not a oneshot, just- read it, please.-

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  (Stories get better around the K-on AU- my writing just used to suck.)

Ok, huge apology to the people who were interested in the Obey Me fanfiction, but I literally lost all motivation to work on it. Accept this book thingy as part of the apology- ok? Ok-

  Anyway, I've dived through everything I know, and I literally need help. Ao3, wattpad have been cleared. I have read ALL of the fanfictions that it showed up, and didn't have any when I checked- I have a whole damn folder in my gallery and So, I decided a long time ago it was me or noone- so Haha yes-

  Warning, my writing skills aren't the best, but um...Some...Oh jeez they're ao3 worthy- yeah....You'll know-


   I WILL BE ACCEPTING IDEA'S! I literally am running out of fanfiction idea's (well....Half true) so if anyone has any, please-!! I don't care what the idea is, or if I add more detail to it, just a main idea- These are types of things I wont accept tho- (yes it can also be themes)

-Smut. I am not a smut writer, I'm sorry. I do add things like french kissing (aka once) but I wont do that kind of stuff.

-Heat. I know this sort of falls into smut, but no heat. (Though um- I will accept my baby boi Naofumi with cat ears and a cat tail *coughs*)

-Vore. I wont even.

-Anything Toxic. I would have no intentions of shipping the ship without Naofumi's name getting clear or if rising of the spear hero wasn't there (the reprise thing-) because it would be toxic. I can add oneshots that work around this (when Naofumi's name isn't clear) but I wont do toxic relationships, Unless it's to improve a different ship.

-No other ship (unless to build onto Naofumi and Motoyasu's relationship). I do ship a lot, but this is dedicated to my two dummies (they both have their times- especially Motoyasu-)

  Um that's it- anyway, I'm going to go keep burying myself in fanfictions and unfinished school work 👍

  (Watch me put a different picture of these two every time even if it has no relevance to the fanfiction itself.) Also, artwork is not mine!

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