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I wake up to an unfamiliar surrounding.

My head ached as I looked down and saw my arm bandage.

I was oblivious to where I was but the memories began rushing back into my head of Hunter and of Jack.

Did Jack make it?

I needed to know where Jack was. I needed to know he was alright.

Suddenly a door opens as I look up and see Harahel walking over at me with a frown.

I felt bitter towards him.

He was suppose to be protecting me and maybe he could've stopped what happened to Jack but he didn't and yet he was brave enough to show his face to me.

He must has sensed my new found hatred for him as his frown grows.

For a moment I feel bad but then the image of Jack lifelessly laying on the floor comes to mind erasing and remorse I had.

"Hey are you alright?"

"Where's Jack?" I say ignoring his question.

I didn't care what he had to say or if anything was wrong with me all I wanted was Jack and to know everything was okay.

That he was okay.

He had to be.

"He's next door-" I go to push past him but soon get stopped.

"I don't think you should see him."

"What do you mean I shouldn't see him!" I grow

"Listen Carrie, Jack hasn't had any problems like this before. He'd never allow himself to get stabbed and had always been able to control himself."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I don't want to see Jack ruin himself, and he seems to be when he's with you."

For a moment I want to yell at him and tell him that I would never leave Jack but after I thought about it I was starting to believe that maybe Harahel was right.

"Can I at least see him before I go."

"Fine, just be quick."

I nod as I exit the room and slowly open Jacks door making sure not to disturb him.

He was peacefully lying there with a white bandage covering his stomach, his eyes close while his face wore a small frown.

I walk quietly over to him as I leaned down and place a kiss on his forehead as his frown disappeared.

'How was I meant to leave him after everything we've been through' I thought to myself but as I looked down at his wound I realised that I couldn't be with him.

No matter how much I love him.

I just hope he understands.

"I'm sorry" I whisper as I place a soft kiss on his lips before walking out of the room refusing to look back because I knew if I did I wouldn't be able to leave.

(A/N see guys Jacks alive no need to kill me but there's only one or two chapters left of this book.

This chapter is dedicated to kmccray13 Thank you so much and enjoy this chapter.)

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