Curse Of Love 1/2| Royal AU

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  Naofumi stood amid a ballroom alone, the walls around him laughing at his very presence. His stupid crown and overly rich outfit made a fool of him, showing him how undeserving he was of being one of the richest princes ever. He'd been spoiled by his parents, given top education, had a car at only four years old, he never had to worry or go through troubles he didn't want to. 

  So now his cheek throbbed. Assaulted by his own blood.

  He wanted to confess to his father it was something that had been confusing him lately; his sexuality. He'd never felt fully attracted to any women he met… but for some reason, a prince not far away was perfect. Smart, kind, charming and caring. All Naofumi wanted and needed. He didn't need a princess with long curled hair, a face to makeup and a beautiful gown with the shittiest personality. He'd only met a few nice princesses… But even then, he only ever wanted to be friends. 

  Naofumi felt a tingling in the back of his throat as he was alone with only his thinking. What was the point of fighting the most known, richest king? His father would just continue to tournament him; push him down. Naofumi wiped his eye. He wanted a prince; but after how spoiled he was and how well taken care of he was… Did he deserve to love that one aspect of him?

  His parents wanted him to introduce his wife to the public, to be a gentleman with a lady, to have a child, to have what they called a life. 

  Naofumi started moving towards the doors after merely a half hour of standing in silence. The man just wanted to run away. He was the failure of the family, and he would never be able to let down this awful truth. And he was scared they'd only get more furious… 

  Naofumi and this said prince had been in close contact for a while; flirting; admitting the other was attractive. 

  Naofumi quietly closed his door, falling to the floor. He huddled his body close. The whole room was dark, and the walls seemed to cave in. It hit home in the small room where he spent most of his time. He began to break, sorrowful tears shedding from his eyes. He ran his shaky hands through his hair. He became sad and frustrated. 

  He wanted his father to listen, to understand… But he also didn't want to stand by the throne unhappily while a lovely lady he didn't love gushed over him. It would all be one-sided. A fake disaster. 

  In the midst of it all, he heard his phone go off. Did he want to check? Not really… He listened to the ring as someone tried to call him, and kept quiet weeping into his knees. 

  It kept going off. 

  In a rage, he stood up and stomped over. He flipped over the phone, slamming his hand into the desk where his phone had stayed previously. 


  Naofumi collected himself and wiped his eyes. Seeing the name Motoyasu with a heart next to it was kinda… Well in reality making it worse.

  Naofumi put the phone on speaker. For a moment, not a noise was made…Before that familiar cheerful assuring voice rang out to kill him. Naofumi felt his chest clutch in pain- and more tears ran. 

  "Hey, Naofumi! Really good news! My mother is calling off the engagement with the princess I was talking about. I talked to her this morning and she was supportive of you and me… I know we aren't technically a thing- but… It's obvious that we have something going on," Motoyasu cheerfully said. Naofumi held his breath, hearing his soft but hopeful tone at the end. 

  This was killing him… Naofumi pressed his lips together harshly and dug a nail into his palm. 

  "yeah- I uh… talked to my dad today about it," Naofumi spoke with an emotionless tone. He wanted to show emotion… He either wanted to let Motoyasu know the truth or sound extremely happy as he told the blond how his father loved the idea.

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