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We walk inside as I try to casually look around while Jack and Harahel talked.

I wasn't going to lie, Harahel was very attractive and it was nice to finally see someone smiling.

But I was so used to the bitterness and darkness that Jack possessed that being near him made me a bit uncomfortable after a while.

I begin to shuffle closer to Jack as he looks down at me with an amused smile.

"Something wrong?" he asks as he looks down at me concerned.

I shake my head but it doesn't stop me from moving closer to him.

He looks down at me and gives me a small smile before diverting his attention back to Harahel.

"So what brings you guys here, I mean I thought you two weren't coming until a couple of days" Harahel says

"He knew where she was and it wasn't safe so we decided to come here early."

Harahel smile drops as he looks between us with concern.

"Does she know why he wants her?"

"No because I didn't know the whole story so I wanted to wait for you to explain it." Jack says

"Okay" he nod before turning to me.

I can't help but feel excited.

I mean I was finally going to get answers.

"So you're obviously aware that a very powerful demon named Hunter is after you" I nod "Well the reason for that is because you have certain... qualities that makes him weak, which means you have the potential to defeat him."

I look at him shocked.

He expected me to defeat some powerful demon that had the potential to even scare Jack away.

"And what would those qualities be?" Jack asks snapping me out of my thoughts

"You know I can't tell you everything Jack, some things you need to find out on your own but I'll give you some useful information. She has a darker yet bright aura it's hard to exactly explain but it will attract demons and angels. This isn't all the power she posses though, she has a lot of capability that she needs to unlock with certain emotions and situations"

Jack nods while I remained silent.

How was I meant to take this.

I had a demon trying to kill me because I had some kind of power to defeat him.

If someone told me my life would be like this a couple weeks ago I would have laughed in their face and called them crazy yet here I am.

I couldn't do this.

Maybe it would be better if I let him kill me.

Jack looks down at me with a worried frown obviously sensing my silence.

"If you want you can go into one of the bedrooms, I'll be with you in a moment" he whispers into my ear as we follow Harahel down the a long hall to be stopped at an old wooden door.

I faintly nod my head.

I wasn't concern on what Jack was doing I just needed to be by myself.

I needed to think this over before I do something stupid.


I watch her walk into the room as I frown.

I knew what she was feeling.

I could sense it.

And the thought of it scared me.

I wanted to make her feel better but I knew now wasn't the time and as much as I wanted to stay with her, I knew she wanted to be alone.

"Let's talk" Harahel says as he nod his head for me to follow him

"I know you have question about your feeling towards her"

"I just don't understand, I'm not meant to feel this way" I sigh

"It's true, it's very rare case but it's possible"

"Obviously" I mutter

He ignores my comment and continues.

"You know how both demons and angels can become attached" I nod, "well you're becoming attached to her and it's not just a small attachment, it's getting to the point where if she leaves, you will go to the extent of not wanting to live without her"

I sigh.

I wanted to be angry but I wasn't.

I knew that being around her made my feeling grow.

But I didn't want to leave.

I wasn't sure if I was just being stubborn or stupid but as soon as I saw her I never wanted to leave her side.

When I saw her in the park and she was sitting on the swings peacefully as she seemed to be in love with the darkness which was a rare sight to see from a human.

You see it's natural instinct for humans to fear the dark.

To fear the unknown.

But she seemed to find it beautiful and with that maybe I hoped she'd see the same in me.

"I should be getting back to her" I sigh

Harahel nods his head before putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Jack everything will be fine just don't give her a reason to leave" he says before I turn around and walk back to our room.

(A/N okay I'm thinking about posting my new book tomorrow but I'm not sure.

Like I really just want to post all these books for you guys but I'm not done with them yet and I don't want to be too caught up on them because I still have my schooling and stuff but I'm pretty confident it'll be fine I just wanted to know if you guys think I should post it or not.)

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