Forests| College Au (I guess?)

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    Naofumi and Motoyasu generally hung out in the summer, since they were off of school and had all the time they wanted to hang out. Motoyasu generally dragged them outdoors, and generally spent tons of money on Naofumi, since he found enjoyment in buying him things. Naofumi liked to stay indoors more and was more of an introvert. Unlike Motoyasu he didn’t have a ton of friends and didn’t need social interaction. He just liked to have time for himself and sleep, unless his time was spent with Motoyasu. 
     Over five years, the two had gotten used to each other's company, and usually did everything together. Though, winter usually ruined that since neither male wanted to go hang outside. They occasionally went over to the other house or went out to grab a coffee since that was both of their favourite drinks. 
     Today, the two had decided to go out to a forest even though it was the middle of December. Neither male had anything to do, and Motoyasu especially was getting very bored being all by himself. Motoyasu was holding Naofumi’s hand as they walked down the path, Naofumi’s other hand holding a steaming coffee.
The trees around them all had ice frozen over, creating gorgeous patterns and designs on the trees. The only sound that was heard was their footsteps, and the cool wind blowing. 
     “I don’t understand why we’re going out on one of the coldest days so far. My fingers are numb…” Naofumi mumbled, letting out a small sigh. He enjoyed his time with Motoyasu a lot but didn’t do very well in very cold or hot weather. 
     “Sorry, I was bored and I really wanted to hang out with you. Besides, once we get there you’ll completely forget! I heard that where we’re going is one of the most beautiful places in the country,” Motoyasu smiled, excited to see what the part of the forest looked like.
“Plus it’s only seven in the morning…” Naofumi mumbled, looking above them at the sunrise. It was purple, orange, red, yellow and pink. The moon was still to be seen in the sky, even though the sun was coming up. 
     “It’s prettiest at this time,” Motoyasu declared, smiling even more. Naofumi looked at Motoyasu, Motoyasu noticing his Rosey cheeks that made his freckles stand out. 
    “Have you ever been here?” Naofumi calmly asked, his eyes filled with curiosity. Motoyasu wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen Naofumi so adorable and interested. 
“No, but I’ve seen photos from a friend!” Motoyasu replied, remembering how cool and mythical the pictures looked. They had seemed like they came right from a mystical movie or game, and were given special effects on top of that. 
     “But then doesn’t that ruin it for you?” Naofumi asked, frowning. Motoyasu was a little surprised that Naofumi sounded disappointed. 
     “It’s fine. Besides, everything is better in person anyway!” Motoyasu claimed. Naofumi nodded, taking a small sip of his coffee. 
     Motoyasu found himself watching Naofumi, having a sudden thought. They were holding hands and going down a path in a unique forest, and it made him think of them. He wondered if Naofumi had remotely any interest in him, not even knowing if he would have interest in a male. Motoyasu recalled a time when Naofumi had possibly shown a little bit of interest in him. 
     “Hey, Motoyasu?” Naofumi asked, walking up to him. 
     Motoyasu looked at him, shutting his locker. Students were roaming down the halls, leaving the school. 
“I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to a restaurant that opened up a couple of days ago. The place has really good reviews and the food looks good!” Naofumi smiled, looking at Motoyasu dead in the eye. Motoyasu could see all the excitement welling up in him, and  couldn’t say no. 
     Motoyasu chuckled, returning him with a warm smile. “Sure, what time?” Motoyasu asked. 
     “Um..” Naofumi thought, looking off to the side for a moment to think. “How does six sound?” Naofumi asked, looking back at him. 
     “Works with me,” 
     “Great!” Naofumi laughed, hugging Motoyasu. Motoyasu looked at the raven that had his hands gently around him in a thankful hug. Motoyasu returned the hug, at the time not seeing the huge deal about it. 
     “Alright, well I have to go home and do my homework...I’ll talk to you later!” Naofumi smiled, becoming annoyed when he said homework.
     “One more thing,” Motoyasu quickly stated, gently grabbing Naofumi’s wrist. The younger male looked at him with a confused expression. 
     “Is this going to be a date?” Motoyasu grinned, narrowing his eyes at Naofumi. 
     The raven smiled, “Sure. It’s a date.” 
Motoyasu smiled, completely ignoring the fact that Naofumi had said his name. It felt like for the past two years they had a closer bond than ever before, and this was one of the few memories that stuck with him like the broad of day. He remembered the outfit Naofumi wore, the facial expressions he made, the way his breath felt on his neck, and even the way he felt even though it had been so distant at the time. 
     “Motoyasu! Hey!” Naofumi scoffed, pulling his arm. Motoyasu finally snapped out of his thoughts, turning his head to see Naofumi had stopped walking. 
     “Oh...Sorry! I was zoning out,” Motoyasu nervously chuckled, not doing that very often. Motoyasu looked ahead, seeing a small part of where they were headed. “Come on, let’s keep walking, we’re almost there.” Motoyasu calmly stated. 
     Naofumi calmed down, nodding. He continued to walk, shuffling closer to Motoyasu. “It is seriously very cold though…” Naofumi complained. 
     “Come on, it’s worth it,” Motoyasu chuckled. They approached, and the first thing he noticed was the lake. 
     He brushed a tree branch aside, a few pieces of ice falling into the snow. They walked forward, and both males were quite amazed. 
     The sunrise was gorgeous and the sun was perfectly set up, making the trees in the distance look orange, red and yellow. They slowly faded back into blue and white, with ice hanging off of them. This also occurred with the lake, the end of it being orange with blurry reflections of the trees, it faded back to blue, each little detail of the scenery put into the lake. The snow was extra fluffy here, looking like one big cloud that surrounded the lake. Some of the trees nearby had small little berries hanging off of them, little chips of snow on them. 
     “You were right...It’s stunning,” Naofumi smiled, taking a step forward. He let out a small chuckle. “You know, I don’t think I've ever seen anything so beautiful...Thank you,” Naofumi calmly spoke, unable to look away from the scenery. 
     Motoyasu’s heart skipped a beat, hearing Naofumi say thank you in such a sincere and calm way. Naofumi let go of Motoyasu’s hand and leaned his coffee against a nearby tree. He walked up to Motoyasu, leaning his head on his shoulder. Motoyasu’s eyes widened in surprise, tints of red spreading across his face, his wildfire. Even through the cold weather, his whole body felt warm inside, and he felt butterflies in his stomach. 
     “So this is what love feels like…” Motoyasu mumbled to himself, barely saying the words. Naofumi looked at him for a moment, before properly resting his head on his shoulder again. 
     Motoyasu was too focused on Naofumi to pay attention to the scenery, he had never felt so happy before. He himself could barely tell what he was feeling, all he knew was that there was nothing negative about them, and knew that this had to do with Naofumi. 
     He steadily placed his arm around Naofumi, and watched as the male smiled more. “Y’know Naofumi…” Motoyasu began, his voice calm. 
Naofumi hummed, signalling for Motoyasu to go on. Naofumi placed one of his hands on Motoyasu’s chest, only making Motoyasu more impatient. 
     “W-we’ve been friends for almost five years now…” Motoyasu stammered, becoming more and more excited, but also nervous. Although the scenery was perfect, the light breeze was calming, and the fact that Naofumi was right there, he couldn’t overcome the slight fear that Naofumi only saw them as close friends. 
     “Hm..? Yes, we have, what about it?” Naofumi mumbled. 
     “I was wondering…” Motoyasu began. He took a deep breath, tensing up a little. He felt his cheeks grow super hot, and his eyes narrowed at the soft snow beneath them. “I-if you wanted to be my boyfriend…?” Motoyasu asked, becoming afraid now. Naofumi stayed silent for a moment, making Motoyasu only think of the worst. 
     He was about ready to run off before Naofumi chuckled. He moved his hand off of Motoyasu’s chest and walked in front of him. He cupped one of Motoyasu’s hands on his own, giving him a sincere smile. The sun perfectly hit his back, and all Motoyasu could think about was an angel. 
     “I’m surprised you didn’t ask sooner...I was also waiting for you to ask,” Naofumi chuckled. “Of course I’ll be your boyfriend,” Naofumi whispered. Motoyasu’s heart raced faster than ever before, to the point where it felt like it would beat out of his chest. Naofumi walked right up to him, placing his hands on Motoyasu’s shoulders.
     “I’ve wanted you to confess to me for three years now, I was just afraid of what you might have said, so I kept it to myself,” Naofumi admitted.
Motoyasu took a deep breath, smiling. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for four years…Sadly just realizing it now.” Motoyasu chuckled, nervously.
     Motoyasu leaned closer, their noses touching. Their lips were also practically touching. Motoyasu could feel Naofumi’s breath on his lips and could see the warmth and longing in his eyes. Motoyasu gave him a soft kiss on the lips, feeling all of his negative feelings vanished. Maybe he even liked Naofumi before they started talking, taking glances at him every now and then in class, and seeing his fascination in certain classes. He watched the way he smiled when he hung around his friends, even going as far as to know what he usually ate for lunch. 
     They had gone to elementary together, middle school, high school, and went to the same college. He had begun talking to Naofumi in the first grade of high school, knowing that he wanted to try and strike up an actual conversation, other than partner work or just small talk.
     Motoyasu never saw the day where they’d be kissing, or where he’d feel butterflies in his stomach for some energetic, shy boy. He wondered how long Naofumi had wanted to talk to them before their proper encounter, or if that was the day he wanted to talk.  
     Motoyasu slowly pulled away, knowing Naofumi was all that he needed. He was that piece missing in his heart, that he hadn’t noticed was missing. “I love you, Naofumi.” Motoyasu quietly spoke, looking him in the eye. 
     “I love you too,” Naofumi smiled brightly, his grip becoming tighter on Motoyasu. Motoyasu never thought hearing those words would make him feel so much happiness and feelings, but they did. Motoyasu couldn’t help but think that this was perfect, everything about it. It was better than confessing in some stupid bar or dorm in their college, better than having to go through all these mixed-up feelings and opinions or having anyone try and break them. Or sharing a stupid kiss at an amusement park, only for people to watch and stare. They were all alone in a beautiful forest, only having each other.  

(I casually listened to piano covers of violet evergreen while writing this one-shot :) I'm also a fucking simp for one photo of these two (since they're females byt we don't talk about that) and I'm- 😔 aight well I'ma vanish now |-|)


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