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Third Person

A month had finally passed.

Yeosang was discharged two weeks ago but was told to rest for another two weeks before going back to school. The Parks and Yeosang's parents don't want to risk anything. Yeosang's mom even suggested that Yeosang should drop out school because of the accidents that had occurred to him. They debated over this topic until Yeosang insisted to go to school since the school year is ending in three weeks.

Seonghwa was anxious, until now he couldn't get over the accident. He is afraid that Yeosang might encounter them again. The idea of Yeosang going to school or rather go out of the house was risky.

So Seonghwa decided to hire some bodyguards whenever Yeosang goes out with Wooyoung or his other friends and classmates. It's very overreacting, but it's the only way that he could ensure that Yeosang is safe. The blonde obviously didn't like the idea, yet he needs to be protected. Who knows he might faint again?

When Yeosang says that Seonghwa is so paranoid, he means it. The elder made Yeosang move his things and belongings to Seonghwa's room and finalized that Yeosang will be sleeping with him, literally. Not temporarily, but permanently.

Yeosang doesn't mind though.

"Sangie, I don't think you're ready to go to schoo--"

Before Seonghwa could even finish his sentence, Yeosang interfered, "Hwa, I'm okay. It's been a month now. I'm fully recovered. Besides, you are there to look after me." The blonde assured, packing his school supplies in his bag, "I want to see my friends before bidding them a goodbye for this school year."

Seonghwa has doubts, but he understood his husband anyway. "Are you really sure?"

"Yes, I'm more than ready." Yeosang chuckled, slinging his bag on his shoulder before giving Seonghwa a kiss on the nose, "I'll meet you at the car."

Seonghwa couldn't help but smile, a little tint of red blush was evident on his cheeks. He watched Yeosang's hips swaying out of their room. My god, Seonghwa was beyond whipped during these months with the blonde.

He chuckled, still in awe that Yeosang could give this effect on him.



Wooyoung came running and tackled his best friend into a hug and kissed his temple. The younger has been acting so affectionate these days. Of course he's been so happy lately because of his one month boyfriend.

San was smiling at the whole act. He could really see that Yeosang was so dear to Wooyoung, he loved witnessing it...ever since.

"I missed you a lot, Sangie. I felt like dying without you! Imagine one month not being able to talk with your best friend--"

Yeosang snickered at Wooyoung's exaggeratedness. "I missed you too, Woo. Don't worry about me. I'm certainly fine now. Thank you very much for being there for me. I owe you two a lot." He said wholeheartedly, very grateful to have both Wooyoung and San in his life.

Wooyoung gently slapped the blonde's shoulder as his way of embarrassment, extremely touched by his words. "'re making me cry."

The bell rang, indicating that it's time for class.

Wooyoung remembered that he shares his first class with Yeosang.

"Sannie! We'll go to our classes now. Are you going to wait for Seonghwa?" Wooyoung showed his radiant grin that San loved the most.

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