admit the truth, or lose a crush.|

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(Artwork is not mine)

(This Oneshot includes headcanons, if you don't respect that, don't read.)

Naofumi walked with his head down on his way to a store. Raphtalia cheerfully walked by his side, giving glares at people who were talking bad about him. Naofumi was too tired and weak to try. Due to the loss of taste, appetite and money, it was mostly going towards Raphtalia.

The last meal he ate was yesterday morning, but he was luckily making it through the day just fine. Though there were very noticeable eye bags under his eyes. You could even see small tear stains if you paid close attention. Naofumi wanted to lay his head down on a comfy bed and sleep. You wouldn't be able to.. The beds at the castle were comfortable, but his insomnia was already bad enough to be reminded of shit like that.

Some nights it was so bad he'd be just settled and sleeping by five in the morning, only to wake up a couple hours later. Some nights were about seven PM, but those were the lucky rare occasions. Because of him being Transgender and the royal knowing this, and the fact that he was framed, he was too scared to get the sleep he needed.

"Naofumi watch out-" Raphtalia started.

Naofumi fell to the ground after hitting something or someone. Naofumi let out an annoyed groan and looked up. An angry growl escaped his mouth, before he helped himself up. Motoyasu and Bitch stood there, Motoyasu being the one he hit.

Naofumi tried to continue to walk by, but Motoyasu held out his spear. "Where are you going?! You still haven't apologized to Myne," Motoyasu spoke, fury in his eyes.

"Yeah," Naofumi grinned, an evil present in his eyes. Naofumi walked in front of Myne.

"I'm very sorry you framed me for rape. I'll also tell you, your boyfriend won't like you soon," Naofumi scoffed, placing his hands on his hips.

"I didn't frame you! W-wait, boyfriend?!" Myne stammered confused. Naofumi shook his head and pointed at Motoyasu.

Myne could feel her face grow hot. "W-what no! We aren't dating we're just-" Myne stammered.

"Wait... W-why wouldn't he like me!" Myne cried, anger in her eyes.

"I'm sorry but you're not hot or honest enough," Naofumi shrugged, then glared at her with a smirk.

"Hey, talking about yourself?!" Motoyasu scoffed, his spear still to Naofumi's back.

Naofumi looked at Motoyasu. "Trust me, I'm way better than her." Naofumi snickered, glaring at Myne again.

"If you confess to what you did, I'll let you have your boyfriend. I'll let you know though, if you don't I have plenty of evidence to make him against you and he'll hate you." Naofumi smiled. His smile wasn't full of bitterness, and was a sincere, honest smile.

"I didn't do anything to you! You raped me..!" Myne yelled, backing away even more.

Naofumi looked at Motoyasu and smirked. The taller male looked at him confused. Naofumi walked along the spear, making sure not to hurt himself.

"Y'know Motoyasu, I don't think I could ever actually rape a girl. I mean, I don't really like girls, well no, not at all. Thinking about kissing a girl makes me want to puke, but rapping one..? Sheesh," Naofumi sighed, getting closer to Motoyasu.

"What, are you saying you're gay as a coverup?" Motoyasu hissed, putting his spear back at his side.

Naofumi stopped right in front of Motoyasu and grinned. Naofumi placed a hand gently on Motoyasu's neck and pressed his forehead up against the Spear Hero's forehead.

"Well, I wouldn't call it a coverup," Naofumi smiled, staring into Motoyasu's tangerine eyes. Naofumi could tell Motoyasu was blushing, due to the heavy breathing.

"Nervous to have a boy this close to you? I know you probably don't have boys this near you very often, just imagine I'm a girl," Naofumi chuckled, moving his hand to the back of Motoyasu's neck.

His breath was still heavy, but Naofumi could notice sweat. Naofumi placed a kiss on Motoyasu's cheek. "I've never been able to tell a playboy feelings, only the really shy ones." Naofumi chuckled silently.

"Still think of me as a rapist? A villain to this world?" Naofumi whispered, a smirk still present on his face. Motoyasu stayed silent. The two girls just watched, each one being furious in their own way.

Naofumi placed a kiss on the side of Motoyasu's mouth. "Questioning your feelings towards me aren't you? If you really hated me all the way through, I probably would've been dead on the ground." Naofumi whispered.

"I hate you... D-don't think this is going to work," Motoyasu mumbled, gripping his spear with more force. His knuckles began to turn white from all of the force.

"It's cute when you cover up how you're feeling," Naofumi said, his voice calm.

The blonde just let out a small groan. Motoyasu looked at Naofumi who was right there, lips pretty much touching him. Motoyasu looked into his eyes, and could see the playful side of him. He could see the smile, and no disgust was presumed on his face. A small blush came to his face, studying Naofumi more.

Right as Motoyasu was about to speak, a pair of lips met his. He could tell Naofumi was enjoying this for many reasons. His eyes were closed, he hadn't pulled back yet and he didn't look disgusted in any way.

Motoyasu felt the urge to kiss back, but stopped himself. Naofumi pulled away, the same innocent smirk on his face. Motoyasu went over his thoughts again that he had just rambled through his brain. Cute.. Didn't this same smirk used to be evil and filled with anger...

Naofumi grabbed Motoyasu's hand, and stared up into his eyes. "Motoyasu, get away from that rapist!" Myne screamed, fake concern in her voice.

"Shut up, Bitch." Naofumi scoffed, throwing her a nasty look.

Motoyasu couldn't help but keep his eyes on Naofumi, he couldn't even think of the idea of keeping his eyes off him. Motoyasu smiled a bit, seeing the cold, but cute reaction he made.

Naofumi looked back up at Motoyasu, the nasty look peeled off his face. Naofumi brought their faces close together again and giggled. "Couldn't help but catch you staring at me there,"

Motoyasu could feel his face grow more hot, just as hot as before. "N-no I wasn't," Motoyasu quickly replied, wanting to look away. Motoyasu looked at the beautiful charm Naofumi had. All Motoyasu could think about was the fact that there was actually someone way hotter than Myne.

"I want to ask you a question, and you better answer this honestly. Do you believe I raped that Bitch? The disgusting, filthy, lying, Bitch." Naofumi whispered, venom in his voice and tone. Motoyasu stood there thinking. Do I...?

"I-I don't know!" Motoyasu stammered, finally able to look away.

"At least that's not a yes," Naofumi shrugged, backing up. Naofumi had a look on his face, an innocent look. "Well, pretend that never happened!" Naofumi smiled.

Motoyasu almost felt angry and upset that Naofumi said that. Didn't he want to be happy and relieved it was over? He looked down to the ground, part of him enjoyed that. Enjoyed having Naofumi so close to him, enjoyed the gentle kisses.

The two were already too far into the distance for him to chase after him. "I don't know?! What kind of response is that?!" Myne freaked, looking sick and furious.

"I.." Motoyasu stammered, his face becoming even more red. He believed Naofumi, but didn't know how to say it. His looks were so truthful, his smile so pure.. Myne on the other hand looked as if she was about to rip both their heads off.

I hope this happens again sometime soon.. Motoyasu then chuckled to himself, watching his new lover walk off. Screams of Myne echoed, but all he could focus on was Naofumi and how joyful he had just felt.

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