Blood| Vampire AU

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The blond looked at the raven- a pain welling in his eyes. Motoyasu's breath was rapid- holding every urge back to sink his teeth into the boy. Naofumi just stared back- blinking obliviously at the vampire. 

He let his eyes narrow in pity- hating to see one he loved so dearly in so much pain. It only made sense with the full moon and dark colors scattered across the sky. Naofumi slumped further back into the wall- taking hold of one of Motoyasu's hands. 

"Hey, Motoyasu…" Naofumi began, his voice quiet. He let a kind- but semi-nervous smile grow upon his lips. "Take as much blood as you want."

Motoyasu took a step back- orange eyes illuminating against the darkness that grew. "Naofumi- No- I'm sorry...D-Don't entice me!" Motoyasu coughed- tears mixing with his sweat. 

Naofumi continued to lean against the wall- letting a hand reach into his pocket. He pulled out a small pin- pricking his finger. Blood formed on the area he poked- letting it slowly drip down his finger. 

Naofumi held his hand out- watching Motoyasu's panicked face switch between confusion, anger- and obviously deep stress. Naofumi let out a sigh watching the male tense- but did not take action to get what he desired. "Motoyasu, come on… It's not like I don't know. This is what you want, and I've always tried to give you what you want...Have I not? Please," Naofumi insisted- keeping his tone steady and comforting. 

Motoyasu narrowed his eyes- flashing the raven a dirty glare. "Just like any other vampire I'll lose myself and kill you. Is that what you want?! Get your hand away from me- and fucking bandage it," Motoyasu yelled- although his voice was far from confident. 

Naofumi ignored his words and sauntered closer, placing his bloodied finger just before his lips. " Do you assume I'm scared of you?" Naofumi asked. "I believe I know you better than you do yourself, please… Stop holding-" 

Motoyasu pushed Naofumi's shoulders, slamming him against the wall once more. Naofumi let out a small yelp as his wall hit the back- pain, and shock swelling through his body. Motoyasu moved the collar of Naofumi's shirt over a bit- and let his teeth sink into the raven's fair skin. 

At first, the pain was overwhelming- where more than anything he wanted to cry and throw Motoyasu off him… But slowly the pain became less numb- and Naofumi let his hand gently massage Motoyasu back, wanting more than anything for the blond to finally be free from whatever tremendous pain and thoughts that controlled him.  

Naofumi slowly let his eyes open- looking at the male who was still taking in blood. Naofumi smirked- more than happy to see Motoyasu getting what he needed...Only truth be told what would happen to Naofumi himself, he truly didn't know if he'd die, but he could only assume Motoyasu could control himself. 

Moments passed-which merely turned to three minutes. The raven could feel his body growing weak- powerless against the blond's tight grip and piercing fangs. Everything around him was fuzzy- and he felt his body growing cold. Naofumi gripped the back of Motoyasu's shirt. "O-okay… Motoyasu… I feel a little weak…" Naofumi stated. 

Motoyasu slowly raised his head- mouth covered in bright red blood. Now his expression was much calmer and content- finally at peace rather than a torturing panic. Motoyasu looked away- unable to lock eyes with the rather pale male. "Thank you… Naofumi," Motoyasu mumbled. 

"It's fine… I'm happy you're… Content…" Naofumi mumbled. His weak trembling body fell forward- crashing into Motoyasu. The blond was quick to wrap his arms around the male, staring down in shock and also sorrow; shameful that he drank so much Naofumi couldn't stand on his own.  

"N-Naofumi…? I'm sorry for getting you to this point," Motoyasu gulped. 

"No, no- It's fine, Motoyasu," Naofumi chuckled. "I already felt a little weak beforehand… I just need some rest," Naofumi insisted- letting out a half-lie. He needed rest- but he felt fine beforehand. He knew he let the vampire fulfill far too much of his desires- but Naofumi didn't mind knowing he'd be fine tomorrow. Naofumi calmed down, listening to the gentle pound of the blond's heart. 

Motoyasu ran a hand gently through Naofumi's hair. It was hard not to panic- knowing he would have injured his hopefully, soon-to-be lover. The taste of Naofumi's blood had just been so sweet- perfect for his liking. Motoyasu raised a hand to his mouth- wiping away the blood. The blood was the best he tasted- but he knew his actions and desires were outright disgusting. 


Naofumi let his eyes flutter open- taking no time to realize the soreness and cramps that throbbed in his neck. The bite of a vampire hurt greater than hell- the raven himself not realizing how much it would hurt. The next thing he noticed was where his head was pressed- and whose arm was over him. Motoyasu was right next to him- his chin resting on his fluffy locks. 

Naofumi narrowed his eyes- still overcome by tiredness. Naofumi let one of his arms swing over the muscular blond- feeling his kind warmth. 

"Oh… You're awake," Motoyasu spoke, eyes still closed as if he'd just woken up. The truth was he never got an inch of sleep- continuously checking Naofumi's neck for spotted blood, and making sure he still had a beating heart. 

"Yeah- morning," Naofumi awkwardly replied- feeling his cheeks slightly flush at the fact that he was cuddling with his best friend. (Always gotta hug the bro's.)

Motoyasu let his grip around the raven tighten- as if to pull him closer. "I'm sorry about last night's events. I didn't want to hurt you," Motoyasu apologized again- sincerely sorry about his selfish actions. He'd wish he could turn back and fix what he did- but he knew he couldn't. 

"It's fine. I could tell you couldn't help it," Naofumi mumbled. The male slightly pulled away from the blond so he was able to look into his bright orange eyes that watched him attentively. "As long as you're happy, then I'm happy!"

Motoyasu let out a small chuckle- a small smile forming upon his face. Motoyasu let out a mumble- a thought he didn't mean to say. "Gosh… He's so cute…" Motoyasu ran a hand through Naofumi's hair once more- his smile growing at Naofumi's rosy cheeks and kind smile. 
Ok-- Am I the only one who got vampire vibes from Motoyasu the whole anime??? Like I know he isn't but???? I mean Redish- orange eyes, the good ol' ponytail??? IDK-- Anyway, I give you hell :)

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