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hi, i know i have ended this a few months ago :,) but i still want to give you an alternative and some sort of happy ending for woosan.

and 55k special too!!!

2058 | San's Point of View.

I took a deep sigh, my frail body is trying to cope from the lengthy missions that my mother has given me.

It has been so long. Forty years exactly when I came back to my mother to fulfill my tasks. I did all of those for my living, to live freely without my mother's consent, to have the life that I've wanted for years. It has always been my wish to be a person with my own identity because all these years, I have lived as Kim San: the messenger, the helper, the person who is created only to break a curse.

Mother thinks she created me without feeling any emotions. I do have emotions. I do have feelings. I am just good at masking it, no matter how it hurts. I need to stay stoic. I have to practice being apathetic. Sadly to say, I'm too good at it.

When Taeha and Deoksu, or Mr. and Mrs. Choi, adopted me when I was twelve years old, I was heartless and I treated them terribly just to practice my phlegmatic image. They didn't mind though because they knew my situation.

And of The reason why my adoptive parents don't mind me is because of money. They get money from Mother. She paid them to take care of me. That's why they don't mind me disappearing from this world.

But I was grateful they treated me as a real human being. That was already enough for me.

Besides that, I was given a rule to not to fall in love. Especially to Seonghwa or Yeosang.

So what I did was to play, to play with girls' feelings, to break their hearts, to sleep with them just to avoid falling in love. I thought I succeeded.

But obviously, I didn't.

I broke a lot of rules.

But falling in love with Yeosang was the most unacceptable part.

It was a short period of time yet a part of me broke knowing that my feelings will always control me. Hence why my hands started glitching when I finally lost feelings for Yeosang.

Mother's spell is always created by anger and jealousy—but love is always stronger than that. That's the reason why my love for Yeosang can potentially kill me. When my hands started glitching, there's no turning back.

The only thing that could save me was if someone loved me back the same way as I love them.

Here I thought I can never love again.

And then Wooyoung came.

The moment I realized that he is the one for me, I had to tell him my identity because I knew he would save my life. Mother was only frustrated because I told a mortal my identity—but he's not just any mortal, he's the one that I need and the person I want to spend my entire life with.

And in order to spend my life with him, I have to make myself mortal, just what I wished for.

So I took the fourty-year journey and throughout my missions, the person who I can only think of is Wooyoung.

And now my missions are done, I'm here standing in front of the Parks Mansion.

"Do I know you?" A lady who's on her mid twenties, questioned as soon as I knocked on their door. Her face is so familiar, very identical to Yeosang's sister, Lia.

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