Motoyasu legit simping over Naofumi| singer AU

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Motoyasu opened the door to a local bar, and unrecognizable voices flooded through his ear drums. Due to Motoyasu and his friends finally graduating from college they decided to get drinks.
"Maybe there will be some hot girls here that we can hook up with," One of Motoyasu's friends spoke. His voice was rather upbeat and playful. Motoyasu walked in first, feeling the cold breeze from the bar, rather than the humid weather outside.
Their summers were usually very hot, and you usually would sweat to death everyday, unless you had air conditioning. Motoyasu had enjoyed Melromarc a bit more for that reason, considering it had no hot days really. Motoyasu was a bit upset to be back in japan, but knew that he couldn't stay there forever.
Motoyasu was surprised they had given them all the chance to go back, even though they had all died. Well, three of them. A young waitress walked up to them, a huge smile and blush on her face.
Motoyasu's friend looked at her, focusing on her chest. Motoyasu's smile became a bit duller, seeing how passionate her gaze was towards him, and mostly his charming orange eyes.
"Have you five ever been here before?" She asked, never taking her gaze off Motoyasu.
"Nope! It's our first time. Anyway, what may your name be?" Motoyasu's friend, Blake spoke. His voice was flirty, and even. The waitress looked at him, showing a lot less interest.
Motoyasu's best friend walked beside him, his blue eyes looking at him with passion. It wasn't a flirty matter, and more of a childish one. "Let's go up and get some shots," Leon chuckled, grabbing Motoyasu's wrist. He dragged the two over to the counter, and they each ordered drinks.
"So, are you going to try finding your future girlfriend? I know you've only been in two relationships that weren't just you fooling around and messing with their feelings," Leon chuckled, placing a hand on his chin.
Motoyasu looked at the counter, and took a deep breath. "L-leon...I think I'm starting to have more taste in...M-men." Motoyasu mumbled, covering his eyes in embarrassment. He didn't know how his best friend would take it, but he trusted him.
All his other friends that came were too busy flirting with the poor waitress to even catch up to them, or listen to their conversation. The room seemed to grow quiet for a moment, even though so many people were cheering, talking and yelling across the bar.
"Ok...Then find your future husband!" Leon laughed, not in a rude way though. His voice was caring and supportive. He playfully slapped Motoyasu on the back. Motoyasu looked at him, with a large smile.
"Thanks for not being a dick about that," Motoyasu replied, a small relieved smile at the end. Motoyasu was happy to have someone who still accepted him, unlike when he told myne. When she was rejected because he liked men, she lost it on him. They still pretended to be friends, but she was disgusted with his sexuality. When they were leaving, he could have sworn he saw her sigh.
"Hey, My sister's best friend is bi, I freaking love that girl like family. Now tell me, anyone you find cute?" Leon asked, his voice excited. A female waitress who seemed rather annoyed handed them their drinks, and walked off. Motoyasu turned it in his hands, suddenly thinking of a certain male. Near the end he began to open up to him, and stick by his side, but he was caught up in Myne's lies not wanting to believe she would actually lie to him.
The beautiful black silky hair that shone in the sun like a beautiful spec of gold. His pure smile, that could warm anyone's heart and make them smile back like it was contagious. His emerald green eyes that you could stare at all day, and get wrapped up in their beauty. In the sun, it felt like you were seeing all your hopes and dreams be granted, and you could never help but blush. The raven's perfect body, that he had managed to catch a glimpse of one time. He could see the raven's fragile body, which seemed so clean and perfect. His smooth skin, that he never got to caress in his hands, like he had hoped for. Motoyasu thought of his charming voice that could always get to you. It was scary how much he could control his deep, dull voice.
"There's someone who...I think they're quite...Beautiful," Motoyasu stammered, his smile returning more excited than ever. His cheeks grew a red tint through the soft tan skin.
"Oh~ What's their name?" Leon asked, lingering on with his words. Motoyasu's hair fell over his shoulder, to help cover his flustered cheeks.
He saw the daring male in his vision. He took risks, but never let his guard down. Even though he saw himself as weak, not so good, and unprofessional he still did his best and kicked ass all he wanted. He showed his place and didn't let others fool him, which Motoyasu found interesting about him. He was pretty happy around certain people, and had a calm, innocent personality. He seemed like he couldn't even have a thought of hurting a fly and Motoyasu just wanted to hug him and stroke his silky black hair. He had his other side where he looks like he's a serial killer, who will not hesitate to kill you. So basically, you piss him off, your life is a living hell in return.
Motoyasu hadn't noticed he was zoning out in his small fantasies of Naofumi, and almost spilt his beer when Leon loudly cleared his throat. "What's their name?" Leon asked again, a more annoyed voice this time. He still held a smirk, waiting for Motoyasu to say the angel he's been daydreaming about. He couldn't unravel his feelings, at all. Part of him just wanted to smash his lips into the ravens, and kiss him through the night, and part of him wanted to keep a steady friendship, where it wasn't awkward if he confessed and got rejected.
Motoyasu gulped a big sip of beer, before sighing, enjoying the taste in his mouth. He swallowed down the beer, and held the cup, staring at the substance. "His name is, Naofumi Iwatani," Motoyasu claimed, feeling his cheeks burn red once again. He could call the time with Naofumi, that Motoyasu never wanted to end.

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