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I sit on the swing gently swaying back and forward.

It's about 1am as I sit in the middle of the park enjoy the silence of the night.

Most people would call me crazy for sneaking out just to come here but I honestly couldn't care less.

I never fitted in around here.

I wasn't like a full on loner or anything but I didn't have any proper friends.

As I slowly rock back and forward I face up towards the sky so I can watch the stars.

To me there's nothing more beautiful then moments like these.

Nothing but the darkness to comfort you and in some way it made me relax.

It made me forget.

As I lay my head against the swing chain I hear the sound of a footsteps in the distance.

I turn my head and look around to see nothing.

I shake my head and continue to look down at my feet as I listen to carefully to my surroundings.

Once I'm certain I'm alone I turn the screen for my phone on to read 2am

I let out a sigh knowing I'd have to go back before mum got up for work since she did early sifts.

I stand up with my phone securely in my hand.

As I arrive at the front yard of my house I walk over near a tree by my window.

I quietly climb it being sure of not being too loud in case I wake up Mom or Dad.

When I'm about to climb through my window I hear the familiar sound of footsteps.

Instead of coming from inside they were coming from on the street.

I cautiously peer through the thick leaves and branches hoping to not be seen.

Instead of seeing nothing like last time I see a dark figure staring straight in the direction of my house making me freeze.

He was under a street lamp with a black hoodie on.

I couldn't see his face but I could tell that he was a boy since of his lean body structure.

I soon snap out of my frozen stage and slowly make my way towards the window knowing that the leaves should be thick enough to stop him from seeing me.

As I jump through my window I quietly shut it and lock it before shutting the curtains.

I stand there for about another 10 minutes not daring to move.

He's probably gone by now, I think, trying to convince myself but instead curiosity gets the best of me making me peep through a small gap in the curtains.

Instead of an empty street I was hoping for the stranger was still in his same spot except his head was turned facing my window.

I quickly close the gap and step away.

Could he see me?

No it couldn't be possible, just go to sleep, he'll be gone by tomorrow.

I knew there was no chance of me getting any sleep if I knew he was there.

I check one more time to see him gone.

I let out a sigh of relief and slowly walk over to my bed and get under the blankets.

I close my eyes and try to sleep hoping to get the figure out of my mind.

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