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Third Person

It's June 14, 2018.

11 hours left.

Yeosang took a deep breath. He and Seonghwa finally arrived at the campus premises. To Yeosang, he felt apprehensive but reticent to know why. He's feeling anxious for unknown reasons but since Seonghwa will always be by his side, he lessened his worries.

The blonde got discharged from the hospital yesterday after having a two hour argument that Yeosang is fully okay. If Yeosang was to be honest, he's not completely recovered, but he knew he had to go to school to find the book so he will be able to break the spell quickly.

"Are you okay?" Seonghwa frets, noticing Yeosang's twitching fingers. "If you are still not comfortable going out, I can take you home, baby."

Yeosang shook his head, "I'm okay. Not to worry."

Deep down in his heart, Seonghwa can tell the agitation that Yeosang was emitting. He encircled his arm around the younger's waist before entering the building. 

All eyes of the students were on them; mostly with worried looks. Knowing that the speculation about Hana was true, everyone sympathizes not only Yeosang but also Lia. Although the gazes made Yeosang uncomfortable, he never liked being the center of attention. 

In the corner of Seonghwa's eye, the raven-haired deliberately hovered Yeosang's jacket hood to cover the younger's head to avoid the new series of drilling gazes. "Don't mind them." 

Yeosang inhaled sharply, but found it so comforting for Seonghwa to treat him this way.

As they walked towards to the classrooms, arriving at Yeosang's first class if specific, Seonghwa placed a soft and tender kiss on the blonde's forehead -- causing the students to squeal lightly on how cute the scene was.

"Call me and let me know if something happens, okay?" 

Yeosang could only smile in return before entering his first subject class, Literature. 

Like the students in hallways, his classmates darted their gazes on the male. Before Yeosang could even comprehend, Wooyoung immediately engulfed his best friend into a hug to which Yeosang instinctively wrapped his arms around the other.

"Sangie! I missed you. Are you okay?"

The blonde hummed in reply, "Yeah, thank you for your concern."

"Of course I'd be! You don't know how worried we were." Wooyoung rebuked, pulling him to sit down beside him.

"Damn, you seem more concerned over me fainting than the truck accident." Yeosang tried to joke but Wooyoung was dead serious, and it sort of scared the elder a little bit.

"Either way, you need to be protected. I don't want to see you hurt again. You seem to end up in devastating situations, it's worrying goodness." 

"I really appreciate that, Woo. Thank you for being by my side. I love you." The genuineness in Yeosang's voice flattered Wooyoung's heart.

"Shut up. Don't make me cry at the wrong time." Wooyoung couldn't help but smile, averting his gaze away from his friend, "But I love you too."

Yeosang giggled at his best friend's response and adjusted his seat. He placed his notebooks on the table, planning to review for the upcoming quizzes.

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