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    Many people were around, some dancing, chatting and some hanging out at the snack bar stuffing their faces with junk. This was where Naofumi was, pouring himself a glass of wine. The twenty-year-old was fed up with everyone's bullshit even if his name was cleared.
    Naofumi raised the glass to his lips and began drinking the cold beverage. The bitter flavour hit his tongue, sending him a feeling of satisfaction.
    Raphtalia skipped in, her tail wagging. Raphtalia was wearing a mask that covered the area around the eyes and part of their hair, the idea coming from Naofumi. The raven found no use in people endlessly apologizing to him and attempting to talk to him.
    Myne walked in behind Raphtalia, giving Naofumi a very unsettling feeling. Naofumi gulped the rest of the alcohol and placed the cup on the counter.
    Naofumi didn't want to deal with their bullshit and didn't want to see two drunk girls passionately make out either.
    Naofumi shuffled past them, making sure not to look at them or pay any sort of attention to them. Naofumi was back in the enormous ballroom, people scattering the entire floor. Seeing so many people crammed into a room made Naofumi anxious. The young man sighed wishing he had never decided to come. All he had an interest in was drinking and getting wasted, maybe even earning himself a girlfriend.
    Naofumi started to walk, shoving past people who were cackling and smiling. The raven already felt tuckered and wanted to go to bed and sleep. Just thinking of sleeping on his warm comfy bed made him yearn for the party to be finished.
    Naofumi was about to walk out of the main doors before a hand jerked his hand with quite a lot of force. Naofumi felt everything stop inside and out. All he wanted was the doors to be open, to feel the cool autumn air hit his face, and to enter his comfy home.
    Naofumi slowly turned his head, first noticing the innocent and desired smile this person had. Naofumi sputtered a little bit of none sense seeing his acquaintance Motoyasu.
    The two had a long discussion about Myne framing Naofumi trying to hear the other out. Motoyasu didn't have any excuses, unlike Naofumi who just kept blabbering about his innocence. At the time Motoyasu was too attentive on the raven to say anything, his gaze fixed on nothing but Naofumi.
    Here the two stood, each awkward but secretly savouring the feeling of each other's hands. Naofumi's hands were rather tough and tense from all of the combat and scarring, but Motoyasu liked that. He thought it made Naofumi look tougher, braver and unique.
    "So Naofumi, care for a dance?" Motoyasu calmly asked, his voice smooth like usual.
    Naofumi felt his cheeks grow hot, along with his hands. "...Sure," Naofumi replied hesitantly, a little surprised Motoyasu knew who he was right off the dot.
    Motoyasu let out a joyful chuckle, demonstrating how pleased he was with the answer he had received.
    Naofumi had never seen Motoyasu pleased around him, maybe just slightly content. The friction between the two was usually very striking and they were always awkward. Naofumi wondered if the two could even pull off a dance without getting too weirded out.
    Motoyasu started to walk, lightly tugging Naofumi with him. Naofumi looked down at their hands, a little shocked that this was occurring. If this had been closer to their arrival there, the two would've been dancing alright. The two would've been "dancing" to see who chop the other's head off first.
    The two stopped in a small empty area of the room, one of the few patches of uncrowded ground. Naofumi looked at Motoyasu's face awkwardly, not realizing how he was looking at him.
    Motoyasu raised an eyebrow, gently letting his hand slip away from Naofumi's. This was the thing that caught Naofumi's attention. The raven looked down at his hand for a moment.
    "Is someone admiring me?" Motoyasu asked, a minor grin making its way across his face.

    Naofumi blinked a few times, stunned. "N-no, I was just looking at your face...Wait why?" Naofumi asked, puzzled.
    "Just the way you were looking at me." Motoyasu started.
    "It doesn't matter right now. This song is about to end so let's get ready for the next one," Motoyasu smiled brightly, thrilled to wrap his arms around Naofumi's shoulders. Motoyasu was also very excited to feel Naofumi's arms around his waist or maybe even his chest at times. The thoughts made Motoyasu blush. At this point, it was like a little kid waiting to get their favourite chocolate bar from their parents, just eager for them to get back.
    A calming song flooded the room, the steady beat perfect for dancing.
    Naofumi cleared his throat, becoming embarrassed and apprehensive. "I'll just give you the heads up that I've only danced once in my life," Naofumi coughed, hiding his face a bit more.
    Motoyasu was a bit shocked to hear this considering the male had agreed, but wasn't going to ruin a memory he'd probably never forget about. The blonde smiled and took a small step closer to Naofumi. The two males were now very close to each other, their chests nearly touching.
    "I'll teach you as we dance," Motoyasu offered, already sliding his arms onto Naofumi's shoulders. The blonde smiled more, his happiness becoming extremely noticeable.
     "Alright...Where do I put my hands?" Naofumi asked, growing more flustered at the end of his sentence. Naofumi stared at Motoyasu, once again appreciating his beauty.
    Motoyasu nodded slightly, thinking Naofumi would at least know this part. "Put your hands on my hips," Motoyasu instructed, sliding his arms closer to Naofumi's neck.
    The raven hummed in agreement and gently placed his hands on Motoyasu's hips. Motoyasu liked the gentle touch, especially feeling the male's fingers lightly pressing up against his torso.
    "Ok...Just follow my lead and foot movements now," Motoyasu hummed, slowly taking a step backward. Naofumi quickly looked down at Motoyasu's feet and took a step forward.
    Naofumi stared at Motoyasu's joyful smile, never seeing before how handsome it was. Naofumi always shrugged off Motoyasu and had never seen his true charm. Naofumi thought Motoyasu could be a model if he wanted to.
    A minute passed and Naofumi was beginning to get a hang of it. Motoyasu moved a foot back, Naofumi moved a foot forward. The two males had spent the whole time looking into each other's eyes wondering why they had never decided to do this before. Even though they weren't talking, they were learning a lot about the other. The slow, relaxing music made this moment a lot more memorable and easy to wrap in.
    Motoyasu hadn't ever realized that Naofumi had small freckles running over his cheeks and nose. Freckles we're normally caused by too much sun so Motoyasu could imagine him on a summer day.
     Naofumi would be sweating, his hair kept out of his face. Motoyasu pictured the sweat gradually rolling down his face and Naofumi's deep voice making him even sexier.
    Naofumi had just realized how fine Motoyasu was. His beautiful locks of hair were each very well taken care of and Naofumi wouldn't be surprised if he did hair routines like a lot of girls. Motoyasu also had bright, colourful orange eyes that appeared so happy and filled with feelings. Part of Naofumi wanted Motoyasu to be a model so he could look at the outfits he wore in magazines and other news.
    Both males were both now smiling, savouring the moment. Even though Naofumi couldn't dance and would most likely embarrass himself, he enjoyed this experience a lot.
    Another minute went on, both males admiring each other. No talk or laugh was shared between the two, neither wanting to ruin or interrupt this moment. The song stopped, and Motoyasu had a large grin on his face.
    Motoyasu placed a hand on Naofumi's chin with gentleness, feeling the smooth skin. A blush came across Motoyasu's face. Usually, he thought he'd never get a chance to be good friends, let alone together. Motoyasu had some hope seeing Naofumi allow him to place his hand on his chin.
    Motoyasu took a deep breath, gaining some more confidence. He sealed the gap between their lips, giving the other male a gentle and loving kiss.
    Naofumi immediately felt his cheeks burn up and felt his whole body go numb. His heart pounded in his chest, going one hundred beats a second. Before Naofumi could kiss back, Motoyasu pulled away. Naofumi was still amazed, only expecting a dance. (Not that he was complaining-)
    Motoyasu had a delightful smile on his face, and his expression was overall pure and loving.
    Naofumi stuttered random words for a moment, still comprehending what had just happened.
    "D-did you just kiss me..?" Naofumi quietly asked, still in disbelief that Motoyasu had really kissed him.
    "Yes, I did." Motoyasu proudly verified, extremely impressed that he kissed Naofumi. Motoyasu didn't want to make things awkward or find out Naofumi was straight or something. Even just asking him to dance was a wild ride of feelings, wondering if it would even be worth it.
    Naofumi looked off the side, still flustered. Naofumi closed his eyes for a moment, knowing that Motoyasu liked him in that way. Naofumi placed his hands on Motoyasu's shoulders and kissed the male on the lips, continuing the soft kiss.
    This time Motoyasu was startled but didn't waste time. Motoyasu closed his eyes, returning the sudden kiss Naofumi granted. Motoyasu wrapped his arms around Naofumi's waist, hugging him while they kissed.
    Naofumi enjoyed the kiss, only now realizing how much he loved Motoyasu. He hadn't thought about it very often but feeling Motoyasu's soft lips on his, it was remarkable. Even just feeling his hands on his shoulders while they danced sent butterflies to his stomach.
    Naofumi backed away not long after, lightly breathing. The two males stared into each other eyes again, both feeling butterflies in their stomachs now. They both found the other wildly attractive, even things most people didn't want in the other appearance-wise. They also loved each other personalities, knowing each one of them was kind and sweet.
    Naofumi let out a small laugh, too happy to believe this was real. He knew it was, but it all felt like a dream that he never wanted to end.
    "Naofumi?" Motoyasu softly spoke, his grip on Naofumi's waist increasing.
    "Yes?" Naofumi calmly replied. Now Naofumi was also realizing how beautiful Motoyasu's voice was and the perfection it held.
    "Right after Myne was caught, I couldn't stop looking at you. At the time I was in disbelief that Myne had done anything, which I regret. I trusted Myne way too quickly and I should've considered more about the case. During that time I was sort of a dick and treated you horribly." Motoyasu confessed, looking off to the side a little bit. "I'm sorry,"
    Naofumi was surprised to hear this, never actually thinking Motoyasu would say sorry. Naofumi didn't need an apology, but it made him smile like a little kid.
    "It's fine, I'm obviously not mad at you...I mean look at us now," Naofumi giggled, wrapping his arms around Motoyasu's shoulders properly.
    "Yeah, but I still owed you an apology," Motoyasu sighed, guilty for his actions.
    "Motoyasu, are you Myne or the king?" Naofumi pointed out, a smug grin on his face.
    "No..?" Motoyasu responded, confused.
    "Then I don't care. Yes, it is nice to hear an apology for you being an asshole, but so was everyone else." Naofumi claimed.
    "It's funny Y'know.." Naofumi started. "We used to want to murder each other, and now I'm here, about to ask if you can be my boyfriend," Naofumi admitted, chuckling at the end. It took Motoyasu a moment before his face lit up.
    "Did you ju-"
    "Will you be my boyfriend, Motoyasu?" Naofumi asked. It almost felt like the whole room went silent when Naofumi confessed, but yet everyone was still yelling and the music was still blasting.
    Motoyasu didn't know how Naofumi suddenly had all of this confidence and had no clue how he just confessed out of the blue. Motoyasu swallowed, his cheeks feeling as hot as a wildfire.
    Motoyasu looked at Naofumi, beginning to realize he was taking too long to answer. "Of course," Motoyasu finally answered.
    Naofumi chuckled, before moving his arms out of the way so he could rest his head on Motoyasu's shoulder.
    The music seemed to fade and all the noise around them. The two only focusing on the presence and touch of one another. Both males were more than happy to be in each other's arms and never wanted the experience to end.
    "I love you," Naofumi whispered, closing his eyes.
    "I love you too," Motoyasu calmly spoke back, happier than ever.

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