Cop&criminal| Cop and criminal AU (obviously)

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    (just a warning that this includes killing, so beware before you read for those who get uncomfortable with murder!!)

  Naofumi wiped the knife off on his hand, beginning to smile in a psycho manner. Naofumi laughed, unable to control himself. A dead body laid in front of him, blood pouring from their neck, arms and one of their eyes. Blood tinged the edge of Naofumi’s shoes, giving him even more pleasure.
    All of the males' kills were exactly the same. 
    Naofumi walked into a bar, many couples laughing, making out or out on a first date. Naofumi fixed his gaze on a male who was unaccompanied and wasted. Naofumi chuckled, seeing that this suspicious male looked similar to his ex. He had red hair pulled back into a ponytail, was wearing a black suit, and six glasses of beer empty, along with five shots.
    Naofumi walked up to the male, taking a seat beside him. Naofumi could examine him more now and thought he was a little cute. He had alluring blue eyes that were as bright as the ocean and had tanned skin with a bunch of freckles on his face. 
  The male looked at him with a skeptical look and slammed his glass on the bar counter. 
  “Who’re you..?” The male chuckled, throwing Naofumi a smile. 
  “My name’s Naofumi Iwatani, what about you, cutie?” Naofumi spoke in a seductive tone. The other male stared at Naofumi, grinning even more. The male placed a hand on the side of Naofumi’s neck, just making him want to see the blood pour out of this male more. 
  “I’m Yuuma Sasaki, now may I ask…” The male began. He moved his hand up to Naofumi’s jawline and licked his lips. “What’s a remarkable young man like you doing here?” 
  Naofumi moved his hand to the guy's hip and gradually brought himself closer to Yuuma. 
  “Why don’t I pay for your drinks, and you follow me~” Naofumi uttered, pulling money out of his pocket with his free hand. 
  The other male slightly nodded, kissing Naofumi on the cheek. Naofumi placed the money on the counter, leaving a tip of fifty dollars. He had no concern about his cash and wanted to make his murders even more exciting, by making them more excited. 
  The two walked out of the bar, leaving the bright lights and witnesses behind. Naofumi led him to a murky alleyway, keeping his back to the man. 
  “So, Naofumi. What’re we doing here ?” The male asked, staring at the raven’s ass with a lustful look.   Naofumi began to take off his jacket, quickly taking the knife from the pocket. 
  He held the knife close to his chest, feeling his heart race excitedly. 
  “Well...Two options..” Naofumi spoke calmly, moving towards the drunk male. Even though the knife was just beside him, clenched in his hands, the male hadn’t noticed.
  Naofumi took advantage of this. He yanked the male’s tie with his free hand, pulling their faces closer together. 
  “What’re those?” The male whispered, looking right into Naofumi’s eyes. 
  “I can either kill you right now or let you feel all the pain~” Naofumi mumbled, his smile fading into a psychotic look. 
  Now the man began to freak out. His eyes went broad and his breathing became unstable.
    The male tried to scream for help, but Naofumi quickly covered his mouth. Naofumi kicked his ankle, sending him to the ground. Naofumi stomped on his stomach. Yuuma coughed up blood mixed in with spit. 
  The moonlight cast upon Naofumi, shadowing the alarmed face of Yuuma. Naofumi’s enthusiasm became unreal, watching the male weep. 
  Naofumi sat on the man’s stomach, grabbing his arm gently. Naofumi lifted his sleeve, running his hand along the skin. 
  “P-please..! I’ll do anything! I’ll p-pay you a-all the money you want...I’ll d-do anything for-for you please!” The man sobbed, choking on his tears.
  Naofumi cackled, staring at the male. “I don’t want money, I want the fun of killing!” 
Naofumi started to cut into the male’s arm, seeing the blood trickle down the tan flesh. The victim held back a scream, forming his hands into tight fists to numb the pain. 
  Naofumi began to make a larger cut only an inch above the previous. He dug the knife deeper, inspecting as the skin split. Blood poured from the cut aggressively.
  Four more cuts on the male's arm, Naofumi still truly enjoying himself. His whole body was twitching from all the excitement pumping through his veins. The male wasn’t screaming or putting up a fight anymore, and only allowed Naofumi to take in more enjoyment. 
  Naofumi let the man’s arm finally fall, the man grunting as it hit the concrete. Naofumi then sat on his chest, moving closer to his face, so he could hurt the man even more. 
  “P-please...Spare me,” The man mumbled, whimpering. 
  “pfft. No.” Naofumi plainly replied, with no emotion in his tone. Naofumi held the knife above the guy’s eye. Yuuma began to squirm, trying to get Naofumi off of him now. 
  “PLEASE!” The man began to sob, annoying Naofumi. The raven placed the blade on the man’s eye, slowly bringing it deeper. Naofumi placed a hand on the man’s mouth, muffling his pained screams. 
  Blood gushed from his eye, mixing in with his cold tears. Naofumi began to laugh, watching more and more blood appear, and seeing the man in more and more pain. 
  Naofumi quickly removed the knife from the guy’s eye, taking the actual eyeball with him. 
  Naofumi laughed, throwing his head back from shock and joy. Naofumi looked at the man then, bringing the knife to his lips.
  “Oh my! I never expected to actually take your eyeball! You don’t know how much I’m enjoying this right now!” Naofumi claimed, his voice uneasy. 
“I wonder..” Naofumi muttered, bringing the blade to the male’s neck. “How much blood can I truly see tonight?” 
  “Y-you’re sick..” The male muttered, clinging onto his life. “T-t-the….” The man coughed. “Police are... On…” 
  “Damn.” Naofumi scoffed, quickly slitting the man’s throat. Naofumi looked at the man’s hand, seeing 911 on his phone. The male had managed to grab hold of his phone, mute their end of the call, and hide it from the raven the entire time. 
  “You’re relatively clever, but not clever enough if you’re going to follow some suspicious man.” Naofumi snickered, watching the man die officially. Blood quickly ran along the concrete from his throat, his shirt and neck drizzled in bright blood. Naofumi stood up, bringing him to where he was now.
   Naofumi began to walk out of the alleyway, hiding the knife back in his coat. Naofumi chuckled, wiping the blood off his face. This was the only noticeable blood, as every murder was done in the darkest colour of clothing, black leather.
  Naofumi walked off, acting as if nothing had occurred. A sweet smile was on his face, and he looked like he was a saint. 
  Naofumi scowled, hearing a voice.
  “Put your hands up where I can see them!” A male howled, the click of a gun the only sound appealing to Naofumi’s ears. 
  Naofumi quickly recognized the voice, quickly realizing who it was. His best friend had talked to him about being a cop, which had made him nervous. Right when he said he was accepted, Naofumi felt all the colour drain from his body. 
  Naofumi quickly turned his head, meeting eyes with Motoyasu. The blonde lowered the gun, a startled look surpassing his face. 
  “Naofumi..?” Motoyasu questioned coldly. He began to walk closer to Naofumi. Motoyasu threw the gun aside, and it hit the ground. Motoyasu stopped, only 2 feet away from Naofumi. 
  “What the hell are you doing-” Motoyasu started. He noticed the dead body not far away, seeing all the blood pouring from the body. Motoyasu looked back at Naofumi, noticing the blood smear on his cheek. 
  Motoyasu nervously chuckled, shaking his head. He licked his finger and began to wipe the blood off Naofumi’s cheek. 
  “Really going to walk around with blood on you while the cops were called on you?” 
  “W-what-? Motoyasu, aren’t you supposed to be arresting me...or whatever.” Naofumi scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
  “No? I can’t arrest you, are you kidding me?” Motoyasu chuckled. 
  “Why?” Naofumi asked, very curious as to why. 
  “Are you that oblivious?” Motoyasu started. “Naofumi,” Motoyasu finished, saying his name quietly. 
  “Suppose I am,” Naofumi giggled, placing a hand on his hip. 
  “I didn’t kill you, because I haven’t even gotten to kiss you yet. I don’t care if you’re a murderer and I’m a cop.” Motoyasu laughed, smirking at Naofumi seductively. 
  “Oh really?” 
  Naofumi got as close as he could and filled the gap between their lips. Naofumi gave Motoyasu a very sweet and gentle kiss, wrapping his hands around Motoyasu’s waist. 
  Naofumi pulled away, their lips just brushing. “You think it’s smart to love a criminal like me. I go out and I take advantage of some drunk man in the bar each night.” 
  “No harm is done to me, if I lose my job we’ll run off together,” Motoyasu whispered. 
  Naofumi backed away a little bit, still keeping his hands on Motoyasu’s hips. The two males stared into each other’s eyes, seeing the fascination in one another. 
  “Ok, plan.” Naofumi chuckled. 
  Motoyasu nodded, smiling. 
  Naofumi went in for another gentle kiss, wanting to feel Motoyasu’s lips on his once again. 
  "Maybe in the future, we can do badass crimes together like robbing a bank, or blowing up a whole building," Naofumi mumbled, in between their soft kisses.

I am losing brain cells omg- My brain has required 💫 u n t h i n k 💫

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