𝐎𝐕𝐓. 𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍: In Pursuit & Her Decision

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"I didn't want to drag you in this, but your assistance is really needed here." He says as he opens the door, revealing Gojo who sat on one of the chairs and the spiky haired boy named Megumi was on one corner with his arms crossed.

The two focuses on them who just entered the room, it was silent for a bit till Gojo skips on his steps and wraps his arms over the woman. "Hiroko! I missed you!" He squishes his cheek to hers, an irk mark appearing on her temple, she wanted to punch the life out of him, but she knew she couldn't as there was something preventing her to do so. Gojo was something else.

"Gojo-sensei." Megumi says, his eyes piercing on the man. "Right," Gojo moves away from her and went back to his seat. "The reason I gathered you all here is, we're looking for the ancient special grade cursed object that is from the king of curses, Sukuna Ryoumen."

The atmosphere of the room became heavy just by the mentioning of this huge threat of a name. "Though Hiroko doesn't know anything about what we fully do, but I taught her things that she can adjust in to." Gojo motions to her who listened carefully to him.

"I already told the rest their roles and what they should do so," Gojo smirks, "Hiroko, your role here is..."

───※ ·❆· ※───

Awkward. She was assigned to accompany Megumi in looking for the objective.

'Yikes, he really looks like him alright.' She says in her mind as she glances at the boy. Megumi looked calm and cool, but there was something more to his outer appearance and expressions. He's capable of doing more and it will eventually become a lot through time.

"Hey, Fushiguro." He turns his head to her, "Yes? Also, call me Megumi. You're older." For some reason there was an impact from his emphasis on the age gap between them. "Kids these days, seriously..." She mumbles.

"Wanna go get some food? We should head back for now." He nods, "Sure. I don't see a problem with that." That was easier than she thought it would be, he's not that bad. Unlike the other one.

They stopped for sushi as per to his request, which she accepted. It costed her a lot, but seeing that he enjoyed the meal was a good return for the money that she just spent for a supposed snack. It was also her fault that they ended up going here for a meal since she confidently challenged him to a rock paper scissors game, she lost.

He observed the woman sitting across him as he ate, he saw that she was acting unnaturally in his presence. He had suspicions and assumptions.

"Tell me what you know already. You're hiding something from me, Daigo-san." There was no point in asking questions for a simple need to know one thing that he hasn't known ever since.

She nervously laughs, acting clueless. "What do you mean by that, Megumi? There's no way I'm hiding anything." He only stares at her in silence. She slumps her shoulders in defeat, "I do have something to share, but now is not the time. I could say it right now, but I can't."

"But if it eases your mind or just angers you, I do know your father. Only for a short time though." Her expression changes when a few flashes of her moments with the long gone man, Megumi noticed it all.

"Was he a good person?" He asked. A bitter smile spreads on her face, " 'Good' doesn't actually describes or fits him. He just does things how he likes it, but thanks to him, I managed to unlock and understand something in me that I never knew."

𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 -𝗄.𝗇𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗆𝗂Where stories live. Discover now