Cat|Villain AU

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   "Why can't we just buy a cat... You don't want it so you'll end up being best friends with it, that's how it works," Motoyasu sighed, placing his hands on Naofumi's shoulders. Naofumi glared at him, taking a sip of wine. 
   "Why a cat? There are so many other animals to choose from..." naofumi groaned. 
   "Cat's are cute, reliable, funny, affectionate...I mean you need affection, look at you!" Motoyasu spoke. 
   "I do not-" 
   "You are just like a cat, I mean you even have the cold glare," Motoyasu smiled, feeling nervous sweat roll down his face.
   "It doesn't matter how much I act like a cat, WE don't want one. Plus cats are lazy, I am not lazy," Naofumi scoffed, a little smirk coming to his face. 
   "Come on you won't even have to watch it. At this point I'm just going to buy one knowing that you won't talk to me for months," Motoyasu sighed sarcastically, pouting. 
   "It's funny how you can go from dumb, to a total dumbass," Naofumi snickered, taking a gulp of wine and almost hitting Motoyasu in the face with the glass. 
   "I'm going to get a cat just because of you," Motoyasu sneered, taking his hands off of Naofumi's shoulders and standing up straight. He looked at Naofumi, who was sitting with his legs crossed on a couch. 
   "Buy a cat then, my shield has been doing amazing at killing things lately," Naofumi claimed, winking at Motoyasu. 
   "I know...You're like a rebellious child and I'm that one strict parent that the child likes to push their luck with, but also somehow loves them a lot," Naofumi teased. 
   "I'm not acting like a child, I just don't understand why we can't get a cat! Also, we're dating so saying you're my parent sounds fucked up," Motoyasu stated, folding his arms. 
   "I was just using an example Motoyasu, I didn't mean literally." Naofumi sighed, shaking his head. "Besides the child part," Naofumi mumbled. 
   "I am not a child!" Motoyasu yelled, annoyed. 
   Naofumi stood up and placed a hand on Motoyasu's cheek. "If I buy a cat, will you still pay attention to me? Will I be replaced with a cat?" Naofumi teased. 
   "This is all about affection...? Are you serious?" Motoyasu sneered, annoyed. He didn't quite understand that Naofumi was joking, taking everything he said a bit too literal. 
   "Mhm," Naofumi hummed, chuckling. 
   "We sleep in the same bed," Motoyasu smirked, wrapping his hands around Naofumi's waist.
   Naofumi quickly replied, looking away flustered, "Yes...But not the point,"
   Two days passed, Naofumi was relieved Motoyasu had gotten a cat yet. "I am going to fucking regret this.." Naofumi sighed, waiting for Motoyasu to walk into their room.
   Naofumi sat on their bed, staring at himself, wondering why he'd even decide to do this.
   "Ok, Naofumi I know you'll be mad but-" Motoyasu started, bursting into the room. Motoyasu's face lit up, almost dropping the kitten in his hands.
   Motoyasu smirked, "what are you doing..?" Naofumi was wearing a pair of black cat ears, along with a black tail. He had on a black crop top, a black skirt, stockings, and fishnet gloves.
   "Yayoi got a.." Naofumi mumbled, looking at the black cat.
   "It reminded me of you, so I picked up the cat...Now, what are you wearing, because It's fucking hot," Motoyasu said.
   "Y-you wanted a cat so I was..." Naofumi started, beginning to panic.
   Motoyasu gently put the cat on the floor, watching it instantly collapse to the ground to sleep. Motoyasu walked over and stroked Naofumi's hair.
   "You look nice in that, maybe you should wear it more often so I can look at you and-"
   Naofumi spat at Motoyasu, frowning. "You bought a damn cat," Naofumi scoffed.
   Motoyasu wiped Naofumi's spit off his face and nervously sighed. "You don't have to watch it a-"
   "You bought a cat, Motoyasu. I have never felt so betrayed in my life," Naofumi sneered, closing his eyes in disappointment.
   "You look hot, is that not enough for you? I don't care if you want to stuff your face with food while I watch the cat-"
   "No. If I'm stuffing my face with the food we'll be watching a movie or something. You have a boyfriend, not pay attention to me," Naofumi started, narrowing his eyes at Motoyasu.
   "I hug and kiss you all the time and you ignore me," Motoyasu claimed.
   "Doesn't mean I don't secretly love it," Naofumi huffed.
   "You're so fucking weird, but I fucking love you," Motoyasu sighed, kissing Naofumi.
   "Now seriously, get rid of that cat,"

Ok but seriously- These two are chaotic but I love them- (Aka Motoyasu pushes his luck and Naofumi's moody even in the anime lol)

Now, no one asked but LGBTQ+ head cannons for the main 4 that I write :) (no OCS)
If you don't agree with any of these head cannons then please just ignore them, no hate here 👍👍

Gay, Demisexual, Transgender



Bisexual (prefers males, but will date females)

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