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Third Person

"Class dismissed."

The professor said his final words before collecting his things and leave the classroom. Seonghwa checked his schedule to see what is his next class. History. Again with a boring subject. Seonghwa would rather sleep for the whole hour.

The heartthrob stood up and went out of the classroom together with Mingi. 

"We have two more classes? Ugh, I just wanna go home. I'm so tired." The chestnut said, stretching his arms after sitting in such a long period of time.

"That's what you get for partying too much." Seonghwa bluntly remarked.

Mingi nudged his friend's shoulder, "Hey, at least parties are fun! Psh. Unlike here, it's so boring."

"Everything about school is boring for you."

"Nah bro, the lessons are the only ones boring." Mingi wrapped his free arm around Seonghwa's broad shoulders.

Seonghwa could only roll his eyes at his friend's statement. 

On his peripheral view, Seonghwa saw the familiar red hair just walking across the hallways. The elder knew it was Jongho because of his hair and his bulky body. Seonghwa didn't hesitate to walk up to him, leaving Mingi confused on why he passed by to their next class.

Jongho was about to take the stairs down to the second floor since it is where the freshmans' classroom were located, but Seonghwa was quick enough to call the younger's name.


The said male shut his eyes close as he was caught by the person he has been avoiding lately although, he saw this coming. So he gathered all the guts to turn his body and face Seonghwa.


Seonghwa was surprised that Jongho called him that way. It wasn't the first time but the red-haired rarely calls him that.

"Jongho, can we talk?"

"I still have class, hyung--"

"Please?" Seonghwa will not let this go. It is important for him and he's dying to know everything. He doesn't care anymore about his History class or if he will be marked late.

Jongho could only sigh. He checked if there was any students surrounding them, hoping that all of them went to class so he will feel a little ease at the situation. He's also thankful to know that Hana is suspended so that is a relief for him too.

"Jongho I--"

"I'm so sorry, hyung." The younger's voice cracked a bit when apologizing. 

For Seonghwa, it was good to know that Jongho is terribly regretting for his mistakes.

"I want to know everything, please. I will not hurt you." Seonghwa tried to control the tone of his voice so that he wont scare the younger.

Jongho took a deep breath before explaining everything.

"It's my fault, hyung. Everything was my fault. If I didn't take her out to Hyunjin and Yeji's party that night, I'm sure things would have turn out differently." The red-haired's eyes were already forming tears.

Seonghwa was silent, letting Jongho tell his feelings out.

"Before that, you guys had an argument about something. Lia wanted to go to the twins' place and you wouldn't let I did."

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