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Jack was being unreasonable.

I understand that I can't know certain things but not being able to speak to someone was ridiculous.

I doubt that having a conversation with some guy was going to threaten me.

Luckily Jack left me here after that.

I knew he was doing research somewhere else but he refused to tell me what he was doing research on.

I knew it had something to do with me but I guess I can wait until he actually finds the problem.

All of a sudden I hear slow knocks.

At first I ignored it thinking it was just Jack but I soon realised it was coming from the front door.

I begin to walk closer to the door as the knocking increases speed and became more violent.

All of a sudden the knocking stops.

I stay silent for a moment listening for anything to indicate that whatever it was is still there.

It was silent.

I sigh in relief and look back down the hall way.

I didn't know what it was but I knew I needed to get to Jack.

I turn and begin to walk down the hall way when the lights flash off leaving me in darkness.

In a way the darkness was comfortable but I knew I wasn't alone.

I could hear it's breathing close to me sending chills down her spin.

I wanted to call for Jack but I knew it was no use.

If it wanted to kill me it would before Jack could even notice.

"Hello my darling" it whispered to me in a deep voice.

"She was right you are very gorgeous" He says as I feels his hand travel up my arm.

As much as I try to respond I couldn't, my mouth was dry and whenever I tried to speak an unrecognizable pain would strike my body.

"Now, now. We wouldn't want to distract Jack from his much needed research" He says teasingly

Before I could do anything else I heard a loud growl from down the hallway as the lights flicker back on.

"What the fuck are you doing here Sam?"

"Ah Jack, it' nice to know you missed me"

I finally look up at my attacker and see a boy who looked to be the same age as me with a playful grin on his face.

"Let go of her now Sam or it'll be the last thing you do" Jack says threateningly low.

"Calm down, I was just having a little fun" he mutters rolling his eyes.

Once he releases me I run behind Jack and glare at him.

What gave him the right to do that?

Fucking asshole.

"Why are you here?" Jack says less threatening then before.

"I have important information"

Jack nods then looks back at me.

I cross my arms over my chest and raise my eyebrow.

He wasn't getting away with this until he gave me an explanation

Jack sighs.

"Just give me a minute, go into my office and wait for me there" he says to Sam

"Okay I know you're angry but-"

"What the fuck is he and why is he here"

Jack lets out another sigh.

"Look okay I'll tell you just don't freak out"

I stay silent and wait for him to continue.

"His real name is Samael and he's The Demon of Death, he's not a good guy but he is helping us so I suggest you speak as little as possible because knowing you you'll say something to piss him off."

I wanted to yell at Jack for letting this thing into our house but he speaks again before I get the chance.

"Look I know that you probably think I'm crazy for letting him in-"

"You are crazy, he's going to end up killing us" I say cutting him off but he ignores me

"But he's helping us, I've known him for a long time Carrie, He's may be a demon but he has morals"

"Whatever" I huff in annoyance

"Come on" he says holding out his hand for me to take it.

Yes I was pissed but he made me feel safe and knowing that a Demon was in the house was only more reason to hold it.

I stubbornly grasp his hand and avoid eye contact.

Although I wasn't looking at him I knew he was wearing a smug grin on his face which made me even angrier.

(A/N I know that some people might comment about Sams name in this chapter but I just wanted to say that I did it on purpose. I was looking up names for demons in this book and I honestly wasn't even thinking of putting Sammy in it until I saw the name Samael and the meaning to it so yeah :)

Anyway I dedicate this chapter to @peaceoutgilinsky

for commenting and voting. Thank you! Please go check out her books)

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