Crossdressing for fun|

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(Thank you 1BlStories1 for the idea :) I really appreciate it! ^^)

    "Ok...J-just a bit more," Naofumi ordered, breathing heavily. Mahiru, Naofumi's current best friend let out a sigh and tightened the corset more.

    "I don't see why you want to do this," Mahiru sighed, stepping back. "I mean you look stunning- Holy shit you look stunning," Mahiru chuckled, admiring her best friend as a female.

    Naofumi now had long black hair that was straightened, and a small braid that pulled back into a ponytail. He wore a long blue dress that's puffy and dragged behind him on the floor. The white corset went over the dress, giving it a more pirate and/or soft look.

    Naofumi snickered. "And the pills are just the last of it."

    "No kidding," Mahiru chuckled, a bit surprised that Naofumi sounded so girly.

    "Alright, well let's head out into town, trick some people, and get some helpless male's money," Naofumi spoke, lifting the dress and walking forward. Mahiru could only think of a princess heading over to the library to go read a good book, and tea to accompany her.

    The two reached the town of Melromarc, and many males stared at them, lustful looks on their faces. Naofumi would wave at them and smile at them, but that was as far as it would go. "So, what's your new name for while you're playing dress-up?" Mahiru asked, throwing her hands behind her head. Naofumi looked at her, curious.

    "What about Naomi? It's close to my real name, but still makes sense," Naofumi spoke calmly. Mahiru nodded, agreeing to the fake name.

    They turned a corner, and Naofumi met eyes with no other than Motoyasu Kitamura. The blonde threw him a smile and winked. Naofumi gawked in disgust, wondering why Motoyasu would allow

    Myne was with him, at a shop, once again using him for money. Even though she was the princess. The spear hero gestured for Naofumi to come over, and he nodded.

    "Looks like Motoyasu is our little helpless man," Naofumi chuckled, quickly walking over. Mahiru stayed where they previously were, watching from afar.

    Naofumi walked up to Motoyasu and gave him a small bow. "You're the spear hero, correct?" Naofumi asked, smiling.

    "Why, yes I am," Motoyasu smiled proudly. He looked at Myne for a moment, seeing how she was just helplessly chatting with the owner. Motoyasu walked right up to the small "female" and placed a hand on his chin.

    "I've never seen you here before. Are you new to Melromarc?" Motoyasu asked. He thought this female was beautiful, had natural looks. Her beautiful long hair, alluring green eyes, perfect figure, and her personality just seemed so loving. He thought she seemed like the type of person to go feed some ducks at the pond on a nice sunny day.

    Naofumi was disgusted for a moment, but part of him liked the touch. Liked the affection he was given. "You'd be correct! I heard this place had nice people and good food," Naofumi claimed, coming up with something on the spot. He placed his hand on Motoyasu's arm, slightly moving it up. He never realized either how muscular Motoyasu was, and couldn't help but blush a bit.

    "Ah, well if you'd like I can show you around this general area. What do you say~?" Motoyasu asked, a pleased grin coming to his face.

    "Oh, why not," Naofumi agreed, returning the smile. Motoyasu nodded and went to inform Myne. Myne looked in his direction, a snarl on her face. But of course, she still played Miss Perfect with Motoyasu. Naofumi rolled his eyes, not understanding how Motoyasu was that dumb.

    About an hour passed, and Motoyasu had "shown" him around town. Naofumi just listened to how dumb he was and went to shops to buy things so he could get the money he deserved.

    "What do you say we go for lunch, I'll pay," Motoyasu suggested. Naofumi snickered, deciding he'd be a dick. Naofumi looked at Motoyasu and chuckled coldly.

    "You're so fucking dumb," Naofumi snickered. Motoyasu looked at him shocked, blinking a few times in surprise.

    "You really haven't realized who I am?" Naofumi asked, walking right in front of the blonde. He placed his hands on Motoyasu's waist, never looking away from the bright orange eyes.

    "What are you talking about? Don't tell me you're trying to tease me," Motoyasu chuckled, a little apprehensive. Naofumi shook his head and brought his mouth to Motoyasu's ear. He tightened his grip around Motoyasu's waist.

    "You're hanging out with the shield hero, Kitamura," Naofumi snickered, feeling Motoyasu tense up right as he said that. "I decided to play some dress-up," Naofumi added, holding back tons of laughter.

    Motoyasu gently pushed Naofumi off of him and looked him in the eye. Both males stared at each other, surprised neither seemed angry.

    "I suppose you look nice as a boy and a girl then," Motoyasu suddenly spoke. Naofumi's face slightly lit up, suspicious of motoyasu. Motoyasu grabbed one of Naofumi's hands, and the spear hero held it close to his chest. Naofumi furrowed his eyebrows, annoyed.

    "Thank you...I guess," Naofumi mumbled, attempting to pull his hand away, which was unsuccessful.

    "So, Naofumi, tell me, how come you decided to come to me?" Motoyasu asked, making his words quiet and calm. He pulled Naofumi closer, and the raven stumbled forward, his face growing red quickly.

    "Hey- don't pull this shit. You gestured for me to come over," Naofumi huffed.

    "You didn't have to come over though," Motoyasu pointed out, grinning. Naofumi huffed, staying quiet. Not a word was said for a few moments, and it was just the two males looking into each other's eyes, with the wind gently hitting them.

    "I think you should wear dresses more often...But don't change your voice or wear a wig," Motoyasu teased, winking at the raven. Naofumi gritted his teeth, his cheeks becoming a darker tint of red.

    "And I'd like to see you a foot away from me- right now," Naofumi pouted, once again trying to break free from the spear hero's grip.

    "Nope, I can't do that," Motoyasu chuckled. Naofumi sighed in response and glared at Motoyasu.

    "How come you're being just like how you were before...But yet you now know who I really am...?" Naofumi asked, a bit curious about the answer.

    "Because you're a rather interesting person. Plus Myne is cheating on me and thinks I don't realize," Motoyasu claimed, becoming a bit annoyed.

    "Serves you right," Naofumi scoffed.

    "Aw, no need to be so rude, Nao," Motoyasu snickered. Naofumi glared at Motoyasu, his emerald green eyes filled with anger and annoyance.

    "What's with the nickname...?" He asked.

    "I mean I can call you something else...Like Iwatani, handsome, cutie, babe, something like that?" Motoyasu grinned, watching Naofumi's face quickly light up as he listed off the options.

    "Iwatani! Iwatani works!" Naofumi panicked, looking at the ground.

    Motoyasu chuckled, "Alright, if you say so." 

So- Ya'll I need help- I finished the anime Another in two fucking days, began watching angels of death, have demon slayer on my next to watch thingy-, I just got into the most confusing thing in the world (aka evillious chronicles) and last week I think listened to all of MARETU's music...I need help 🙃 (and Might have another fanfic idea of these two so you may need to get ready)

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