balance the odds: horrible party for a boyfriend?

178 0 1

Word count- 2,229 

Genre- Fluff, romance

Trigger warning(s)- Mentions of weed, alcohol, mentions of sex and intoxication 


Naofumi sat outside, not wanting to suffocate by the smell of weed, perfume and sweat mixing together from the party inside. He sat alone on the patio, listening to the ripples of water in the pool not far ahead of him. 

The raven had been dragged along by one of his closest friends; L'Arc. He was an extremely social and kind-hearted person, and was apparently good friends with the host of the party. So, L'Arc randomly snatched Naofumi on his way over, only giving the male a few minutes to get ready. 

He threw on a hoodie and some ripped jeans- and was pulled out the door. L'Arc was generous enough to give him a jacket on top of it all; Japan being rather cold these past few nights. 

So, it was just the raven and his shitty cup of punch. He would throw it out, but L'Arc had been generous enough to grab him this instead of a can of alcohol. Naofumi found it to be nothing but a sour and strong taste that he did not like. So, he had only ever tried a sip of alcohol.

Though, the only reason he was alone with this shitty punch was since L'Arc wandered off. He dragged the raven here; but yet he disappeared. Saw some girl he wanted to try and score a date with... and Naofumi assumed it worked. 

Aka. They were probably off fucking somewhere. Probably some alley nearby knowing L'Arc. Wasn't exactly the most down to earth person. 

Naofumi sat in his thoughts with his eyes on the ripples of the pool; before he heard the Backdoor slowly open. Voices flooded in his ears, along the loud bang of the stereo. The water sounded so much nicer... and he prayed it was L'Arc who came out. 

He wasn't a socially awkward person... or maybe he was. He didn't know.

Not so good news arrived, seeing a kind of person who would have shoved him into a locker in high school. He was in college now; but he looked like some football lead, and some man who scored any woman he wanted. Naofumi felt his body tense, and he peeled his eyes back to the water... Excusing that as some distraction. 

He could hear the other's expensive shoes on the ground, before he heard the shuffles of someone sitting down next to him. He awkwardly looked at them, slight sweat on his face. In this weather; he was somehow sweating. 

To Naofumi's surprise, the other looked at him with a kind look. "Saw you all alone out here... Dragged by a friend, I'd suppose?"

Naofumi blinked a couple times, wondering how he wasn't being harassed right now. He gave the man a small smile. "Yeah... Got ditched for a woman," Naofumi joked. As long as he could seem light-hearted... Maybe he'd be left alone. 

"Ah, best friend of the year," The male laughed. He placed his hands on the ground, leaning back slightly. "Don't have anyone else in there to hangout with? Gotta say, I was watching you for a moment- and you didn't seem interested in this party- at all." 

Naofumi shrugged. He prayed harder for this man to leave, he didn't want to socially interact. It wasn't a grudge- but rather a fear. People's looks can kill. "Just- have a headache- not much of one to go out at a party either. But uh- no... I might know someone else here, but I'd never find them with everyone in there anyway."

"Hm... Well, instead of seeing you out here bored, If you want I can do the honours of entertaining you," The male teased.

Naofumi looked at the other, locking eyes with him. Naofumi instantly peered away, face slightly red. The guy was far more attractive than what he'd seen out of the corner of his eye- and his personality matched up not at all with his charming appearance. He actually seemed like... an okay person. 

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