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Third Person

"Wooyoung, wait! Please let me explain!" 

Wooyoung's eyes were already filled with crystal tears as soon as he saw his crush kissing his best friend. His heart cracked into pieces and the betrayal in his eyes were abundantly evident. Hana was right all along. Wooyoung knew he would get hurt, but didn't actually think it would be ten times worse...or actually happen at all.

Wooyoung's feet dragged him to the stairs, walking away in a fast pace. He wanted to get out of the scene, and he did not want to interrupt anything. His teeth clenched and accelerated his pace when he heard Yeosang's voice echoing in the hallways.

"Woo! Please, it's not what it looks like!"

The younger scoffed. He heard those lines a couple of times in movies and series and it would always turn into a disaster. He clearly saw San kissing the blonde right in front of his own eyes. 

If it's not what it looks like, why didn't he push San away? That was his mindset.

"Excuses." Wooyoung uttered under his breath so that Yeosang won't hear him. 

Yeosang ran fast as he could to catch up to his best friend, "Wooyoung please! It's really not what it looks like. I swear!"

Wooyoung stopped his tracks and slowly looked back to see Yeosang catching up to him.

When Yeosang is finally in front of him, "Woo, you have to listen to me. San just kissed me on the corner of my lip. That was all! So it's not what it looks like."

"That still didn't erase the fact that he likes you, Yeosang."

"But can you really blame me? I didn't know that he would see me that way!"

Wooyoung avoided eye-contact with him this time, "Do you like San?"

Yeosang, without a doubt, answered his question. "I like San as a friend. You knew that Seonghwa is always in my heart...and that will never change because I'm fated to him. My hip mark literally says I'm Seonghwa's property, forgodsake."

Wooyoung was out of words, he did not know what to say since Yeosang was right after all. Yet, he can't just ignore his feelings. It was a relief to know that Yeosang doesn't like San back but still hurt to know that San really liked Yeosang, genuinely.

"Are you mad at me?" Yeosang's voice cracked while his eyes are forming new set of tears.

Wooyoung swallowed greedily and forcefully. He wanted to but couldn't. He can't stay mad at his best friend, he loves him to death. But he'd rather stay true and be honest with himself.

"I wish I could, but I'm not even San's boyfriend to begin with. I don't have the right to get mad." 

Yeosang pursed his lips together, feeling the soar and pain in his throat.

"But I just don't like the way you lead him on. You need to get your senses up and stop being oblivious." 

"How am I supposed to know that he likes me!?" 

"Sangie, he was so obvious! Even Yunho noticed it! Heck, even Seonghwa knows where this was going! Why do you think Seonghwa is so protective over you, huh?" Wooyoung shot him down, not liking how dense Yeosang was right now.

"I...I didn't know...I--I'm sorr--"

"No." Wooyoung stopped him, "Don't even say it. You're making me feel bad. Just...just leave me alone." He turned his back to walk away. 

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