edge| Depressed Naofumi AU (I have no ideas ok-)

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    Itsuki, Ren and Motoyasu walked through the damp forest, looking for one of Ren's teammates that had runoff.
    "Can we please just wait for her to come back? I'm tired..." Itsuki sighed, rubbing his eye. Motoyasu looked down at Itsuki, mentally agreeing with him. All he wanted to do was sleep since it was almost 11 PM, but Ren insisted they helped.
    "Just a little bit longer. I want to make sure she's alright," Ren claimed, staring ahead at the dark forest. A leaf fell from a tree, landing beside Motoyasu as he walked past. He let out a small sigh, bored.
    "You know she'll come back, come on!" Motoyasu complained, letting out a groan.
    "Just a little bit longer! God you two are so impatient," Ren scoffed, annoyed at them.
    "I think someone's tired," Motoyasu mumbled to himself,  poking fun at Ren and his sour attitude.  
    "She'll be fine, I need sleep so I can get more training done tomorrow!" Itsuki huffed, pouting.
    "Shut it, please. All I ask is a few more minutes and then we can turn back," Ren sighed, pissed at the two. Motoyasu looked back, seeing the very dull yellow light from the lamp posts fading into the distance. Motoyasu just wanted to turn back even more.
    Another minute passed, Tue only sounds being the animals and the leaves crumbling beneath their feet. Motoyasu looked off to the left, seeing a patch of no trees. He raised an eyebrow, coming to a halt.
    Naofumi was not far away, standing on the edge of the cliff. If he had slipped, he had a long-distance down. Motoyasu was about to call out his name before Itsuki began talking.
    "You alright, Motoyasu?" Itsuki asked, walking up to him.
    "Well that's Naofumi, I don't know what he's doing here," Motoyasu replied, starting at the raven. He watched him shuffle a bit closer to the edge, and tilt his head down.
    "Go ask him, me and Ren are going to go on ahead," Itsuki said. "I just want to get back already," Itsuki mumbled, turning away from Motoyasu.
    Motoyasu began to walk forward, steadily keeping his eyes on the raven. Although they didn't get along very well, his curiosity still consumed him. Motoyasu's eyes went wide with fear, watching the male put his arms out like a bird. Motoyasu held his breath, realizing what Naofumi was doing. He began to sprint, leaves flying through the air as he passed by.
    Naofumi began to lean forward, ready for the long drop that was ready to take him. Motoyasu tried to run even faster, struggling with the damp leaves.
    He quickly grabbed Naofumi's hand, pulling him away. He twirled the raven around and pulled him close to his chest.
    Naofumi made a startled yelp, not expecting anyone to see him. Motoyasu breathed heavily, using all of his breath on running.
    Motoyasu could feel Naofumi's warm, light breathing on the side of his neck.
    "Hey...Hey...It's fine...You're fine..." Motoyasu whispered, realizing the raven was crying. Naofumi wrapped his arms shakily around Motoyasu, his grip was strong.
    Motoyasu began to lightly massage Naofumi's back, hoping it could help calm him. 
    Motoyasu narrowed his eyes at Naofumi, not realizing how he really felt with all the hatred.
    Motoyasu opened his mouth to ask why Naofumi tried to do such a thing, but quickly shut his mouth knowing now wasn't the right time. He continued to gently rub Naofumi's back, feeling his breathing become less panicked.
    Motoyasu closed his eyes, just paying attention to Naofumi's presence.

    Hours passed, and Motoyasu had brought Naofumi to a room in the kingdom that he often slept in. Naofumi was sound asleep, Motoyasu sitting on the edge of the bed, lightly rubbing Naofumi's hand.
    Motoyasu narrowed his eyes at Naofumi, wanting an answerback.
    While thinking, Naofumi slowly opened his eyes, trying to adapt to the light. "Where am I...?" Naofumi whispered, his voice scratchy from the crying and sleeping.
    "...My room," Motoyasu replied, awkwardly smiling.
    Naofumi hummed, looking down at his hand that Motoyasu was holding.
    "Naofumi I want to ask if you're ok," Motoyasu softly spoke, his grip becoming a bit tighter on Naofumi's hand.
    "What do you mean...?" Naofumi replied, his voice quaky.
    "You tried to take your life, what do you think?" Motoyasu bitterly replied.
    "It was nothing...I just wasn't thinking right..." Naofumi nervously replied.
     "Weren't thinking right? I still think there's more than that, Naofumi," Motoyasu sighed, wanting a proper answer from the raven.
    Naofumi sat up, looking Motoyasu in the eye. "I'm telling the truth."
    "Alright, alright. I believe you," Motoyasu liedz, not believing Naofumi one bit.
    Naofumi looked back down at their hands and tried to move his hand away. Motoyasu quickly grabbed his hand again, causing Naofumi to tense up in confusion.
    The room was silent for a moment before Naofumi spoke up," May you please let go of my hand...? You're hurting me with how fucking tight you're holding it," Naofumi scoffed.
    Motoyasu loosened his grip, still not letting go. Naofumi groaned in annoyance and yanked his hand away.
    "You know I saved you, the least you can do is let me hold your hand," Motoyasu spoke calmly, looking for excuses to hold his hand.
    "No," Naofumi plainly replied.
    Motoyasu stared at him for a moment, before moving closer. He sat right beside him and put an arm around Naofumi. "Is this better?"
    "...No," Naofumi scoffed, lowering his head.
    Motoyasu gently smiled, never realizing how amazing it would be to have Naofumi in his arms.
    "So, you want me to buy us breakfast in the morning?" Motoyasu asked.
    Naofumi rolled his eyes, "Oh but won't Myne get pissed and then ditch you and then the love of your life is gone for some boy you're pretending to get along with?" Naofumi said, sarcastically.
    "She doesn't own me, so she doesn't control who I hang out with," Motoyasu replied. "Now, I need an answer."
    "Whatever...." Naofumi sighed, calming down a bit.
    "Good, you're someone I don't mind spending my money on," Motoyasu chuckled.
    "That's probably because you feel bad, and think it's such a big deal what I tried to do, but be honest with me...Right when Myne goes and tells you something fake about me, you'll turn around and be the same dick as you were before," Naofumi claimed, looking at him.
    "I won't," Motoyasu declared.
    "Sure, just wait," Naofumi sighed, closing his eyes.
    "Alright, and just know that you'll be wrong," Motoyasu shrugged.
    Naofumi didn't reply, trying to not let himself be gullible and fall for the blonde's lies.
    My brain now don't work-  I'm gonna cry- and I have no goddamn idea's--Have a good day T-T 

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