Suicidal|school AU

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    (Puts too much effort into this cutely)
Naofumi was a freshman, who had only made it to winter. The harsh air nipped at his beak, causing the tip of his nose to feel impassive. Blood flowed from his mouth from biting his tongue so harshly. The pain had replenished throughout his mouth, and all he could sample was the stale metallic flavour. For once Naofumi was hushed by this taste and in no state of distress.
    Naofumi looked up at the grey atmosphere, observing only the thundering clouds. The daylight was impossible to distinguish, and it seemed as if it was dozing at the instant. Naofumi proceeded to take off his coat, letting the ebony cloth fall off him. The jacket arrived on the school ceiling with a minor thud. Presently Naofumi could feel the frigid air going through his sweater, and onto his bare membrane.
    Naofumi permitted tears to begin rolling down his skin, smudging his cheeks with mascara. The tears froze on the railing and some of his tears stuck to his face. Naofumi placed his hands on the damp banister, tensing up from the new conditions.
     Naofumi clutched the railing with more pressure, enabling his knuckles to formulate the colour of snow. Naofumi allowed insignificant whimpers to bypass his mouth,  all of his suffering and all the trauma he bottled up to escape his mouth.
    Naofumi began to ascend over the railing, making sure he didn't jump yet. Naofumi resumed clutching the railing with pressure, having slight second thoughts. He knew if he perished, there would be a limited selected people who missed him.
   His vision began to become too blurry to see. Tears were spewing from his eyes, tears passionately rolling down his ghost-white face. Naofumi got himself together and took a deep whiff. The cold air scrambled through his lungs, staining his throat. The male let out a small cough, dumping some of the bitter climates.
    Naofumi heard the vague voices of delighted students, they were communicating and chortling.
    Naofumi soon was able to make out a few of the kids and was sure of two of the individualities. Myne Sophia, a very beautiful girl. She manipulated her looks and sassy attitude to make her way into a group of men, most likely to pursue a relationship (a one-time thing) Naofumi didn't like Myne, primarily because she achieved the heart of the one he had cherished since grade four.
     The other individual he recognized was Motoyasu Kitamura. He was a handsome, assembled male who usually had girls all over him. He had the looks but wasn't exactly the cleverest. Naofumi had always found this cute and admired it when Motoyasu used to study with him before Myne tarnished that too.
    Naofumi had a substantial fixation on this male and envisioned them kissing and dating every day. His fantasies always got hold of him, and always pulled him into daydreams he didn't crave to abandon. He knew Motoyasu would never love him back, but knew it would take him a long time to give up the stunning blonde.
     Not wanting either Myne or Motoyasu to see him on the other side of the railing, he hastily ascended back over. Not even a minute later he heard his name being phoned. Motoyasu's optimistic and comforting voice rang through Naofumi's ears. A fragile flush fell over the raven's face. Naofumi looked over in Motoyasu's location, and the blonde was gesturing for him to come over.
    Naofumi scrambled his shoes across the roof approaching them. Naofumi studied the sour mood Myne was in, and how pissed she looked. Her arms were folded over her chest, and her face was shaped in a scowl.
     Naofumi looked away, not minding about the asshole. "Hm, do you need something?" Naofumi interrogated calmly, giving Motoyasu a tiny polite smile.
    Suddenly the kind, the alluring face was torn of Motoyasu to reveal a serious and apathetic stare.
     "Alright, what the hell were you doing on the other side of the railing?" Motoyasu catechized.
    Naofumi murmured, absent words fleeing his mouth. Perspire proceeded to roll down his pale face, poking out at his forehead.
    Motoyasu grabbed Naofumi's wrist and hauled them over to an isolated spot. The gust whacked through their hairs. Motoyasu continued to grasp Naofumi's wrist, lightly caressing the skin. Motoyasu couldn't feel any wounds, but wouldn't be astonished if he had. Motoyasu stroked his body closer to the raven's body and skimmed another hand around the man's physique.
     "Naofumi, answer the question." Motoyasu calmly advised, fibres of his hair tumbling from his shoulder. Tears welled up in the intersection of Naofumi's eyes, mourning the time he decided jumping would be a sensational idea.
     Nothing above a whisper, Naofumi mumbled, "I was going to jump.." The planet fell silent, not even a bird was to be heard. It felt like everything had stopped for a few moments, and only Naofumi was free to move.
     Motoyasu stared down at the male, eyes sealed with panic and sorrow. He felt pity for the raven and yearned to help him as adequately as he could. Motoyasu jerked Naofumi into a fast hug, his arms tying around Naofumi's shoulders.
     "Naofumi, it's not okay to do that. If you need help you can always ask me." Motoyasu whispered, making sure to keep his voice in a reassuring tone. Naofumi felt tears pouring from his eyes, his sobs stifled by Motoyasu's chest.
    All the two males heard was the muted cries of Naofumi and the civil breathing of the other. Motoyasu pulled away from the hug, still maintaining his hands-on Naofumi's small fragile shoulders.
    Motoyasu tilted closer to Naofumi's forehead, and kissed him. His delicate kiss made Naofumi quiet down more, and become astounded. Not in one million years would he expect Motoyasu to kiss him, let alone even caress him. Naofumi felt an extraordinary feeling in his stomach, discerning exactly what this was. His heart began to throb and beat sooner than it ever had before. Naofumi felt his face grow hot and knew he was flustered and undergoing even more emotions.

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