Room 208|

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    Naofumi booked 2 rooms in a local hotel, the owner giving him shit about sharing a room with a girl. Filo and Raphtalia we're staying in room 203, Naofumi in room 208. He was warned he may have to share with someone, but if he did they'd lower the price a bit. Naofumi sat down on the bed, a small breeze coming in through the window.
    The small breeze felt nice against his forehead since it was quite hot outside in the summer weather. It wasn't scorching hot, but it was still quite uncomfortable, especially with all the gear.
    Naofumi took a deep breath, finding it quite calming to finally be by himself. All he had was the faint sound of birds, the appealing sunset, the air-conditioned room, and a comfortable bed to sleep on. This was much better than the hot nights on the ground, with all the noises and worries in the middle of the night (and the lack of sleep)
    Naofumi took off all of his gear, placing it on the floor next to him. He started off the window, his head resting on a knee. He then wondered about Raphtalia and Filo. They were all alone, and he loved them like his own daughters. He cared for their safety and didn't want anything to happen to them.
    A couple of hours passed, and it was darker out now. The sky was dark blue, and the moon was shining high in the sky, casting a dim light into the bedroom. Naofumi was laying down now, starting at the while roof.
    He heard the door of his hotel room open, knowing he was now being forced to share with someone. His heart raced, nervous about who it could be. Many people wanted to badly hurt him, rape him for karma, make fun of him, yell at him, and even kill him.
    Naofumi let out an annoyed sigh, glaring at the roof now. He knew he was about to get punished for something he was wrongly accused of. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to relieve some of his built-up stress.
    The door opened and he peered over. He made a disgusted face, seeing blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail. This was probably the worst-case scenario, and Naofumi wished he had picked some other place.
    Motoyasu stared at him, shocked. He was surprised to see Naofumi here, but also a bit excited. He had something important to tell Naofumi, and it would possibly solve their problems.
    "H-hey Naofumi," Motoyasu chuckled, walking closer.  Motoyasu smiled, seeing the 20-year-old look at him with expression. He was used to the dull, emotionless, or angry face Naofumi gave him and Myne. He wanted to see them happy, innocent males that he had seen on the first day of their arrival. He remembered wanting to talk to him and getting to know him better before Myne stepped in to take that away.
    Motoyasu sat down on the bed, watching Naofumi close his eyes.
    "Of course I had to fuckin' share with you," Naofumi sighed, obviously annoyed. Motoyasu felt shameful for what he did but also annoyed that Naofumi made that sudden comment.
    "Get your little lecture over with, I already know you're going to hurt me," Naofumi calmly stated, starting at the roof with a bored face.
    "No...I have something different to tell you," Motoyasu replied, feeling a wave of nervousness sweep over him. He wondered how Naofumi would react, knowing this could either go terribly wrong or right.
    "So, what did Myne frame me for this time? A little chip in the path?" Naofumi sarcastically spoke, rolling his eyes.
    "Well, she's planning on framing you for something else. I overheard a conversation between Myne and the king that I believe no one was supposed to hear," Motoyasu claimed, his face becoming serious.
    Naofumi sat up, looking at him with an interesting look. Naofumi didn't need to say anything for Motoyasu to know what he was planning to ask.
    "She plans on framing you for the destruction of a town. It's was a shitty part of the town that was practically abandoned that had been damaged in the last wave. Thirty people died, the rest ran off. They were paid money to keep their mouths shut and not say anything," Motoyasu explained.
    "That little bitch," Naofumi growled, fed up with all her shit.
    "Then, they were talking about something else related to you. She had asked the king what ways they could convince her mother that you had raped her, even though you hadn't," Motoyasu stated. 
    The room was quiet for a moment, Naofumi sitting there shocked. "At this point, I'm staying at siltvelt, honestly fucking everything!" Naofumi complained, tensing up.
    "I also owe you an apology. I treated you like absolute shit and looked down on you all the time, just because I was more focused on the girls than figuring out the truth. Myne will be off my team tomorrow, and I'll start helping you with whatever you need," Motoyasu said, smiling. He knew he'd never be able to repay Naofumi for what he did, but it could build their relationship closer if he just spoiled him with all the money he saved up.
    "T-there's no need," Naofumi started, lowering his head. "You may have been a totals dick, but you didn't frame me for anything. Besides, everyone was fooled." Naofumi uttered.
    "I don't care if I framed you or not, I hurt you," Motoyasu whispered, looking down at Naofumi's hand that was resting on the bed.
    "Yeah, physically, not mentally. Physical wounds recover, mental ones generally don't," Naofumi scoffed, getting at Myne about the mental part.
    "Well still, I feel sorry and I at least want to help you," Motoyasu insisted, gently resting his hand on top of Naofumi's. Naofumi tensed up as he did so, and looked at Motoyasu with a started expression on his face.
    Motoyasu smiled a little more since the raven still hadn't moved his hand away. A feeling that he had never felt around Naofumi before went through his body, not knowing what it was.
    Naofumi calmed down a bit, looking down at their intertwined hands.
    "So, are you going to be nice now?" Naofumi mumbled, finding this too sudden to be real.
    "I plan on it. I'll start standing up for you, and doing anything you want!" Motoyasu smiled brightly, planning to stick to his words. Motoyasu's smile faded, and he became surprised quickly.
    Naofumi smiled, tears forming in his eyes. A tear rolled down his face. Motoyasu had never seen anything like this before, and he had never seen Naofumi cry. He knows he's cried before, but it wasn't in the same way. That was in rage, anger, sadness, not happiness and passion.
    "I never thought anyone would want to be nice to me besides Raphtalia and Filo," Naofumi chuckled. "Thank you..."
   Naofumi moved his hand, scooting closer to Motoyasu. The blonde grew confused for a moment, before being wrapped into a tight hug.
    Naifumi's head rested on his shoulder, hands around him tightly, with no intention of letting go. Motoyasu wrapped his arms around Naofumi slowly, never expecting the day they hugged.

    Another hour passed, and Motoyasu still lay awake, staring at the male that had his head rested on his chest. Motoyasu stroked his hand through Naofumi's hair, never imagining how soft it could be, it felt like he was stroking a cloud.
    Motoyasu smiled, caught up in Naofumi's beauty. Even though Myne and Motoyasu had been practically dating, they had never done something like this. Myne wasn't into cuddling, granted she just wanted his looks, money and time, not his actual love and affection.
    Naofumi moved his leg onto Motoyasu in his sleep, making him blush more.
    Before long Motoyasu fell asleep, Naofumi in his arms.

I'm 💫dead💫 now

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