Love at first sight| Royal AU

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Naofumi waited beside his sister, looking down at the floor with a blank stare. Although he spent his whole life training to be king, practicing his skills if there was ever war and being as kind as he could- yet his sister stood with a bubbly face awaiting her future husband's arrival.

Voices were flooding through the ballroom- thousands of people awaiting the prince's arrival. Though, more girls were present- chatting in groups with faces full of make-up, curled hair, and long flashy dresses- imagining their shot with the royalty. All Naofumi heard about this prince was that he was supposedly handsome, and known for how perfect he was. 

Naofumi could only peer across the room. He supposed all this noise and the theme of the event reminded him; he was next to get assigned someone to marry... And he'd be forced to impregnate a lady he held no bond to- no stories with- and someone who would deteriorate his life.

He began to feel his heart skip. Not in a flattering way- but fearful of all of this. He wished that one day- ONE day, he could run through the town with his future husband, a set of regular clothes on- laughing and enjoying himself. He was sick of all of this royalty business.

The doors broke his thoughts, and the crowds of people hushed instantly, their attention turned to the prince that sauntered through those doors, a knight at each side of him to keep lovesick people away from him. Naofumi's jaw dropped.

He had long luscious hair that was pulled up into a neat ponytail, he had shimmering red-orange eyes, his skin was tan and spotless, he held a gentle smile filled with warmth and comfort, and he wore an outfit of true riches. A long red cape hung over his shoulders, he wore a bright white collared shirt with an ascot tie on. He wore semi-tight black pants tucked into knee-high boots and leather gloves that were tucked beneath his shirt.

Naofumi hastily looked over at Rin, who had an awkward smile on her face. Naofumi already knew that look since he'd seen it so many times before. She would be open to being friends- but he wasn't her type. It made sense. She always went on about wanting to date someone with a very funny personality, not full of beauty but still good looking- and someone who wasn't royalty. Not to mention she leaned towards girls. 

Motoyasu came up the stairs- and everyone began to talk again. Naofumi couldn't make out direct conversations through all the bicker and the way the voices echoed off the walls, but he could feel the jealousy and envy flooding in the walls.

Naofumi lowered his head again. He was in no position to be looking at his sister's husband with such a caring expression. He was hers- and he'd never fall for him. Besides, he didn't know his personality. He could be a dick. Or not.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rin," Motoyasu hummed, gently grabbing hold of one of Rin's hands. She fixed her smile to be less awkward. Motoyasu's eyes looked at her- full of life. "I've been so nervous to meet you, my queen... You sure are gorgeous." He paused. "I'm eager to marry you."

"A-hah... I am too!" Rin laughed- trying not to sound too uninterested. She could tell- and so could the whole room- he wasn't her type. The two looked at each other as if passing thought of the same.

Motoyasu let go of Rin's hand, giving his future queen a swift bow. Naofumi looked back at the prince- who he had to admit- depending on his hobbies, could work out with Naofumi. His main concerns weren't looks- but either the blond was extremely kind or he had memorized a script read to him.

Motoyasu cocked his head to the side. The two boys met eyes, each staring at each other with a glimmer. Motoyasu felt his legs grow weaker looking at the raven- but he was able to hide it...Unlike Naofumi. The male quickly rose a hand to a very out-of-character hello and quickly dropped it to his side as his cheeks flushed red and his body began to quake. Motoyasu slightly narrower his eye.

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