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My eyes snap open as I shoot up. My chest heavy as I take deep breaths, scanning the room to find it empty.

It must have been a dream.

I get up and walk towards the bathroom, quickly showering before brushing my teeth and hair. I put on a grey hoodie with black tights before tying my hair into a messy bun.

As you can tell I don't put much effort in for school.

I walk down stairs to be greeted by Mum and Dad.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" mum says with a smile

"Good." I mumble.

"That's good."

As you can tell our family isn't exactly great at communication.

"Yeah, Um I should get going for school."

"Okay sweetie, hope you have a good day." She days as she gives me a soft smile.

I smile back before walking out the door.

As I walk down the street I can't help but feel the familiar feeling as though someone is watching me.

The sensation tends to overwhelm me as I stop and look around only to find nothing than a few cars going down the road.

I shake my head.

I'm obviously paranoid about that stupid dream from last night.

I eventually arrive at school to be greater by my  "friends".

"Oh My Gosh! Hey Carrie! How was your weekend? The girls and I went to a party, sorry we didn't invite you but we know it's not your thing" Chantelle states before even letting me get a word in.

I mentally roll my eyes.

"Yeah I had a fun weekend, thanks." I state bluntly.

"What staying in and watching Netflix?" I hear Megan snicker under her breath. Bitch.

I ignore her comment and continue to walk to my locker.

"Did you guys hear, apparently we have a new kid!" Chantelle chimes.

"So? We get new kids all the time?" I state.

"Yeah but apparently this kid is like really hot, like teen model hot." She squeals in excitement as I restrain myself from wincing.

"And how do you know that?" I sigh.

"I saw him, and let's just say he's going to be mine." Megan says as she buys in confidently.

"Okay? Anyway I should probably be getting to class." I state uninterested.

I begin to walk off. Despite being in the same class I didn't know how much more of them I could take.

I enter the classroom and sit at the back of the room next to a nerdy boy with red hair as I give him a small smile and he returns the favour.

The bell shortly rings as Megan and Chantelle enter the room and rush to their seats in front of me.

"Good Morning class, today we will be looking at-"

I zone out and look out the window thinking about the boy from my dream.

It felt so real.

He was actual really attractive.

Wait why am I even thinking about some hot psycho guy from my dream?

My thoughts get interrupted by a knock on the door.

I dart my eyes to see the Principle talking to our teacher as Megan straightens up and sticks out her chest.

I guess we have the new kid in our class.

The boy walks in and my eyes widen.

His eyes instantly connect with mine as he gives me a smirk that sends shivers down my spine.

No this couldn't be.

He was wearing the same black hoodie and gave me the same creepy smile as his dark eyes stared into mine.

"Class we have a new student, please welcome Jack Gilinsky."

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