Classes|Tutoring AU

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    Naofumi had been a tutor at a decently popular school, even having his own tutoring business on the side. He specialized in tutoring high school students since they were around his similar age and understood more most of the time. Parents were begging all the time to tutor their children, the gifted and dumber students. 
    There was one kid who caught Naofumi’s attention, because of how this student was in classes. Motoyasu Kitamura, a kid who had been there his past two years of high school, only a week after he began. Motoyasu Kitamura had straight A’s in his classes, and Naofumi doesn’t recall the kid ever getting a B. On his side though, that was all distinct. Motoyasu was constantly saying he didn’t understand any of the work and that they’d need to go over it again so he maybe would get it. He was frequently zoning off and overall appeared like he didn’t care for tutoring. 
    Naofumi was sitting in a seat, on the opposite end of the desk, Motoyasu was supposed to be sitting in. It was five minutes before the lesson started, and Naofumi wasn’t eager. The kid was secretly intelligent. Overall he thought that all of this was just a waste of his time and that he needed a raise for this kid. Naofumi was scrolling through his Instagram, entirely dismissing everything around him.  
    Suddenly the door opened and Naofumi heard a faded chuckle. The cranky male raised his head to see the annoying blonde. 
    “Ready to tutor me again?” Motoyasu teased, placing his bag down and sitting on the other chair. 
    Naofumi glared at him, a blank expression on his face. “We still have four minutes,” Naofumi scoffed, looking back down at his phone. Naofumi wanted to bash his head off the desk, already aware this foolish kid was going to bother him for the next few minutes. 
    “Oh C’mon, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss any time here.” Motoyasu snickered, resting his chin on one of his hands. 
    "I wish you were late-” 
Naofumi gazed at Motoyasu for a moment, seeing the look on his face. His eyes were closed and his mouth was formed in a rather cute smile. Naofumi washed away that thought, knowing it was messed up to think of a student like that. He then thought about it for a moment, knowing they were only a year apart. 
    Naofumi resisted his weird and abrupt thoughts again and peered back at Motoyasu. “Whatever, when’s the nearest test?” Naofumi asked, clearing his throat. 
    “Hm? Oh, we’re working on an essay right now. It’s due on Wednesday,” Motoyasu heartily acknowledged.
    “Alright work on that...I’ll help you once you need help,” Naofumi sighed, annoyed that it was language. Naofumi swore this man didn’t know how to spell a word or was messing up words on purpose. 
    Motoyasu pulled his laptop out of his bag and proceeded to log in. Motoyasu opened his assignment, skipping over the fluent part so Naofumi wouldn’t question why it was suddenly bad. If he was forced to do work in school he was going to try his hardest. One thing about the tutoring that he enjoyed was being near Naofumi. He admired the other male assisting him, being so close to him and occasionally even bringing in gentle contact. This wasn’t anything big it was just more brushing shoulders, their hands brushing for a moment while Motoyasu was handing him a pencil, or Naofumi lightly flicking him on the head because of how ignorant he acted. 
    Motoyasu smiled, beginning to work on the essay they were forced to do. 
    Motoyasu peered up at the young boy who sat only a meter or so away from him and felt his cheeks grow hot. Motoyasu assumed Naofumi was replying to someone, and his face was relatively peaceful compared to his usual grumpy, serious face. 
    Naofumi hastily looked up, locking eyes with Motoyasu. “Why are you staring at me?” Naofumi calmly asked, looking back down at his phone. 
    “Because you’re attractive?” Motoyasu smirked, entirely aware of what he had just said. Motoyasu hadn’t ever decided to flirt with Naofumi before, but decided to take a risk. 
    Naofumi chuckled, seeming as if it was a flattered chuckle. Motoyasu felt his guts turn, positively aware it was more a sinister laugh. The teacher looked at him, eyes narrowed in aggravation. 
    “Pretty boy doesn’t want to go to school with a broken nose...Does he?” Naofumi questioned, laying his phone down on the desk carefully. 
    Motoyasu scarcely nodded and went back to writing his essay. Motoyasu held back a laugh and a blushing face, seeing his cute but hilarious reaction. 
    Naofumi sighed and went back to scrolling through Instagram, having nothing better to do at the moment. Friction filled through the room rapidly, the only sound in the room being the faint noise of the clock clicking. 
    “So, Iwatani...Want to help me spell interrogated?” Motoyasu snickered, knowing damn well how to spell the word. 
    “Seriously? What are you in, grade five?” Naofumi huffed, rolling his eyes. “I-n-t-e-r-r-o-g-a-t-e-d.” Naofumi spelled it out, making sure Motoyasu could write down each letter. 
    “Thanks,” Motoyasu spoke, feeling his chest flutter with every letter Naofumi let out. 
    "Yeah, no problem,” Naofumi muttered, looking to the side of the room. 
    About half an hour passed, half of the lesson flying by. Motoyasu continuously tried to ask for words to be spelt, and have Naofumi fix a sentence, but he never got up to help. Motoyasu craved to feel Naofumi next to him and wanted to hear every small breath the male took, but again that never occurred. 
    “Well, I’m done.” Motoyasu shrugged, shutting his laptop. He closed the screen and looked at Naofumi. Motoyasu grinned, seeing Naofumi's soft hair and glorious green eyes. Motoyasu often thought Naofumi’s eyes, and soft hair were his two best characteristics. His eyes were always so pleased and they could make his entire day better. Naofumi always looked at him, Michif and some sort of fascination in his eyes. Naofumi always looked somewhat interested when the two locked eyes, almost curious about something. Naofumi’s soft hair also always snagged his attention. Every day it seemed so puffy, and Motoyasu wished to slowly run his fingers through the raven’s hair, feeling the soft tremendous texture. 
    “Good job, you can either work on something else, leave, or do whatever you want,” Naofumi claimed, briefly looking up at Motoyasu. 
    "Whatever I want?” Motoyasu rehearsed, wondering if he had heard that right. Every day Naofumi said, “work on something else or get out.” Motoyasu never recalled him hearing this. 
    “Yep,” Naofumi affirmed. Motoyasu beamed, gazing at Naofumi. Motoyasu stood up and wandered towards Naofumi. The other male hadn’t noticed yet, continuing to text. 
    Motoyasu gently held Naofumi’s wrist and tugged him up. Naofumi looked at Motoyasu with a troubled look and a fairly furious gaze. Naofumi’s phone fell to the floor, only making him angrier. 
    “What are you doing?” Naofumi scoffed, trying to maintain his cool. Motoyasu could see the same interest in the male’s eyes knowing Naofumi was enjoying this, even if he wasn’t aware. 
    Naofumi stared into Motoyasu’s eyes, half pissed at him. The other half of him felt an unusual feeling that was making his heart thump in his chest, although he hadn’t felt this in years. 
    Naofumi tried to wiggle his wrist, but the other teenager's grasp was too powerful. 
   “You know, you should still be in a proper school. You are a year younger than me but yet you have your own company and everything. You work way too hard for your age, why don’t you take a break from working and enjoy yourself?” Motoyasu suggested, loosening his grip on Naofumi’s wrist. 
    Naofumi stared at Motoyasu, confused. Naofumi wasn’t used to breaks and was usually working all day and throughout the night. Every day he was helping student after student, people like Motoyasu who came in every day. Yes, he was paid well for working so much but wasn’t used to actual breaks.
    “I can’t. After you, another kid is coming in and-” 
    "Tonight? What time does this place shut down?” Motoyasu inquired. 
    "Eight..?” Naofumi grumbled, becoming a bit more comfortable.
    "Alright well, we’ll hang out!” Motoyasu decided, still smiling. 
    "No.” Naofumi sneered, finally yanking his hand away. 
    "Oh come on, it’ll be fun!” Motoyasu assured, smiling. 
    Naofumi sighed. “Whatever,” 
    “ok..I’ll pick you up here,” Motoyasu grinned proudly. 
    Naofumi nodded, unsure if he’d be okay being away from his work for some time. He was usually receiving phone calls and text messages frequently from being the best tutor in the city. He was constantly being promoted on the news and in schools. Naofumi enjoyed helping people but didn’t like having any time for himself. 
    Motoyasu was very delighted knowing he was going to spend a few hours with Naofumi. He was also ecstatic knowing he may be able to see Naofumi smile or at least grin from being pleased.

(Haha- I'm dying now- I'm slowly forgetting how to write) (Also, ligit tho if anyone has any ideas you can gladly comment, I will credit you for your idea T~~~T)

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