic.

Overview: You are a jujutsu sorcerer and has been working side by side with Gojo Satoru for a while now. He calls you in the field to train with you, it has been a while since you two had sparred together and he wanted to see how strong you got.

Warning: Suggestive scenes, swearing, lemon, degrading, saliva, praises, and something you don't see everyday, submissive Gojo.

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Tying your hair into a hairstyle where your hair won't get in the way of your day and wearing the outfit that you had for the past few years of your life as a jujutsu sorcerer, you sighed as you had been suddenly called by your longtime battle partner, Gojo Satoru. Knowing him, you had thoughts that it will just be for nonsense and he'll just be annoying you for the rest of the day.

Nevertheless, you had some respect for the man and you knew when to take him seriously or not. You two aren't partners for nothing, of course you knew each other well enough.

"Gojo-san!" You shouted, your voice spreading out on the vast and empty field in the forest that for some reason was just there while the rest of the forest were just....trees.

Huffing a breath of impatience, you tapped your foot on the ground and waited for a few seconds. The audacity of that man, never getting over his unprofessional time management skills. It was one of the problems that you- everyone had to deal with.

"If you're not coming out then I'm never answering to your request to see me. Ever! You hear that?!" You yelled once again. It was a harmless threat that you always used when he was having fun too much. You thought that he would get sick of the repetitiveness of it, but he actually didn't. It was odd, but really simple if one thinked about it.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and so you turned your head to the direction, what surprised you was how Gojo's face was close to yours. "Heh, I'm here now, Y/N." He says while he had his signature smile.

"What a relief, I thought you won't show up even though you called me here." You sarcastically said, shooting a glare to him. "By the way, why did you want to meet up here?"

"I wanna spar with you!" He clasps his hands together and leaned his face forward to yours. "You definitely grew all those years. I can feel it and," His eyes goes down then back up, "See it." He chuckled.

You had no problem if it was just sparring with him. It's been a while since both of you sparred with each other. There were years that you two were fighting side by side, but after a few years, he went solo and focused on teaching his students while you set your attention to gathering information and practicing on your own.

"I see no problem with a short sparring. Just combat? Nothing else?" You asked while you stretched your limbs, preparing to spar with him.

What made him interested in you was how normal you treated him. Just like any other sorcerers, you made him feel belonged to them, not just putting him high up on the pedestal from other jujutsu sorcerers. That's what he liked about you.

𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 -𝗄.𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗂Where stories live. Discover now