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Kang Yeosang

I slowly opened my eyes as soon as I regained consciousness.

Where am I?

I slowly sat up and hissed at the pain, I just realized that I'm almost fully covered in bandages. My head is still spinning, I have no idea where am I and why does my head hurt this much?

I heard the door opened, revealing my mom. She gasped and ran towards me for a hug.

"M-Mom...h-hurts." I complained when she squeezed tighter.

She immediately lets go, "I'm sorry honey. I am so happy that you woke up. I was starting to get worried." Mom said softly as she brushed my bangs away of my forehead.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Almost a week honey, but that doesn't matter now. You had a good rest and most importantly, you finally woke up." Mom answered with reassurance but I didn't hesitate to ask.

"Where is Lia?"

As if my question just made mom froze on her spot. I suddenly got nervous as I anticipated on her next words.

She sadly smiled, "She didn't make it."

My breathing just paused for a minute, processing at what she said. "W-what do you mean she didn't make it?"

Then I figured it out as soon as I saw her tears forming in her eyes.

"She's in a better place now, Sangie." Mom sobbed, her hands intertwined with mine.

"N-No! You're joking." I told her, my hands were trembling from the news. "Mom, please tell me you are joking." I tried giving her the benefit of doubt.

But she shook her head slowly, tears were already falling as she kissed my forehead. "She's really gone, Sangie. I'm so sorry."

"That can't be true, Mom! I saved her! I almost saved her." I started panicking until I lost control of myself and yelled inside the room. Mom tried to calm me down but I suddenly felt fatigued running inside my veins, uncomfortably staying still.

"This is all my fault. I'm the reason why she died. If I just—If I just didn't—" I couldn't even finish my sentence because of the lump inside my throat. Mom just lightly hugged me as I cried into her chest.

"It's not your fault, honey."

"If I just didn't yell at her that day, she wouldn't have died." I sniffled, blaming myself for my sister's death.

I still remembered that day vividly. On how the truck forcefully pushed our bodies to the ground. The way Lia's lifeless body was lying there on that ground with blood stains on her head. The sight is so horrifying. I couldn't help but blame myself. If I just didn't yell at her, if I just didn't pressure her, if I just didn't stress her out; she would still be here with us.

How about Seonghwa? I can already imagine him crying because of Lia's sudden death...and it is all because of me.

Everything was my fault.

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